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What does each qualification do?

  • The Crew Member handles the lines, serves as a lookout, operates the helm and radio and does basic navigation under the leadership of the Coxswain.  All boat movements require at least one Crew Member - more on larger facilities. 
  • The Coxswain is in charge of the mission, the crew, and the safety of all concerned.  All surface facilities require a Coxswain (other than PWCs) as well as a Crew Member.  Missions will only have one Coxswain, other Coxswain qualified members will be Crew Members on that particular mission.
  • The PWC Operator (PWO) operates his or her personal watercraft (PWC) either with another PWC or under the control of a "mother ship".

What's required?

All Operational Qualifications have a qualification process that is involved and takes a heavy time commitment to achieve. All missions are on a team basis and all operations personnel must work as a team, particularly in aspects of mission safety.There are stringently maintained annual and tri-annual requirements for keeping the qualification active. 

How do you become qualified? 

  For All Operational Qualifications:
  • Take the Introduction to Risk Management Course available on the Auxiliary Learning System web site.
  • Take a 4 hour TCT Class taught by an Auxiliary or Active Duty instructor 
  • Complete the AUXCT (Core Training) courses
  • Have evidence of the completion of a Boating Safety Course (in a classroom with a proctored exam)
  • After you have completed the requirements in the Qualification Guide you will stand for an oral board given by a Qualification Examiner (QE) who is either Auxiliary or Active Duty..  You will then go on a check ride with the QE to cover the on the water parts of the qualification process. 
  For Crew Qualification
  • Complete all of the requirements for BQ status including ICS 100 and ICS 700.  
  • Complete the all of the requirements of the Crew Qualification Guide (downloadable from here) - Note - you will work with a mentor to complete the in-port tasks and then participate in multiple training missions on an Auxiliary facility as a person in addition to the crew (trainee).
  For Coxswain Qualification
  • Have 28 hours underway as a Crew Member.
  • Take and pass the Series 70 Navigation Rules exam (closed book, proctored)
  • Take additional ICS courses (200, 210 or 300, and 800)
  • Take and pass an open book Operations Policy Exam
  • Complete all of the requirement of the Coxswain Qualification Guide.  You may do so while serving as a Crew Member on an Auxiliary Facility.
For PWO (Personal Watercraft Operator)
  • Complete all of the requirements of the PWC Qualification Guide. Note - you need not be Crew or Coxswain qualified to be a PWO but if you are many tasks are waived - consult the guide.
How do you stay qualified?
  • All qualifications require a minimum of 12 hours per year (Coxswain may be in the role as a Crew Member).
  • All qualifications must have a QE review session (underway tasks) every 3 years.
  • The four hour TCT/RM review  must be taken every year (2019 - new requirement)
  • In years required, all operational members must take the annual operations workshop - in other years it is highly recommended.
  • Coxswain and PWO must take a Navigation Rules open book exam every 5 years.
  • There is a process to regain a lost qualification (REYR) if done within a 5 year period, otherwise the entire process has to be redone.
So What are the Rewards?
  • Serving your community, the general boating public and your nation.
  • The possibility of saving a life or otherwise assisting someone in distress. 
  • Gaining personal knowledge as a boater by completing one of the most intensive training programs any volunteer undertakes anywhere
  • .Finally a sage philosopher (or drunk sailor) pointed out that the time spent on the water can't be deducted from one's lifetime -- its fun, magical at times, and a lot of work. 

To request a QE session

Training on the 26Ken Williams (left) is serving as a crew member while Garrison Bromwell (at the helm) builds up hours to complete his return to full Coxswain status and Chris Howard (in the front) is a Crew Trainee serving as a lookout on a recent patrol on Saginaw River.
USCG Auxiliary Photo by William Church