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The Auxiliary offers it's members a multitude of training opportunities.  Most training is accomplished the traditional way through Member Training Officers, mentoring, workshops, classes, hands-on experience and self-study. Much of the study material can now be downloaded from the internet and testing can be done in your own home, at your convenience, on-line.

To assist members in accomplishing their training objectives and simplify the process District 8WR has approved on-line testing whenever available.  Open book tests do not require a proctor and may be taken at your convenience, day or night.  Closed book tests require that a proctor be present when you take the test.  All AUXOP certified members of 8WR are eligible proctors.  Refer to the AuxOp Proctors webpage for details.

E-test results are automatically entered into AuxData.  You do not need to send the test results to DirAux for entry.  Members may track their course completion progress by viewing their training records on AuxData.

Upon taking an on-line examination, the examination results will be displayed on the members computer, within seconds of pressing the submit button.  The results will include whether or not a member has passed, the test score received and the questions missed, if any. (Note to AuxOP students - refer to the AuxOp Protoctor webpage for information about proctors, examination completion recording, etc..)

Additional training is offered through Class C Schools (known as "C" Schools).  They are Short Term Resident Training.  These schools are usually one week or less and are paid for out of "training" funds.  You donate your time and the Coast Guard pays for the travel costs.  An Auxiliary C-School Portal website has been developed, designed as a one-stop portal for all USCG Auxiliary members looking for information about Auxiliary C-School programs.  It includes information about who is eligible to attend, how to apply, how to acquire orders, class schedules, etc. (Note regarding C-School - Due to the extremely limited quotas available to these schools, Auxiliarists are ineligible to attend if previously enrolled in any Auxiliary national school within the past thirty-six months. Waivers of this policy must be submitted directly to the Chief Director.) 

The following are a few of many links to down-loadable training materials, on-line testing, proctoring information and other training opportunities: 

  • AuxOpProgram
  • Boating Safety ResourceCenter - video and photo libraries, accident report 
    provided by the Coast Guard. 
  • C-SchoolPrograms - a one-stop portal providing training opportunities furnished by the Coast Guard.
  • Communications - radio - Telecommunication Operator (TCO) Mentors Guide 
  • DiveProgram 
  • Education DepartmentLibrary - course information, training tools, templates, etc.
  • Flotilla LeadershipCourse
  • Health Care Facilities Training Instructions - COMDINST 6010.2C
  • Incident Command System (ICS) - select the Operations link in the left column of this website.
  • KnotTieing - Knowing your knots - animation on tieing knots - bowline, hitches, bends and many others.
  • NavRules - NavRules Training Program - visit National Testing Center site for another program.
  • National Testing Center - a comprehensive list of courses, materials and examinations 
  • Training Department (National) Value Added Courses - interesting Auxiliary information of value to you with no testing.
  • Virtual Classroome-Learning - VE, PV, PA, New Member Course