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The Certificate of Personal Watercraft Operation (CPWO) is issued by the State of Connecticut for operating boats, personal watercraft, ski tow vessels, water jet packs, and flyboards on state waters. Our five courses each meeting the educational requirements of Connecticut for the CPWO and approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) are:

  • Boat America (BA) – 8 hours
  • Boat America (BA) in Spanish – 8 hours
  • Boating Skills & Seamanship (BS&S) – 16 hours

Note: Other states may require only our USCG Auxiliary "Certificate of Accomplishment" (proof of course completion) to qualify for their operating certificate or license.


Our basic coastal navigation seminar qualifies CPWO holders for Connecticut’s Coastal Boater Endorsement (CBE):

       •  Weekend Navigator (WN) - Chart reading, course plotting, electronic navigation

To see our upcoming classes, go to the Boating Courses page and click the SUBMIT button without entering a zip code. 

Have questions? 


When registering for a course to get the CPWO, you need to have a Connecticut Conservation ID number. If you hold a hunting or fishing license in Connecticut, you already have one. If not, get it online at no cost from:

After completing the required course, you’ll be able to purchase your certificate and download it for printing from this same online location. The state's $50 fee is one-time only and the certificate never needs renewal.

For any needed assistance with these procedures or questions about the certificate itself, contact the Connecticut DEEP Boating Division Office at
860-434-8638 or



To register for a Boat America class, go to:

                                                                     PAYPAL FEE PAYMENT

To pay online for any of our courses, go to:

• Click "SEND
• Enter course fee
• Enter student's name under "What's this payment for?"
• Click "Continue" then "Send payment now"

 Why Take Your Boating Course from the US Coast Guard Auxiliary?

The United States Coast Guard is recognized as the best marine safety service in the world. The content of US Coast Guard Auxiliary classes is based upon Coast Guard investigations, boating standards, studies of boating safety, and their more than 230 years of maritime experience. Our instructors are certified to Coast Guard standards and bring their boating experience and training into the classroom. Many instructors are also experienced patrol boat crew members, emergency marine radio operators, vessel safety examiners, and navigation aid verifiers.


The Dominic Lametta Training Center 


Along with a dedicated wifi-enabled classroom, our beachside training center includes a galley, microwave, refrigerator, and outdoor picnic tables for your lunch or snacks.

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Boating license cla 


Boating license class

Spanish boating license class

pwc license class
Spanish pwc license class


Boating certificate class

Spanish boating certificate class

pwc certificate class

Spanish pwc certificate class


Ct Boating license class

Ct Spanish boating license class

Ct pwc license class

ct Spanish pwc license class


coast guard Boating license class

coast guard pwc license class


how to get a boating license in Connecticut

how to get a boating license in Ct

how to get a boating license in ny


Boating license class norwalk

Spanish boating license class norwalk

pwc license class norwalk
Spanish pwc license class norwalk


Boating certificate class norwalk

Spanish boating certificate class norwalk

pwc certificate class norwalk

Spanish pwc certificate class norwalk


Ct Boating license class norwalk

Ct Spanish boating license class norwalk

Ct pwc license class norwalk

ct Spanish pwc license class norwalk


coast guard boating class

coast guard navigation class

uscg navigation class

coast guard boat inspection


Boating license course

Spanish boating license course

pwc license course
Spanish pwc license course


Boating certificate course

Spanish boating certificate course

pwc certificate course

Spanish pwc certificate course


Ct Boating license course

Ct Spanish boating license course

Ct pwc license course

ct Spanish pwc license course


coast guard Boating license course

coast guard pwc license course


how to get a boating license in Connecticut

how to get a boating license in Ct

how to get a boating license in ny


Boating license course norwalk

Spanish boating license course norwalk

pwc license course norwalk
Spanish pwc license course norwalk


Boating certificate course norwalk

Spanish boating certificate course norwalk

pwc certificate course norwalk

Spanish pwc certificate course norwalk


Ct Boating license course norwalk

Ct Spanish boating license course norwalk

Ct pwc license course norwalk

ct Spanish pwc license course norwalk


coast guard boating course

coast guard navigation course

uscg navigation course

coast guard boat inspection

 vessel safety check