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Central Brevard Flotilla 17-6 is the primary Coast Guard Auxiliary presence on the Indian and Banana Rivers, at Port Canaveral, and offshore. We have sister flotillas in South Brevard, Titusville, Osceola County, and Orlando Winter Park. Please click on the social media links on our home page to see some of our activities.

Our services in and around Brevard County include:

  • Boater education including boating safety courses available at no cost to all Brevard County High School JROTC, NSCC, and CAP cadets.
  • Free boat safety checks, UPV/towing/commercial fishing vessel examinations.
  • Public education
  • Boat and air patrols for maritime domain awareness.
  • Search and rescue. We save lives every year!
  • Navigation services operations.
  • Direct operational support to Coast Guard Station Port Canaveral, Marine Safety Detachment Port Canaveral, and Aids to Navigation Team Ponce de Leon Inlet.
  • Space launch range safety support.
  • Airshow and regatta support including exclusion zone patrols.
  • Environmental pollution and living marine resources monitoring/reporting.
  • Incident response.
  • Waterway watch.
  • Recruiting services for the USCG and Coast Guard Academy.

Monthly boating safety (RBS) classes are offered at the IMOC/Sheriff's Annex at 660 Magellan Rd on the north side of Port Canaveral just off Grouper Rd. The cost is $40 (free for Auxiliary members). This course is required by Florida state law for boaters born after 1988. Graduates earn a Florida State Boater's ID. More information about our RBS classes can be found here.

Our flotilla provides free professional Coast Guard training to active Auxiliary members. The courses include boat crew, air crew, coxswain (boat commander,) vessel examinations, maritime communications, weather, navigation, planning and incident command, Coast Guard leadership and management, along with other maritime-related courses. Members earn Coast Guard and Auxiliary awards. Veterans may also wear their prior service military decorations.

We meet on the second Tuesday of each month (except December.) Please see the Event Calendar at left for the meeting location and time. Prospective members and the general public are welcome.  

We look forward to seeing you!

A member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary with Coast Guard Cutter Eagle in the background.