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  Vessel Safety Check Decal

Be Safe on the Water.  Call us for a Free Vessel Safety Check today or go to About Flotilla 20-06 on left for local contact information.

Our goal is accident prevention; we want to assist you in making sure that your boat is as safe as it can be. We also offer suggestions about other items which are not required but may add to your safety and overall boating enjoyment.

We'll arrange to inspect your boat at your dock, home or other location at no charge to you.

 Examples of some of the items checked include:
 • Life Jackets
 • Registration and Numbering
 • Navigation lights
 • Ventilation
 • Fire extinguishers
 • Distress signals (flares, horns, etc.)  
 • Battery covers and connections

If your boat passes the vessel safety check, you will receive a decal like to one above to put on your boat which informs the Coast Guard, Harbor Patrol, sheriff, and police that your boat is in full compliance with all Federal and state boating laws. Taking advantage of this free service annually lets you make sure your boat is safe.

For more information on Vessel Safety Checks and/or to schedule a check of your boat, please call us today or contact us online.

Here are some useful boating safety links:

Recreational Boat Safety Form which we use

Click here to schedule a Vessel Safety Check  

OUPV (Charter Boat) Safety Check

Perform a Virtual Vessel Safety Check Online

Perform a Virtual Paddlecraft Safety Check Online

Click here to schedule a Commercial Fishing Vessel Safety Check

Most common reasons for failure to pass in our area