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Monthly Staff Officers Reports

Reports will be added to this page as they become available.

 June 2019 Consolidated Staff Officer's Reports


Officer Name:

Maroudia Byrne


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

No Report

Programs of Note: :

No Report or N/A

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

41 members have not paid there dues as of today's mail

 Member Training

Officer Name:

Eric Cotton Dexter


Staff Office: :

Member Training

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

No Report

Programs of Note: :

After consulting with Ted Chatham, and obtaining and reviewing instructor and student study materials, I am hoping to place AUXSEA on the calendar for Thursdays in October. Based on correspondence with Ted, and also my review of the material, we will look to complete the course in 4 sessions, including the exam. The hope is to make it accessible to all members, but especially our operations team. There will be study material due before each class including the first class. This model may make it easier to obtain the benefits of a classroom setting, while recognizing committing for extended periods for the classroom instruction is a challenge. I have a completed outline for each of the 4 dates.

Update Of Major Programs: :


Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report

Program Visitor

Officer Name:

William George Muir


Staff Office: :

Recreational Boating Safety Vistation

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Two flotilla members have expressed interest in joining the PV program.

Programs of Note: :

Continuing to push forward with making partner visits and program visitor recruitment efforts. To date we have two active/ qualified program visitors and two working toward final qualifications. Goals = 100 partner visits / to date 25 Goals = 4 new program visitors / to date 1 active, 1 partially active and two working on finishing their qualifications.

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

At the moment, the program consists of one active member and 1 partially active. Program will need more ?boots on the ground? to have a meaningful impact on achieving the stated goals.

Good Of The Auxiliary: :


 Information Services

Officer Name:

Richard Albert Robichaud


Staff Office: :

Information Services

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Much thanks go out to all of you who report there time and I reach out to all who do not and please contact me for I will help you get back into the habit of putting in your time on a monthly basis. It benefits you and the Coast Guard.

Programs of Note: :

No Report or N/A

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

That AuxData, Auxinfo are not always accurate? Our members do not always report there time? Input vs Output.

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report

 Human Resources

Officer Name:

Lorelle Terese Courtois


Staff Office: :

Human Resources

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Helped to organize the spring New Member orientation and classroom information.

Programs of Note: :

I took my AUXFN refresher course I am volunteering at Sector Boston I will continue to cook when and where needed.

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report

Concerns: :

No report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

I will continue to support and direct when needed I will continue to recruit. I will continue to cook

 Marine Safety

Officer Name:

Susan Joyce Polans


Staff Office: :

Polans - Marine Safety

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

No Report

Programs of Note: :

No Report

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report


Officer Name:

Kathleen Caryl War_eagle


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Participated in LL Bean, Portland Waterfront, Fun Day at Cape Elizabeth with Coastie

Programs of Note: :

No Report or N/A

Update Of Major Programs: :

Trying to get the Diversity Award application filled out before the end of this month.

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report

 Auxiliary Chaplain Support

Officer Name:

George Willard Van_syckel


Staff Office: :

Auxiliary Chaplain Support

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Funeral 06/22/19 10:00 for 90 year old Marine Raymond Roberts and his wife Dorothy. Over 50 people present. Color guard with 21 gun salute,taps, flag presented to family. Picnic lunch following. Eulogy well received by family and friends.

Programs of Note: :

Celebrations, weddings, bereavement, funerals and more Chaplains. 1 wedding, 1 funeral, 2 Chaplains in the pipeline.

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

Thank to those who are sending me recommendations for Chaplains. I am in the initial gathering stage and look forward to contact.

 Public Education

 No Report

 Vessel Examination

Officer Name:

John A. Cuozzo


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

1. Performed scheduled VSC days at: Centerboard Yacht Club; Sunset Marina; Dimillo?s Marina; Brewers; Maine Yacht Center; Yarmouth Boat Yard; Spring Point, Breakwater; Aspasia is scheduled for June 29.

Programs of Note: :

On target for VSCs.

Update Of Major Programs: :

Have to contact Four Point marina to determine possible July VE Day.

Concerns: :

Need to improve VE feedback/communications on VSC activities.

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report

Officer Name:

John A. Cuozzo

 Navigation Systems

Officer Name:

Billy G. Thornton


Staff Office: :

Navigation Systems

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Have observed several missing patons (for several years now) associated with Portland Pipeline; will likely result in their paton permits being terminated. Have observed/photographed discrepancy with Casco Bay Bridge' height clearance boards; report typically gets quick resolution.

Programs of Note: :

No Report or N/A

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report


Officer Name:

Billy G. Thornton


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

After slow start to the season, have now conducted several patrols, including 2-boat training exercises. Have gotten 6 of our trainees on board to begin their underway training exercises (all were enthusiastic and performed very well for their first time; anxious for their next opportunity to get u/w). Aside from looking to schedule various weekly patrols, scheduling of multiple boats is in the works for a number of maritime events taking place in July and August.

Programs of Note: :

No Report or N/A

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report


Officer Name:

John P. Esser


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Completed TCO instruction and continuing to do task sign-offs. Instructed COM'S chapter of BS&S Course.

Programs of Note: :

No Report or N/A

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report

 Communication Services

No Report


Officer Name:

Kenneth A. Caprio


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

Keeping up with the Materials request coming in from Staff Officers

Programs of Note: :


Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

Dont forget the upcoming picnic on July 8th !


Officer Name:

Rebecca Losh


Staff Office: :


Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

No Report

Programs of Note: :

No Report

Update Of Major Programs: :

No Report or N/A

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

No Report

  Public Affairs

Officer Name:

Thomas Stephen Roche


Staff Office: :

Public Affairs

Report Month: :


Major Accomplishment And Events: :

On June 8th, 2019 I participated in the Walking the working waterfront. This was a very successful event with approximately 534 persons attending. Many "If found" stickers were handed out as well as information about the flotilla and The Coast Guard in general. On June 12th, 2019 I participated in an informational event at Rising tide brewery sponsored by Play in the bay. This event raised awareness of what the Coast Guard Auxillary does and how our missions support the Gold side.

Programs of Note: :

On track for yearly goals.

Update Of Major Programs: :

Participated in a focus group with flotilla members, looking at new ways to help with recruiting. Next focus group meeting is July 10,2019

Concerns: :

No Report

Good Of The Auxiliary: :

I will be supplying the cold beverages for the flotilla picnic on July 8,2019





July 2018 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports

Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Communications (FSO-CM)
Jack Esser

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
KC WarEagle

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
Working towards attainment of diversity award.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Will continue to volunteer for events.

Finance (FSO-FN)
Maria Byrne

Major accomplishments and Events:
Processed Dues for 2019 As of today, June 30th 65 members have paid 39 members (including some officers) have not paid.

