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VSC Decal 2024


 Throughout 2024 we will continue to offer free vessel safety checks to boaters. Click here to contact our Flotilla Staff Officer for Vessel Examinations

 Click here to visit the official U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Vessel Safety Check program website and find out more about the program.

 Want more info? Click here to link to a virtual vessel exam

 Click on the logos below for information on the programs that they represent

Wear It! Campaign Logo 


USCG Boat Safety Division Logo 

U.S. Coast Guard
Boating Safety

America's Waterway Watch Program Logo


USCG Navigation Center Logo 


Heading out on your boat?

File a Float Plan to let your loved ones know when to expect your return and what to do in case of emergency. Visit the floatplancentral website, a service of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, to download and fill out a Float Plan.

Auxiliary member awarding VSC decal 

Mary Prusko and other members of 10-08 helped the Liberty Yacht Club to send off the Sheppard Ocean Fours rowing race participants from Liberty Landing on June 10, 2006. In the photo above, Mary is awarding Brad Vickers, Skipper of the James Robert Hanssen, the only US entry, a VSC sticker after an extensive examination of the 23 foot, oar powered vessel.