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Member Activity & Training Reports

Reporting in AUXDATA II is a very useful way to manage your AOR if your are an FSO, or even your own activities and training accomplishments/statuses.  The reporting section can be found in AUXDTA II via the More -> Reports menu option.

M-Directorate Performance Measurements

The Performance Measurement Directorate measures, analyzes and reports out on the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's performance and resource data. Our products are designed to help leadership and staff, at all echelons, make informed decisions, both tactical and strategic.

These reports are created on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis depending on the report and can be downloaded as Excel spreadsheet.

Please visit the M-Directorate Performance Measurements website for more information and access to the reports.

Flotilla Reports

Our flotilla has several canned reports already created in our Flotilla Folder, 114-06-08.  Below are some of the more widely used reports.
** Please note that these are realtime reports and will require you to log into AD2 to run them.

Member Competency & Enrollment Status
These reports will show member competencies and enrollment status
Competency Reports
Competency Status by Mbr
Competencies by Competency
Competencies - REYR/REWK
Competencies - ADMIN
Status Reports
Member Status by Enrollment Date
Shows FL 68 members and their status listed by enrollment date.  
FL 68 All Time Member Status
Shows FL 68 member status and member status date by enrollment date regardless of member status.  
FL 68 Previous Member Status
Shows FL 68 member status by member status date for those members who have left the flotilla.  
FL 68 Yearly Membership Net Change
Shows FL 68 yearly membership net change, either growth or loss. Defaulted to 2023. To change Unit, open FILTERS and change Unit Number. To change date, open FILTERS and change filters 3,4, 5, & 6 accordingly.  


Core Training, Competency Currency & Readiness
This section contains reports showing our member's core training status, currency requirements for their competencies and training tasks, and when they need to renew/re-qualify.

These reports will inform not only the member of their competency & training status, but help the FSO's & Mission Leads determine who is ready and qualified for specific duties.
Core Training
Training Status by Member
AUXCT Renewal Tracker
Workshop Trackers
FL Wksp Tracker by Mbr
Risk Management
Intro to Risk Management
TCT Expiration Status D11S TCT Calendar
Qualification & Readiness Trackers
Boat Crew & PWO due QEs
Boat Crew Readiness
PPE Ownership & Status
D11S Patrol Orders - Upcoming
VE Readiness
Uniform Inspections
Currency Trackers
OPS/Crew Currency, YTD
PV Currency, YTD
VE Currency, YTD


Flotilla & Division Activity Reports
These reports show member hours and various levels of mission activity details.
OPS/Crew Activity
Current CY Mission Hours
Previous CY Mission Hours
CA Activity
Current Month
Previous Month
Current CY
Hours By Month, YTD
D11SR Hours: CY, YTD
D11SR AUXCA WK - All Time
D11SR AUXCA Comp/WK Status
VE Activity
Current Month
Previous Month
Current CY
Counts/Hours By Month, YTD
DIV 11406: CY, YTD
PV Activity
Current Month
Previous Month
Current CY
Counts/Hours By Month, YTD
DIV 11406: CY, YTD
Division Reports
Div Hrs by FL - YTD
Div Hrs by FL - Prev Year 
Div Member Status
Flotilla Mission Hours
Member by Mo(Summary), YTD
Member by Mo(Detailed), YTD
Member Detail by Comp, YTD
Member 99* Hours, CY
Member All Time Hrs, YR/YR
Accumulative Hours/Member
Members Without Activies, CY
Hours By MC by MO, YTD
Total FL Hours YTD by Mo
2023 Award Reports
Contains reports showing achievements from 12/1/22-11/30/23
All Member Hours
Member 99* Hours
Comps Earned(Legacy Mbrs)
Awards Earned
New Mbr Total Hrs
New Mbr Training & Comps


Miscellaneous Reports
These are other various reports which help the flotilla staff and FSOs stay informed of member's status.
PV-VE-IT-PA RBS 2 Year Device Points Shows the accumulated points required to obtain the RBS Device. 120 points/year for two consecutive years are required. Click here to review requirements.


Creating or Customizing Reports

If you're looking for a specific report, check out the Quick Stop Reports Guide.

If you still can't find what your looking for, enter some keywords in the Search field at the top right corner.  Once the results appear, scroll down to the Reports section and see if any reports found suite your needs.  If one comes close, you can modify it to your needs.  However, and this is important, before you make any changes, duplicate the report as follows:

  • Click the Down Arrow next to the Edit button on the top right and select "Save As"
  • From this dialog box
    • Rename the Report accordingly
    • Select your Private Folder by going to "Select Folder":
      • Click the "..." button at the top left
      • Then select "Private Reports", then select "Select Folder" on the bottom right
    • Once you've renamed the report and selected your Private Folder, click "Save"
  • Once saved to your private reports, you can open it, click the edit button, and modify filters displayed fields.

For further info on how to create a simple report, please refer to the Reports - How to Create a Simple Report guide. 


Exporting to Excel

Any report can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet for further customization and formatting. To do so... 

  • Click the Down Arrow next to the Edit button on the top right and select "Export"
  • From this dialog box you can select the default of "Formatted Report" which will keep all the formatting, or "Details Only" which is just the unformatted data.
  • Select Export, and the exported XLS file will be sent to your Downloads directory on your computer.

With all that said, if there's any report you would like that doesn't meet your needs, or have questions creating/updating a report, please contact Steve Fiorillo, FSO-IS