Performance versus Goals:
Still collecting dues - 26 members still unpaid Checking Acct = $11,213.48 (estimate past & present dues owed to Division, District & National = $4500.00) CD = $7985.26.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Continue to work with new recruits and planning new member class for September.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Did 4 on the water Patrols. One VE at Dimillo's Marina. Attended the annual CG Auxiliary Picnic. Attended the monthly Staff meeting. Attended the National conference call for UPV and Commercial Fishing. Helped a few members navigate our various forms. Thank all the members who continually put in there time every month.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Members please keep putting in your time to me.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Working to schedule AUX WEA for the fall AUX OP class. Class was most requested by members, many of whom are waiting for this specifically because it has not been offered in the Flotilla for a very long time. Pulled teacher and student materials together, and noted that the course has recently been updated. Emailed SO-MT, Ted Chatham for guidance on instructors and timetable. Continued work with individual members with questions regarding where to find training opportunities and requirements.

Performance versus Goals:
AUX Communications course is being wrapped up by John Hume, and members will take the exam this coming week, with a target of Tuesday. Ted Chatham recommended an instructor who had recently taken AUX WEA, to teach it. Since none is available, it was suggested that a pilot or very experienced mariner teach it. It should not be taught in a “one chapter ahead” manner. Given the recent updates, and before selecting an instructor, it is unclear how many weeks should be scheduled for the fall offering.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Completed the last bridge observation for Casco Bay. Perhaps some re-checks on patons previously reported as discrepant. New this season is the need to cover patons in Saco Bay and the Saco River which has been outside of our Casco Bay AOR - preparation has been made to do so in near future.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Publications (FSO-PB)
Fred Richards

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Sue Wickson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


 May 2018 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports

Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Communications (FSO-CM)
Jack Esser

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
Need to schedule another TCO Class in order to complete the course that was started at the Division Training Day.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
KC WarEagle

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Finance (FSO-FN)
Maria Byrne

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
The Spring New Member Training Class has finished with 7 new members. Attended the monthly staff and flotilla meetings. Will be working at Walking the Working Waterfront. I have been an aid at SMCC Boat Safety Classes. I attended the Annual Boston Pops event.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am looking forward to our next New Member Training and will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Members please keep putting in your time to me.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
All materials for Walking the Working Waterfront have been ordered and will be available for the event.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
NAV SYS - we have done several PATON patrols and have taken care of many of the verify or re-check patons for this year (as well as "sanity checks" - if you're in the area, check it out). In addition, participated in CBERG (Casco Bay Emergency Response Group) training local agency personnel on conducting systematic SAR patterns on the water. Attended Station Change of Watch, and Station promotion/awards event with change of personnel..

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Scheduled and attended planning-meeting with AUX leadership and active duty personnel in preparation for 2018 Boat Safety Day at Walking the Working Waterfront. Attended SNNE change-of-command ceremony from CAPT Lefebvre and subsequent retirement ceremony for CAPT Baroody.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
All progress steps toward TV publicity coverage are underway for 2018 Boat Safety Day. Follow up planning-meeting with WGME was held on May 23rd. 28 Casco Bay Flotilla 2-1 members are now signed-up to volunteer at Walking the Working waterfront event June 9th.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Thank you to all 2-1 Staff Officers for supporting Public Affairs..

Publications (FSO-PB)
Fred Richards

Major accomplishments and Events:
Prepared and distributed the June 2018 meeting notice.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
Got off to a weak start for the 2018 season. Lost 2 PV’s. Am now in the midst of approving and qualifying replacement PV’s.

Performance versus Goals:
Training and qualifying new PV’s in early June.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Continue to hope for available supply of If Found stickers for paddle craft.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Sue Wickson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report



March 2018 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports

Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Communications Services (FSO-CM)
Jack Esser

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
KC WarEagle

Major accomplishments and Events:
Stood watch at Boat Show March 1-4 (4 hour shifts) Attended Boat Crew class March 6 Attended Aux Com class March 19 Stood watch at Boat Building Show March 23-25 (4 hour shifts) Attended CPR/AED/1st Aid class March 31.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Finance (FSO-FN)
Maria Byrne

Major accomplishments and Events:
Finances are up to date.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I have compiled and sent out invitations to the list of potential New Members for the New Member Training. I have confirmed the Maine Military Museum for our New Member Training Orientation night to be held on April 12th. We have sent an invitation to the Flotillas in our area to also bring potential new members and to have them take the new member training. We are updating our new member training to include the new additional required training.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am Volunteering for:
1) SMCC For the Boat Safety Classes between the two classes around 50 people are working towards their certificates
I have Volunteered for:
2) All Boat Shows they were successful with 12 people interested in coming to the Orientation night. 20 would like to have Vessel safety checks. 10 were interested in the next boat safety class. I am looking forward to next year.
I went to:
3) Rhode Island D-Train I Spoke with the class and shared my experiences on how I Recruit and Retain Members.
4) I Brought the Recruiting information and other brochures back to my local bank at their request with one requesting to come to Orientation night
I am looking forward to our next New Member Training.
I will Continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended both the Flotilla and Staff meetings. Attended both Boat shows. Attended two Boat Crew classes and taught the Marlinspike Seamanship Class. Attended the one hour TCT and the Operations Workshop.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Inputted a lot of time this month, so keep up the good work Mates.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
Working on organizing the IMSEP, Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection,class on April 21 and 22nd. A good response is coming in from other Flotillas along with ours.

Performance versus Goals:
Will be responding to a request for a UPV exam on April 14 at Wentworth by the Sea Marina. Notice has been sent out to the Portsmouth class started last year that they are welcome to attend the exam and go over sign-offs in their PQS books. Hope to have them qualified in the next few months.

Update of Major Program:
By offering the IMSEP class it is hoped that we will have new members interested in pursuing MS qualification.

Still waiting for Container Inspection schedule from the Gold side.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Have paton verification runsheets for what's to be done this season; just waiting for boats/crew to be available (in May?). Will be coordinating with OPS to arrange for patrols to accomplish joint missions (training, patons, etc).

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Held planning meeting, along with gold-side PA, at WGME TV13 studios to prepare publicity strategy for Boating Safety Day 2018 at the "Walking the Working Waterfront" event at Portland Harbor. Scheduled, Staffed & Setup two major events at Portland Boat Show (March 1-4) and the Maine Boat Builders Show (March 23-25).

Performance versus Goals:
The publicity for Boating Safety Day 2018 and the delivery of these two boat-shows serves to increase interest in prospective recruits (membership) and provides professionally positive major public events for AUX to participate (retention).

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Sue Wickson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 


  February 2018 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)

Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Communications Services (FSO-CM)
Jack Esser

Major accomplishments and Events:
Have had initial discussions with the SO-CM concerning how to align Flotilla goals to support CM Division Goals.

Performance versus Goals:
Goal 1. Increase interest in Communications in the Flotilla by writing an article for the Flotilla Meeting Notices. Goal 2. Working with the SO-CM offer a TCO course to all Flotillas in the Division to help generate interest in Communications. Goal 3. Generate enough interest to add one radio facility to the Flotilla.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
KC WarEagle

Major accomplishments and Events:
Plan on working the Boat Show all 4 days for 2 shifts

Performance versus Goals:
Preparing to present a talk at an Aux meeting on Diversity programs

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:

I look forward to working with this Auxiliary

Finance (FSO-FN)
Maria Byrne

Major accomplishments and Events:
Accounts have been reconciled ending February 2018

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I am compiling the list of potential New Members for the New Member Training. I have confirmed the Maine Military Museum for our New Member Training Orientation night on April 12th

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am Volunteering for: SMCC For the Boat Safety Classes and all Boat Shows. I will also be attending D-Train in Rhode Island and will be presenting as a speaker on Recruiting and Retaining members.
I am looking forward to our next New Member Training. I will Continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended the Staff meeting and 3 boat crew classes as an aid.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
Offering April IMSEP class for members interested in Marine Safety.

