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Tom Bliss

Thomas Bliss

Division Commander 

        District 13 Division 4 Leadership.

  • Division Commander (DCDR)
    • Thomas Bliss
  • Division Vice Commander (VCDR)
    • Sylvia Oster
  • Communications (CM)
    • Open
  • Communications Services (CS)
    • Open
  • Diversity (DV)
    • Dana Miller
  • Finance (FN) 
    • Lucinda Dudley Eubank
  • Human Resources (HR)
    • Dean Alexander
  • Information Services (IS)
    • David Grant
  • Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program (PV)
    • Open
  • Marine Safety and Environmental Protection (MS)
    • Open
  • Marketing and Public Affairs (PA)
    • Open
  • Materials (MA)
    • Open
  • Member Training (MT)
    • Bradley Brooks
  • Navigation Systems (NS).    
    • Joseph H Langjahr
  • Operations (OP) 
    • Larry Kight
  • Public Education (PE)
    • Open
  • Publications (PB)
    • Open
  • Secretary/Records (SR)
    • David Grant
  • Vessel Examination (VE)
    • Dean Alexander                                      


Cmdr. Scott Jackson (in leather flight jacket on the left), commanding officer of Sector Port Angeles, joins members and guests of the 2019 USCG Auxiliary District 13 Division 4 meeting held at USCG Station Port Angeles on Dec. 14. Photo by Auxiliarist James McLaughlin