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Commanding Officer
U. S. Coast Guard Station
Sand Key

AUG 2009

All Station POODs and Coast Guard Auxiliarists operating under the control of Station Sand Key shall be thoroughly familiar with the contents of this Order.  This Order and Sector St Petersburg Instruction 16798.3G outline the standard operating requirements and employment of Coast Guard Auxiliary operational facilities while operating under reimbursable or non-reimbursable orders.

Station Sand Key has a long history of close liaison with the members of Coast Guard Auxiliary Division 11.  The members of Division 11 are dedicated volunteers who have distinguished themselves with their professionalism and superior service to the Station, the Sector, the Coast Guard and this Country.

Any movement or operation of an Auxiliary facility, which requires orders, will be administered by the Division 11 SO-OP through the Patrol Order Management System (POMS). Station Sand Key also has the authority to issue temporary patrol orders in an emergency or wherever the need arises due to administrative or technical problems in the POMS system. Only those facilities with current facility inspection decals, offer for use forms and crewed by certified crewmembers will be issued orders. Orders for fixed land communication stations are non-reimbursable, and are considered volunteer without reimbursement.

The Division Staff Officer - Operations (SO-OP) shall provide a schedule of all patrol missions to Station Sand Key on a monthly basis and should arrive at the Station at least 3 days before the start of each month. Patrol schedules should include: date/time, vessel’s name and nine digit call sign, owner/operator name(s), mission assignment, number of crew and area of operation. Changes are authorized prior to a mission providing the Station is promptly notified.

Upon completion of each mission, the Auxiliary Facility will submit the order claim form, CG-5132 to Sector St. Petersburg within thirty days of the mission completion. Requests for payments received beyond the 30-day window will not ‘normally’ be processed.

Auxiliary Facilities will not operate beyond the boundaries specified in the monthly patrol schedule without the permission of the Station POOD. On the other hand, facilities are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the entire operating area of Division 11; this can be accomplished with the issuance of specific patrol orders from the SO-OP.

Auxiliary vessels will not normally be issued patrol orders while a small craft advisory is in effect. Emergency situations and limited operating areas are variables that can affect the decision to operate or not. The final determination rests with the Station. If an Auxiliary vessel is underway on a scheduled patrol and a small craft advisory is issued, the Station has the option of canceling the patrol, limiting the patrol or, in extreme situations, directing the Facility to a safe harbor or mooring until the hazard passes.

Before commencing a patrol, Auxiliary Facilities shall notify the Station, either directly or via the Auxiliary Radio Station that they are getting underway. If trailered, the operator should notify the Station when they are departing their location and activate their patrol orders.  Upon arriving at the launch ramp, the Station should be notified that the vessel is getting underway. At the conclusion of the mission, the procedure should be reversed. While on patrol Auxiliary vessels equipped with guard capabilities or dual VHF-FM radios, will maintain radio guard on VHF-FM channel 16. Communications with the Station or the Auxiliary Radio Station will be conducted on a pre-designated channel and position reports will be on a half hourly schedule. If communications are with an Auxiliary Radio Station, the Auxiliary Radio Station will report the Facilities position to the Station hourly via the easiest means possible. More frequent reports may be required if inclement weather is encountered.

When a potential non-emergency SAR case develops, the Auxiliary coxswain must evaluate the situation, take appropriate action and notify the Station. The Station shall be made aware of the overall situation and the action being taken. If the incident involves a tow, the coxswain must notify the station prior to the hook up of the tow. In situations where the disabled craft is entering into harm’s way, the coxswain should act first and notify the Station after the situation stabilizes.

When assistance is rendered to any person or property, the facility should request a case number from the Station, complete an Auxiliary SAR Incident Report, CG-4612, and forward it to the Station within 48 hours.

Auxiliary Facilities less than 26’ are authorized to operate with a two person crew during daylight, fair weather including water temperature above 60 degrees, and within the COLREGS Demarcation Lines as charted in Sand Key’s AOR. Prior to getting underway, the Station is to be notified and this special circumstance will be reported.

In the event of injury/damage to any Auxiliarist or Auxiliary Facility while executing orders the event shall be reported to the Station POOD as soon as practical and logged in the Station Smooth LOG. The POOD shall notify the Operations Petty Officer of the event. In the event of injury the Auxiliarist shall be directed to seek medical attention as they normally would as a civilian. Reimbursement will be obtained through the procedures outlined in COMMANDANT INSTRUCTION M16790.1F.  In the event of damage to an Auxiliary Facility the Auxiliarist will be directed NOT to begin any repairs until an investigation is conducted. Reimbursement will be obtained through the procedures outlined in MLCLANTINST 5890.3A.