Performance versus Goals:
Getting more members involved in MS opportunities. Working with one member of Flotilla 28 to pass his last qualification for Trident application. Working with one member of Flotilla 21 to begin MS missions.

Update of Major Program:
HARPATS, MOMs, are again being offered by the Gold Side. Hopefully, Container Inspections will again begin now the weather is on our side.

Lack of interest in attending the IMSEP class being offered by DSO-MS in April.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Met with New Member/Mentor Committee early in the month to discuss and implement changes to the new member and mentor courses and materials. Discussed and made modifications to materials. Presented new member training opportunities at the Flotilla Member Meeting. Received, organized and reviewed updated digital AUXCOM class materials for instructors and members. Reserved base classroom for all AUXCOM class dates on the calendar. Prepared event page for the AUXCOM class on MyCGAUX, and invited all 91 active members of the flotilla. Will follow up with a link to the event with an all-hands email. Worked with SO-MT to finalize a list of instructors and have begun to make contact to get instructors in place for the required dates.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
Materials for Mentors updated, and to be distributed to current Mentors. Materials for Existing Member Tracks (a modification of New Member Next-Steps) to be modified to include pre-requisites, and required training for each mission. Will work with FSO-OP to organize order of materials for testing and proctoring of the exam, for AUXCOM.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
NavSys - runsheets for this coming season have been received and reviewed; now need boats in the water. In meantime, have been involved with boat crew class.!

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Scheduled & attended meeting with SNNE Public Affairs officers to discuss collaboration on upcoming WGME Boat Safety Day to be held in conjunction with our annul "Walking the Working Waterfront" Open House event on Saturday, June 9,2018. Paddle Craft Safety will be the primary message for our televised publicity at this year's event.

Performance versus Goals:

Boats shows upcoming next month will include new member Recruitment activity, as per strategic plan.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Sue Wickson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


 January 2018 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports

Communications Services (FSO-CS)

Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Communications Services (FSO-CM)
Jack Esser

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
Working to develop goals for 2018 in this area. Possibilities include: 1) Encourage more new people to take the TCO course, which may generate more interest in owning/operating a radio facility. 2) Coordinate with FSO-OPS to hold a Boat Communications workshop emphasizing proper radio procedures and SAR communications. 3) Coordinate with the Division SO-CM for possible goals which may support Division goals in the area.4)Keep abreast of any information pertaining to Communications and inform the Flotilla membership. 5) Of course open to any suggestions from the FC/VFC of goals they feel would be appropriate.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

The only concern to me is the lack of a single CG Radio facility in our Flotilla. Would like to find a way to remedy.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
KC WarEagle

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
Preparing to present a talk at an Aux meeting on Diversity programs

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:

I look forward to working with this Auxiliary

Finance (FSO-FN)
David Porrazzo

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I am compililng the list of potential New Members for the New Member Training session planned for April.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am looking forward to our next New Member Training class. I will continue to recruit and am beginning to consider recruitment at local colleges and universities.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended one Boat Crew Class, and one Staff Meeting. Attended the Division Change of Watch Members can still put in their time for 2017 but the time will count towards your 2018 time. Thanks for a great 2017.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
Working with our DSO-MS and Kevin Cadey to present an IMSEP class in Portland. This will likely be presented in May.

Performance versus Goals:
Waiting for the end of winter so we can begin Container Inspections again.

Update of Major Program:
Giving the IMSEP class will provide a good introduction to members who are interested in pursuing Marine Safety qualifications. The goal is to add more members to the MS program.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Days are slowly getting longer and boating season is just around the corner.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
AUX ACN on Calendar AUX COM on Calendar Reached out to Ted Chatham to verify AUX OP instructors at the division level. Working to ensure availability of more than one in case unanticipated availability issues arise with primary. Emailing instructors in an effort to make the connection, and they know who to reach out to going forward. Also confirming availability and determining process for proctored examination, as necessary. Verifying classroom availability at the base, unless enrollment exceeds capacity. Working to create a member training table of events published to the meeting notice and with a link to table available on the website, with the meeting notice also being archived to the website. Spreadsheet created by Peter Poulin to monitor mentor assignments and mandatory training for new members, simultaneously. This is likely particularly important until they lock into a track. I am adopting Peter’s work, as a new member training tool, and will assume the responsibility of maintaining the spreadsheets accuracy.

Performance versus Goals:
We will be behind targets for a few more months here, but significant gains have been made organizationally. Also, thanks in large part to the help of other staff, training opportunities are scheduled for 2018.

Update of Major Program:
Planning for AUX WEA for Fall 2018. Verifying instructors, setting dates. Will verify classroom availability closer to that time. Emailing all mentors with Flotilla 21 mentoring program information, as well as updated new member “next steps guide” to assist in the process of mentoring and tracking progress, as well as to help guide the process with their mentees.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
For Discussion: Are people signing up for AUX OP Courses? What is the best way to ensure the space we need is available, based on enrollment for AUX OP training? Use of all-hands email to message opportunities. Does membership know that these specialized classes are available and upcoming? Would an all-hands be the way to promote these opportunities? Should I be speaking monthly, briefly, at the membership meeting to discuss these opportunities? C-School is upcoming. There are prerequisites and pre-work that must be completed before eligible to attend? Same question - Is a carefully crafted all-hands the right way to promote this? ICS 300 is being offered by FEMA in April. My understanding is that this is an intermediate offering for ICS, and that a two day course is an excellent way to accomplish this level of ICS. ICS 200 is a prerequisite. This is pitched as a real time-saver. In flotilla 2-1, who is our target audience?

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Have reviewed "runsheets" for aids in Division 2 AOR scheduled for verification or re-checking. Updating OpenCPN chartplotter with new/deleted PATON coordinates. Also, watchstanding at SNNE, taking part in boat crew class, reviewing newly revised boat crew training manuals (previous version from 2003). Looking to get through Feb/Mar and boat gets uncovered in April for 1 May arrival at Sunset!

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
09 JAN, Commenced Boat Crew Qualification Program (BCQP) with the Orientation. Three candidates are anticipated. 16 JAN, BCQP Chapter 1 cancelled because of insufficient students. 23 JAN, BCQP Chapter 2 cancelled due to the government shutdown. 29 JAN, Attended flotilla staff meeting. 30 JAN, Presented BCQP Chapter 2. Mailed Operational Facility Forms 7003 to the DIRAUX

Performance versus Goals:
To be Scheduled for FEB/MAR: Operations Workshop, one-hour TCT Refresher, Four-hour TCT Course, PPE Inspection, First Aid/CPR Course and refresher.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Secured commitment from Portland Boat Show March 1-4 and Maine Boatbuilders Show March 23-25 for USCG Auxiliary RBS & PE attendance with display tables and staffing.

Performance versus Goals:

Goals still being established for 2018 with Strategic Plan development.

