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Transportation 911 Medal

Transportation 911 Medal

This medal is awarded to employees of the DOT and private citizens for meritorious service resulting from unusual and outstanding achievement in response to the attacks on 11 September, 2001. Specifically, this award is authorized for the following personnel:

  • Posthumously presented to those who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks of 11 September, 2001 that had immediate family employed by DOT.
  • Employees of DOT who were on scene at the World Trade Center Complex in New York, the crash site in Pennsylvania, or at the Pentagon on 11 September, 2001 and performed a role in the initial rescue and recovery operations.
  • All personnel directly involved in the evacuation of lower Manhattan to include DOT employees, masters and crews of commercial vessels and crews of recreational boats that actually transported evacuees during the evacuation on 11 September, 2001. The level of effort must clearly set the Auxiliarist above that described in the 9/11 Ribbon.
  • Personnel that demonstrated extraordinary participation or leadership while patrolling harbors, securing critical infrastructure facilities, escorting high interest vessels and conducting boardings of vessels entering U.S. waters during the period of 11 September, 2001 to 11 September, 2002. The level of effort must clearly set the Auxiliarist above that described in the 9/11 Ribbon.
  • Employees of DOT who demonstrated extraordinary dedication or leadership between 11 September, 2001 and 11 September, 2002. Participation must have been at an exceptional level to warrant consideration for the awarding of the 9/11 Medal. The level of effort must clearly set the Auxiliarist well above that described in the 9/11 Ribbon.