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Anthony Lorenc - FSO-VE 

Anthony Lorenc


(973) 584-1826


[email protected]

Anthony Lorenc, FSO-VE (Vessel Examination)

I am the Flotilla Staff Officer for Vessel Examinations (FSO-VE) as well as an instructor, vessel examiner, and a marine dealer visitor. I've held various flotilla, district and national offices. I'm  also a member of the AUX translator team and was a crew member and a Coxswain. Was active in Scouting, where I served in various positions, including scoutmaster, district chairman and council executive board member. I also established a Sea Scout Ship, of which I was a skipper. With my wife Teresa we have three grown sons and four grand-children. Aside from the Auxiliary, I am an enthusiastic photographer. I've also been associated with the Civil Air Patrol and served 6 years with the Army National Guard. I graduated from Seton Hall University with a BS degree and an MBA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. I was employed by AT&T,  starting my career at Bell Labs. My last employment was as a Financial Adviser.

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1. How does your program support or work together with other programs?

As part of our educational process, we inform boaters of the availability of courses offered by the Auxiliary, such as the boating safety course, Local Waterways Knowledge, and Suddenly in Command. We hope that our professionalism interests some boaters in becoming a member of the Auxiliary. The VSC program collaborates with the FSO-MT to implement a program to train and qualify Vessel Examiners. With the assistance of the FSO-IS, the program also reviews VSC information in AUXDATA II to track the success of the Flotilla’s Vessel Examination Program. As FSO-VE, I inform the Flotilla membership regularly about new developments in this area and correspond with the Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander when appropriate to address relevant issues or concerns.

2. What goals do you have for this year (what would make this year successful for you)?

All of us in the Coast Guard Auxiliary are looking forward to fully resuming normal Flotilla operations, post COVID and Hurricane Ian. My goal is to encourage all Vessel Examiners to stay active in the program and to make sure that each Examiner has the opportunity to conduct at least the minimum of five inspections that are required annually to maintain certification.


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