Update of Major Program:
In communication with WGME for continued public-relations support in 2018, meeting & discussion to be scheduled in February.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Susan Wickson has started to serve as my assistant with the January Staff Meeting. I am looking forward to working with her.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I was at both monthly meetings taking the minutes.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


December 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
David Porrazzo

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I am working with our newest members to answer their questions. Their mentors have been assigned.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I continue to reach out to potential new members. Looking forward to our next New Member Training class. I attended the Monthly Flotilla meeting also the Staff Meeting.
I will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended our annual Flotilla Christmas Party and attended three BS&S classes as an Aid. Thanks to all the Instructors and those who helped out with the classes. Completed the annual Cyber Security test at the Coast Guard base last month.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
It seems that more members are putting in their time but more work needs to be done.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
"Runsheets" -- identify all aids in an AOR and those to be verified, re-checked, or otherwise dealt with -- are being distributed by DSO-NS to flotillas for review and planning. For Casco Bay, we have aids to check from Portland Harbor over to Small Point and up the New Meadows River (approx 30nm 1-way). Nothing we haven't done before.

Performance versus Goals:
As always, a primary goal is to report on aids ASAP so as to provide for early notice in LNM and corrections for the boating season. Will be coordinating with Operations and OIC-CGStation SPtld to enable boats/crew to operate as early as possible to achieve this objective.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
11 DEC, Attended flotilla holiday party at the Easy Day Restaurant in South Portland. 14 DEC, Attended a Portland Pier Informational Meeting at the South Portland City Council Chambers. 18 DEC, Attended flotilla staff meeting. Coordinated planning and scheduling for the 2018 Boat Crew Qualification Program that will commence on TUE 09 JAN 2018at 1830 in the STA South Portland class room. There are seven candidates registered for the course. Boat Crew Material CDs have been ordered for the trainees. We have two Boat Crew candidates prepared to qualify in the spring.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
Reviewing draft of Flotilla Strategic Plan for Public Affairs 2018 Goals & Action Steps.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Susan Wickson has accepted shadowing me as my assistant. I am looking forward to working with her.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I was at both monthly meetings taking the minutes.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


November 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
David Porrazzo

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Finished new member training. There are 7 new members that are completing their mandated training, FEMA courses and their BQ qualifications. They are highly motivated to get involved as soon as they can. Looking forward to working with them.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I continue to reach out to potential new members. I offer assistance to our newest members, if they have questions I find the answer and direct them. I attended the Monthly Flotilla meeting and the Staff Meeting. I will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended 2 Staff meetings Attended monthly Flotilla meeting Attended 4 BS&S classes Sent out a notice to all members that there time must be in by the end of December. All members now are using the 7029I or the 7029 Web form, thank you to all members who send me there time.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
As for NavSys, nothing to report. Season over, DSO reviewing and revising everything for what will need to be done next year. As noted before, the intent is to get out early and accomplish our AV requirements so that changes/discrepancies can be dealt with early (rather than later) in the boating season.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
11/06 Attended monthly flotilla staff meeting. 11/13 Attended monthly flotilla business meeting (elections) 11/27 Attended monthly staff meeting and reported total U/W missions for the last 11 years. Thanks to all who contributed.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
Beginning discussions internally regarding 2018 plans to use our continuing relationship with WGME to further our public outreach and member recruitment goals.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
Goals and services were met within our AOR for 2017.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Continued availability of “If Found” stickers for LL Bean and Others.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I am excited to have a new member, Susan Wickson, who is interested in shadowing me as my assistant. She will be appointed as FSO-SR when the time is right. I am looking forward to working with her.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I was at both monthly meetings taking the minutes.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


October 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
David Porrazzo

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Just finished our New Member Training with several highly motivated new members. Preparing for the next class scheduled for end of January or beginning of February depending on the number of interested prospects. Reached out to the prospects to let them know they can still get involved by attending meetings. Some are interested in pursuing the next class. Thank you to everyone for helping and supporting the New Member Training.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I continue to reach out to potential new members. I offer assistance to our newest members, if they have questions I find the answer and direct them. I attended the Monthly Flotilla meeting and the Staff Meeting. I will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended our monthly Flotilla Meeting. Attended 4 BS&S courses as an Aid. Attended a conference call with National on Commercial Fishing and UPV's. Attended one New Member Class and talked about the Forms they will have to use for their time.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

The complexity of everything? If we are to attain new members and be able to keep them, we have to make things a lot simpler for a lot of things could be a lot better.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Use the KISS principle. If anyone has any good Ideas please let me know and I will push them up the chain, that is if they are valid.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
Officer assistant positions completed. Work completed, was subsequently lost in an iPad crash that I still haven't entirely figured out. Although I had them intended to re-do all, and then half, I managed to get one done, and submitted it to VFC Peter Poulin. Peter shouldered the remainder.

Update of Major Program:
Do to time constraints, I was unable to present to the incoming new member class, but materials that were created for new members were presented.

AUX class still not scheduled. I will do my best to make topime in November to get that done.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Aid Verification is ended for now. Met with the ANT OIC, his staff, and my counterpart to discuss the season. They are pleased with the work done in Casco Bay, as well as what was accomplished in Saco Bay, B'bay Hbr, and Portsmouth.

Performance versus Goals:
Despite intentions to complete AVs early, there were some delays in Casco Bay due to boat limitations and competing demands for boat crew training/qualifications with Operations. Next year, with more boats available (especially a small,fast one), AVs may be accomplished sooner and allow for any necessary corrections of deficiencies for the boating season.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
PA focus remains on recruitment and retention of Members

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Will continue to do the minutes until we find a replacement.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


September 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
David Porrazzo

Major accomplishments and Events:
Collection of dues for 2018 is in process. Payment of dues to District is in process.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
The Introductory Night at the Maine Military Museum went well I had 23 people say they would be there we had 11 come after that night we had 9. They all have a lot to offer the Flotilla. I did reach out to the ones on the list to let them know they could still get involved with this class. Some would like to join the next one. I would like to Thank everyone for helping and supporting the New Member Training. We have a great team.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I continue to reach out to potential new members. I offer assistance to our newest members, if they have questions I find the answer and direct them. I attended the Monthly Flotilla meeting and the Staff Meeting. I will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended the Flotilla, Staff and new member training classes. Did 7 patrols. Attended 3 BS&S classes as an aid.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Sending out my yearly message to all members that there time must be in to me by the end of December 2017.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Addressed membership at monthly meeting to update them on progress made in member training. While much of those efforts have been centered around new members, or behind the scenes, used the opportunity to bring it out to existing membership, with an intent to work from there to perform the member training responsibilities with existing members going forward. Continued committee work on new member/mentor by updating materials per committee feedback, and attending new member/mentor meeting. I think all committee members are pleased and excited with the ideas generated, and the early execution of those ideas. Attended the Prospective new Member Orientation, and presented information about myself, my role with the Flotilla and shared very high level information about the various opportunities that exist for them after joining. Worked on descriptions for FSO assistant positions, describing opportunity and responsibilities that could be delegated by the FSO to the assistant. Created an existing members opportunities handout that is more appropriate for existing, longer term members. Will send as an all hands to existing members upon approval. That email has been prepared, but not yet approved. Created an all-hands email addressing mandated training work, rationale (why it is important) and consequences of not completing it. Email offered the session that Everett Henry helped to secure for 9/30, for any member interested in or having trouble with completing the work. Received approval for that email and sent it. Will take a final headcount and firm up by Thursday of this week.

