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Vessel Safety Checks

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Have a Courtesy Vessel Safety Check at Your Boat!

Vessel Safety Check Decal for 2022 A Vessel Safety Check (VSC) is performed at your boat − ranging in locations from boat to your driveway. A vessel safety check usually takes 15 to 30 minutes, depending upon the size of your boat

What's In it For Me?

Vessels passing safety checks are awarded a U.S. Coast Guard / Auxiliary Decal that informs:

  • Coast Guard / Auxiliary
  • Harbor Patrol
  • Sheriff's & Police
  • other boating law-enforcement & safety agency's

that your boat was in full compliance with all Federal and State boating laws during a safety check for that year. Best of all every Vessel Safety Check is 100% Free of charge!

What if I Don't Pass?

If your boat does not pass, no citation is issued at that time. Instead, you are provided a written report in how to correct any discrepancies.

Why Receive a Vessel Safety Check?

Safety! The peace of mind that your boat meets federal safety standards and that in an emergency you will have the necessary equipment to save lives and summon help.

In many cases boating insurance agencies offer discounts for vessels which undergo a Vessel Safety Check every year. All decals and safety checks are void December 31st of year they are inspected, they are also void should the operator /owner fail to maintain the vessels equipment or the vessel itself to the standard at the time of the safety check.

To request a Courtesy Vessel Safety Check at your boat:

Follow Link | I WANT A VSC

Sheepshead Bay Flotilla 11-13 D1SR