Performance versus Goals:
It was good to round the corner into working with existing membership. I am behind my goals on this. Next major communication and work, also behind, is to get my first AUXOP training set up, as well as a system in place to make sure those are regularly offered on a predictable schedule.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
As of SAT, 23 SEP, paton verifications and re-checks for Casco Bay were completed. Completion took longer than expected this year due, in part, to there being only one facility available to start, then competing demands or facility use. Another contributor was waiting (hoping) for approval of a 20-ft center console as an operational facility which would allow for quick/efficient transit to Harpswell Sound and New Meadows River (both 55nm round trips); paperwork submitted mid-July has yet to result in any such approval as of this date. Hopefully, there will be less boat issues next season.

Performance versus Goals:
The delay in achieving completion of PATON verification was due, in part, to the lack of available Operational Facilities and/or competing demands for a boat(s) for other training or marine safety activity (safety screening). Also, there is a need for a smaller, fast/shallow draft boat to get to the distant locations more efficiently (both time and fuel). Paperwork for such an OpFac has been submitted buy has yet to be approved for use by those beyond the flotilla.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Lighthouse Day 2017 was staffed and successful (Portland Head Light).

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
Received news from District that the RBS Trailer is in and ready to be equipped with materials and graphics.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
All PV's are continuing to perform their duties as required.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

I need 500 more "IF FOUND" stickers to carry LL Bean through the remainder of the year, if possible !!

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Will continue to do the minutes until we find a replacement.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

August 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports



Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
David Porrazzo

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended the Flotilla and Staff meetings. Met with Chris Porter for UPV direction. Did 8 Patrols on the water. Went to York Harbor Maine with Bill Thornton, Stuart Gelder and Susan Polans to train 6 members to become UPV Examiners. Lost the ability to put in members time into AuxData and worked with the AuxData help desk and they had me try different things and do to their help and my trying different things I am back in operation.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
Eagle visit was a huge success and a BIG plus for Flotilla 21 !

Performance versus Goals:
Slowly but surely Storage closet is getting organized !

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Storage space will be increased in the near future with the re-location of Coastie !

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Maine Lighthouse Day is quickly approaching;Looking for Volunteers !

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Had a good start to the season on PATON reporting and now attempting to complete the remaining ones. Last weekend was a trip to New Meadows River, the other side of our AOR. This weekend may be another long trip to Harpswell Sound to complete observations and data collection. Would also like to recognize my crew on different underway occasions for participating in 2 successful SAR cases. 1. Assisting 9 kayakers in no-visibility fog to make their way back to East End Beach and while diverting two different powerboats that likely would have driven thru the group. 2. Retrieving a kayaker who had capsized, was hypothermic from being in the water for an hour, and unable to assist himself; provided F/A on board and arranged to transport to medical personnel on shore.

Performance versus Goals:
The delay in achieving completion of PATON verification was due, in part, to the lack of available Operational Facilities and/or competing demands for a boat(s) for other training or marine safety activity (safety screening). Also, there is a need for a smaller, fast/shallow draft boat to get to the distant locations more efficiently (both time and fuel). Paperwork for such an OpFac has been submitted buy has yet to be approved for use by those beyond the flotilla.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Limited OPFAC facilities

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
08/04 Steve Shane’s OPFAC Spirit and Win Pillsbury’s OPFAC KODIAK provided a Safety Zone to assist in docking the CG Barque Eagle, America’s tall ship. 08/05 Billy Thornton’s OPFAC MAINE LADY was on scene to provide a safety zone for EAGLE, but was allowed to stand down and proceed with training exercises. 08/06 MAINE LADY conducted training evolutions when her safety zone presence was not needed. 08/12 Saco Bay Flotilla loaned us crew member Joey Menard which allowed our patrol which had “Insufficient Crew” to get underway. 08/13 Provided safety zone for the 2nd Annual Casco Bay Islands Swim/Run. 08/14 Attended flotilla meeting at the Maine Military Museum. 08/17 Joyce Jones and Skip Schirmer successfully completed their initial Boat Crew check-rides. 08/19 Provided safety zone for Long Island Lobster Boat Races. 08/20 Provided two OPFAC’s for Multiple Sclerosis Harborfest Tugboat Muster and Lobster Boat Races. 08/26 Conducted Navigations Systems patrol to New Meadows River (57nm round trip) 08/28 Attended flotilla staff meeting.

Performance versus Goals:
Removed all but one OPS crew from REYR

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Difficulty getting a boat certified as an OPFAC. Mailed form 7003 to DIRAUX on 11 July. No response. Requested advice from District Chief of Response. No reply. COMO Belmore advised me to send info to DIRAUX. No response. The crew member is still asking me for his OPFAC authorization and cannot provide it.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Supported USCG Barque EAGLE open-house during Sail Portland event Aug 4, 5 & 6th. Planning staffing for Lighthouse Day, Portland Head Light, Cape Elizabeth, ME venue on Saturday, Sept 9th.
Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
Continuing to discover public outreach opportunities in support of Flotilla 2-1 goal of membership development.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

July 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports 


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of July, 31, 2017 = $17,928.61

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I continue to reach out to potential New Members. I am offering assistance to our newest members if they have questions and direct them. I have had a recruiting table at Peoples United Bank for June and July in South Portland Maine. I am setting up a new table for the Month of August at Peoples United Bank in Biddeford Maine. I am going to reach out in that area to find people to possible Join Flotilla 013-02-04 Saco Bay.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I will continue to recruit.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Went on 10 Patrols as crew. Attended the flotilla picnic. Attended the Staff meeting. Attended the awards meeting. Attended VE Day at Port Harbor Marine.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

REYR concerns. Members must take responsibility for tracking their hours and minimum qualification requirements. Must simplify process for members to get out of REYR. I suggest that when the REYR notices come out that it explains why the member is REYR and what must be done to get out of REYR status. Members are frustrated and the current process takes much too long to get members out of REYR. We need to remind members that they are responsible for maintaining their qualifications and meeting minimum performance requirements.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
• Our UPV team has been conducting vessel exams. We finally received the UPV Requirement Books and more decals that Chief Porter ordered for us. I will be picking them up next week. Eight of the books that Chief had in his office were sent to Portsmouth. We will be having a training class for the eight members of Flotilla 28 who are interested in UPV qualification. The plan is to have a morning class then in the afternoon conduct supervised examinations on UPVs that they have lined up for us. The addition of UPV examiners in Portsmouth will not only expand our numbers but also cover an area of Maine that needs attention in the charter boat area.
• Two members of Flotilla 28, John Lopez and Anne Manning, came up to Portland to qualify as Casco Bay Ferry riders. We took the Mail boat and they plan on doing more.
• One member of Flotilla 28, John Lopez, needs one more qualification to meet the requirements for the Trident Device. We will be working with him to fill the remaining qualification with the UPV qualification. Since he also needs MS hours to meet the requirements he has been going on HARPAT (MOM) missions and now he can also do Ferry riding to add to his hours.

Performance versus Goals:
• The four AUX who have qualified as Assistant Container Inspectors are still waiting for a schedule. There has been a change-over of personnel at the Station and once all are “settled” in a schedule will be issued.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Researched the Auxiliaries national mentor program and found it appears to have been discontinued. Gathered available information to share with Staff evaluating a mentor program for our Flotilla. All agreed program was cumbersome and perhaps too much to ask of both new members and mentors. Pulled areas of focus from national program and designed a first draft version of a Casco Bay Flotilla Mentor Program, also presented to the staff officers evaluating the mentor program. Received feed back incorporated into final draft. Also developed a checklist to be used by both mentors and mentees. Picked a date and secured location for Flotilla mandated training, to be conducted in September. Began planning for AUX OP course for members.

Performance versus Goals:
Major strides engaging new members. Playing catch up with existing members.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
1. NavSys: For Casco Bay, patons (verify & rechecks) are 76% done. In need of OpFac approval of a small/fast, shallow-draft boat to check on patons at far end of the AOR in New Meadows River. Have reported on 4 bridges; 2-3 still to do. 2. Other Activity: engaged in scheduled patrols both Sat and Sun, including a successful QE checkride for boat crew trainee, now crew member! Security zone patrols for Peaks to Portland and Tri-4-Cure swims. Joint towing evolutions with CG. Continue to do weekly watch at SNNE. Picked up several Vessel Exams at the marina.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Planning underway by VC and Division and District for the August 4-6 visit to Portland by USCG Barque EAGLE.

Performance versus Goals:
All activities on-track to promote recruitment and public awareness.

Update of Major Program:
Received DVD of Boating Safety Day video from WGME-TV13.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
USCG AUX this month received positive publicity for assisting with the recovery of an unmanned power boat whose occupants had been thrown overboard from the vessel. Unable to board the unmanned circling boat, AUX personnel waited until the vessel exhausted its fuel, stalled, and then recovered same. Excellent work by all involved, significant positive publicity resulted.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

June 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)

Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

37 Members have not paid their dues which were due on or before 6/30/2017. List of these members will be sent to the FC so that he can contact them.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of June 30, 2017, $14,980.81

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I am continuing to reach out to possible new members. I am continuing the recruiting table at Peoples United bank in South Portland. A request has been brought forward for me to have a table down in the Saco Biddeford branch. I will be holding a New Member Training in September.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Did 4 patrols Attended the Flotilla and Staff meetings Did 2 UPV Exams Did 30 Kayak Exams Attended the monthly conference call with National for UPV's and Commercial fishing

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
Performing in accordance with initial goals of providing Flotilla with sufficient materials to do their jobs !!

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Try to keep the goals of the Flotilla ahead of the goals of Div & District...Upper level leadership tends to focus on numbers for their reports rather than for the benefit of the Flotilla.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Don't forget to attend the the yearly Picnic at Ft Williams .

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
1. Nav Systems: Of 72 patons in Casco Bay,53 (74%) needed to be verified or rechecked on past discrepancies. To date, 42 (79%) have been taken care of with 11 remaining. Then a large number of regulatory (aquaculture) buoys approved by Maine's Dept of Marine Resources have become apparent that are not in the CG permit data base. This will be increasing the paton reporting workload. In addition, I assisted Jim Katz, Saco Bay Flotilla, in verifying the 17 aids in the Saco River. 2. Other activities: VE and UPV exams, including Portland Paddle's rental kayak armada; Operations - conducted patrols and underway training for boat crew; provide facility support for CG's Atlantic Strike Team to observe boom deployment to close off Fore River in event of oil spill in Ptld Hbr; participated in CG "open house" at the moorings in conjunction with Ptld's Walk the Working Waterfront (>500 people attended); assisted in water safety promotion for K-2nd grade at Scarborough elementary school.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Three important Public Affairs events were accomplished in June. 1) AUX Facility safety patrol deployed with Billy Thornton, Steve Shane & Dick Robichaud for Sprague Energy oil-spill drill exercise on June 7th. WGME provided TV reporter to cover this activity along with coverage for the simultaneous ICS Command Post exercise overseeing the oil-spill practice. 2) WGME Boat Safety Day was accomplished on June 10th with numerous AUX members, numerous VSE's and one AUX Facility with all-day television coverage at DiMillos Marina and at The Mooring @ Wrights Wharf. 3) Kids School Safety Day at Scarborough Middle School was attended by AUX Ken caprio & Billy Thornton to Demo life jackets and safety gear (assisted by two active duty USCG members) on June 20th.

Performance versus Goals:
All activities on-track to promote recruitment and public awareness.

Update of Major Program:
AUX Lorelle Courtois collected 35 names of interested prospects for possible Flotilla 3-1 membership, at WGME Boat safety Day (see above).

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Excellent collaboration and cooperation has been continuously exhibited between AUX members as well as from active-duty members. Morale and mutual respect appears very high.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
We have kept LL Bean continuesly supplied with IF FOUND STICKERS this entire year.

Performance versus Goals:
Our team of PV's are on time and on track in our service to the partners within our AOR.

Update of Major Program:
Awaiting arrival of a new supply of IF FOUND STICKERS.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Working with an assistant that is willing to take over the Secretary and Records function.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Still continuing to take minutes until a new FSO-SR is found.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

May 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of May 31, 2017, $13,301.79

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I just finished my 1st New Member Class. I had 9 attending and I am planning on another New member Training from September 14th Until October 28th 2017.
I am the Chair. This is my third year at SMCC for the boat safety classes. The class has graduated with all earning 100%. I am looking forward to the next one. I will be at the recruitment table at Walking the Working Waterfront event on June 10.

Performance versus Goals:
I put together a successful New Member Training. I modified the existing program by adding personal contacts and my personal approach to the classes.

Update of Major Program:
I will be setting up a recruiting table at a local bank for the month of June. I will follow up on all inquiries and help people decide if this is a good time for them to join. I am planning on another class in September. I will hold New Member Training sooner if justified by recruiting activities and events.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Continue to recruit and hold New Member Classes on a regular basis.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended the Flotilla and Staff meetings. Attended two Public educations classes and taught one class. Attended the Awards ceremony put on by Division. Attended the Scarborough Middle school for a presentation to them on safe boating. Taught a new members class on the 7029i form. Attended a 4 hour TCT class. Did our first UPV exam with Stuart Gelder and Billy Thornton.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Getting ready for Patrols to begin UPV and VE's exams. Everett is finishing up our Public education classes. Lorelle has done a great job with the new member class.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
Gearing up for all the Public Affairs events in the upcoming months.

Performance versus Goals:
Goals are to be proactive to have Materials available for PA events.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No definitive concerns other than making sure Staff Officers have the materials need to accomplish their responsibilities.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Completed work on new member handout that communicates, in a clear and concise way, the next steps that new members must undertake to become active members of the flotilla. The handout discusses how, and where, to complete mandated training, and how to record and submit the results of their work. It provides a self-study option and references the effort I will work on to create another mandated training session where equipment and direction will be provided by flotilla officers/members/instructors. This effort will be ongoing, with the next session place and time TBD. The handout also discusses all known missions/tracks new members can follow, including missions that are unique to our locale and region. It also identifies immediate needs within the flotilla and at Station South Portland. Instead of being broken down by broad mandate, this handout discusses these proficiencies by how quickly they can be obtained, and works to make the case that becoming proficient in something quickly will help them fully engage with the flotilla early, while they work to obtain longer term proficiencies over time and simultaneously with their activities as newer members. There is some discussion of finding tracks that are complementary to their soft skill-sets. There is additional discussion encouraging them to ask questions. Attended new member meeting, presented the information, passed out the handout for future reference, and introduced myself with contact information. Initial feedback has been positive, and three new members have followed up with the same question, indicating a necessary update to the document that will be in "version 1.2".

Performance versus Goals:
I have now engaged new members and plan to continue to engage them as they depart from the new member class. This is behind where I want to be, but a positive step. I plan to continue to engage new member classes, and would consider providing a similar discussion when we are recruiting prospective members, and where appropriate (conclusion of Boating Skills public education class?) I have engaged existing members on a case by case basis, but still need to do more to engage existing members, as a whole, and those that are struggling with their track.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

I have two concerns relating to member training. First, I need to know where to look, to understand the specific requirements to obtain proficiency with each mission. It remains unclear to me where to find this information. Currently, this part of my job is very time consuming and is being handled on a case by case basis. I am finding help from people familiar with the training requirements of their own proficiency, but this is very inefficient. I can't imagine there is not a clear resource for member training officers. Secondly, I am concerned with the balance between the small numbers of active members, taxing them with too much on their plate, and putting them in positions that don't match their own interests or soft skills. An example where this concerns me for member training is mentoring. Mentors need to be committed, more knowledgeable than new members, and social - and it is not recommended that they are staff officers (who tend to be busy, specialized and a good recourse for their specialty. Do we have anyone who can be successful in this position? This position is very important to the successful integration of new members. The wrong people may have the opposite effect. We should discuss ideas that strike this balance.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Took my four hour CPR and First Aid refresher course. Finished my BQ qualification, after taking the Sailing Skills and Seamanship Course, by taking the test required, ending what was possibly the longest lasting IQ run in the flotilla's history. Contacted Ken Caprio and Set up first of three Gate Watchstanding training days. Referred new member Heather Levasseur into the new member course. Heather is a Navy Veteran, very interested in helping active duty and veterans. She is currently a volunteer for the VA and is excited to get involved in our Flotilla. Learned a lot about the Aux Air program at the member meeting, and can do a better job of relating the information about that mission to new and prospective members

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
In addition to weekly watchstanding, participated in boat crew training and 4-hr TCT; attended VE annual workshop. Particiapted in VE day at Centerboard Yacht Club. Have conducted UPV and recreational exams. For NavSystems: (1) budget issues and AuxDir records for who is qualified for boat crew/coxswain have contributed to delays in scheduling patrols; (2) we now have a PATON patrol approved for Sunday, 04 JUN focusing on more immediate patons including discrepancies at Mill Cove (Sport Marina); (3) have offered any assistance (crew or coxswain) to Saco (24), POMO (28), and B'bay (25) as may be required for paton work in their areas...B'bay seems ok on their own, but I may be providing support to Saco and POMO.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended Flotilla business meeting on May 8. Conducted review for the Oral Board interview for Boat Crew candidates on May 9. Hosted Ted Chatham on May 16 who presented a four hour TCT course for nine operations department members. Attended Flotilla Staff Meeting on May 22. Requested clarification of missing requirements for seven Boat Crew and two Coxswains that have lost certification. On May 27, scheduled first patrols of the season at the request of the USCG. John Hume, VCDR, expedited the processing of three OPFAC’s paper work which had been “lost” at the DIRAUX’s office.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Participated in Media Day at SNNE representing Flotilla 2-1. Continued meetings and communication with WGME13 for publicity on Boating Safety Day June 10th.

Performance versus Goals:
Continuing to respond to, and fulfill, public education requests from local schools in Portland area.

Update of Major Program:
Vessel Safety Checks are being scheduled as well as public education events. Supporting VFC and FC in promoting ongoing recruitment and organizational development efforts.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Core members of Flotilla 2-1 continue to be very responsive and helpful in contributing time and talent to our Public Affairs initiatives, thank you shipmates.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

The Flotilla is in need of 1-2 PV Trainees to fill out our compliment of PV personnel. Request FVC and FSO-HR to spread the word. I will train anyone interested.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Still continuing to take minutes until a new FSO-SR is found.

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


April 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of 4/30/17 = (Amount can not be posted on website)

Human Resources (FSO-HR)

Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I have started my New Member Class. I have 8 taking the class. 3 will join at a later date.

Performance versus Goals:
I am still an aid at SMCC for BS&S, SS&S. I attended the 1hour TCT, will attend the 4Hour TCT in May. I attended S-Train.

Update of Major Program:
I will continue to reach out to people to join. I am planning on displaying Recruitment Brochure`s with a poster that provides information about joining the Auxiliary at my local bank. I would like to display other brochures that highlight other things that we do such as vessel inspections, wearing proper life jackets and other things that bring some interest to joining the Auxiliary.

I would like to see Core Training offered as soon as new members get their Emplid number. That has been discussed and will be added as one of the requirements as part of New Member Training.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Continue to recruit and hold New Member Classes on a regular basis, Spring and Fall. I will respond to all requests soon.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended both the Flotilla and Staff meetings. Attended 4 boat crew classes. Attended 3 BS&S classes and taught one class on Rope and Knots. Attended a conference call with National for Commercial Fishing. Attended Operation Workshop, one hour TCT and checking of our PPE for Boat Crew. Attended the New Member Day at the Coast Guard Base and went to Steve's house to organize our PPE for Boat Crew. Did a presentation with Susan for the Charter Boat Captains on UPV exams at Cabella's.

Performance versus Goals:
We now have 99.9% of our members using the 7029I form. Now we have one 7029 form not 3. Thank You all members.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
Keeping the Flotilla stocked with up-to-date literature ! Year to date all matters concerning Flotilla Materials are going OK !

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Looking forward to the 2017 Boating Season, with VEs, PaddleSports, etc.

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended the 3 day CFV class given at 2 Monument Square. Four AUX members have completed the Container training class and qualified as Auxiliary Assistant Container Inspectors. Dick Robichaud and I were asked to attend the Maine Charter Boat Captains meeting at Cabelas. We gave a talk about UPV examinations and why they are important. After the meeting, all came up to request contact information so they could contact us for examinations on their boats. Noel March and I gave an interactive talk to 32 pre-kindergarten students about life jackets and ocean pollution at the Portside Learning Center. Thanks go out for Noel for arranging this and to Bill Thornton for loaning child life preservers for this presentation.

Performance versus Goals:
Waiting to be given a schedule for Container Inspections so we can put our training and qualification to work. Also, waiting for a schedule of CFV examinations so we can conduct supervised examinations and obtain this long-awaited qualification.

Update of Major Program:
We will be traveling back and forth to Portsmouth to work with at least two members of Flotilla 28 who would like to be qualified as UPV Examiners. Our UPV PowerPoint is now ready to be presented to the Coast Guard Boarding Officers. Chief Porter is contacting Boarding Officers at all CG Stations in Maine. We hope to stress the importance of paying attention to this area of commercial vessel activity.

Since our UPV team will be spending much time traveling to distant areas of the State this year I will be contacting the CG to see if it would be possible to use a CG van for these calls.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Boats are being launched and temperatures are warming. If there is interest, I would like to give a recreational vessel examiner class to members in our Flotilla. We could use more examiners on our team.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
For NS: (1) Working through ANT at S.Ptld, corrections have been made to lat/lon lateral daybeacons at Mill Cove (SouthPort Marina). Other discrepancies remain and have been a chronic issue; will be addressed once seasonal aids date of entry arrives. (2) Have discussed with Saco Bay (F-24) and POMO (F-28) about assisting as crew/coxswain in AV work in those AORs. General: (1) Have attended flotilla and staff meetings, and weekly watchstanding at SNNE. (2) For Uninspected Passenger Vessels, worked with colleagues on presentation of UPV training for CG boarding officers. (3) Continuing to work with boat crew training class in preparation for new season. (4) Participated in d-train day-long Paddle Craft Safety & VE training.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Scheduled and co-presented a Kids Water Safety program for Pre-K students in Portland, April 12. Coordinated planning meeting at the request of WGME to meet & discuss upcoming OPen House & VSE Inspection Day to be televised live in Portland, April 14.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
Continuing planning and finalizing details for the Open House & VSE Inspection Day with WGME in Portland to be held on June 10. Supporting planning of Student Safety & Wellness Day in Scarborough by Ken Caprio, to be held May 25. Organizing National Night Out public outreach safety event at the request of the Cumberland County Sheriff, to be held August 1.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am enjoying excellent leadership and support from the Flotilla, Division and District, thank you.

Publications (FSO-PB)

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
Marinas are beginning to reopen for the boating season. Each in our AOR will be called on, and supplied with boating safety brochures..

Performance versus Goals:
No Report.

Update of Major Program:
No Report.

The Flotilla is in need of 1-2 PV Trainees to fill out our compliment of PV personnel. Request FVC and FSO-HR to spread the word. I will train anyone interested.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I took the Minutes for the Flotilla Meeting. I also took the minutes for the Staff Meeting.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
Have 5 marinas on the calendar for VE days and am still trying to get a couple of more set up. VE workshop will be May 6th at 0930 in the station classroom given by Sue Polans.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report


March 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports


Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of 3/31/17 = $12,237.54

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
This is my third year as chair at SMCC for the boat safety classes. I am looking to finishing my teaching course to help more.

Performance versus Goals:
I have volunteered at both boat shows this year. I have connected to people that want to join the Auxiliary, take our Boat Safety Class at SMCC and have their Vessels checked. I will pass their information to the proper Auxiliarist to be sure they get the attention they need.

Update of Major Program:
I am looking forward to having our (Everyone Is A Recruiter) program on every one`s mind and lips. I was sick so I missed the First meeting, minutes were taken we are moving forward in the direction that we need. We will be fine tuning the program so all will know what is expected. I am starting our Flotilla New Member Class April 13th until May 25th. I have 6 that are interested. I will be reaching out to 15 more to see if this spring class is good for them to join. I am planning on another class in September.

No Report.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am very excited about my new position in HR. I will be pursuing the fingerprint program. I will continue to find new members. I will let them know what a huge opportunity there is to be part of this great organization. We have our S-Train Member Training Day April 22nd I will be pursuing the Paddle Smart Training that is being offered.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended 3 Boat Crew Classes Attended the Flotilla and Staff Meetings Worked the Portland and Maine Boat Builders show Attended the Commercial Vessel Fishing Examiners Class, put on by the Coast Guard at 2 Monument Sq. Portland Maine.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Cannot access AuxData via Firefox, Google, Microsoft Edge etc. I can access it using Internet Explorer, so I can put in members time but cannot generate reports to anyone. Work in progress.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

With the start of the 2017 Boating Season quickly approaching; please THINK AHEAD for ordering any material from ANSC !

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

No Report Submitted.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Created an MT plan for 2017, with known objectives applied to a calendar timeline. Began working with individual members that are having issues with training. These have been mostly technical and not directional. Began discussing directional opportunities with some new members. Drafted an "All Hands" email to membership, offering myself as a resource and submitted to FC and VFC for approval. Completed the program visitor qualification course and the auxiliary instructor course, the latter of which was necessary for the MT staff position. Made contact with Sally Snowman to try to select a date to get her to Portland to discuss the two missions/member opportunities relating to Boston Light. Working to determine which existing members are not yet in a track to contact each and work to change that. Signed up on mycgaux to be notified of new members so that doesn't happen going forward.

Performance versus Goals:
I expect to have an all-hands email approved and sent in a few days. Will follow up email with discussion and email outreach to all members, categorizing and offering all available missions. At VFCs request working on a "Pathways " piece for new members, to get new members excited and engaged. Continuing to look at Member Training, the basics and how we can improve this within the Flotilla, with a focus group in April.

Update of Major Program:
Auxiliarist Financial Councilor, is new opportunity, for professionals in support of the gold side.

Not all members are engaged. Trying to treat all like motivated, self starters to stay out of the weeds. I plan on engaging members to help keep them excited.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
General: I have attended Flotilla and Staff meetings; assisted/taught in boat crew training class. Stood watch at SNNE, and watch at Ptld Boat & Maine Boat Builders annual shows. Worked with others on presentation for Uninspected Passenger Vessel examination for CG boarding officers. Completed Commercial Fishing Vessel Examination "c-school" at SNNE. Nav Systems: Getting updated run sheets for PATON verification/rechecks for upcoming season. Have taken care of some "discrepancies" already through phone calls. Also, been in touch with other flotillas with regard to their need for AVs, coxswain/boatcrew, and boats in order to complete verifications in their AORs. At this point, Casco Bay is OK in fulfilling its mission. For all, the intent is to get aids check early as possible for benefit of boating season and freeing up Operational Facilities for other use.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Supported the delivery of two significant Public Affairs events in Portland: Portland Boat Show - Saturday, March 4th Maine Boatbuilders Show - Friday thru Sunday, March 24, 25 & 26th.

Performance versus Goals:
Currently all Public Affairs events for 2017 are on-schedule.

Update of Major Program:
Planning meeting is scheduled for April 14th to discuss details of WGME live-broadcast for Vessel Examination Day (June 10th).

Volunteers have suggested that we have a handout printed featuring Casco Bay Flotilla info and helpful website addresses. We discuss this further and plan for same.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Publications (FSO-PB)
Alessandra Turati

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
Working with Ron Dell and Robert Hutchinson we were able to visit sixteen businesses to restock materials.

Performance versus Goals:
Goals are being developed

Update of Major Program:
Making sure ABS class brochures are at the locations we visit has increased attendance for April ABS class.

There was some confusion as to which flotilla had the responsibility at the locations we visit but that issue has been resolved.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I took the Minutes for the Flotilla Meeting. I also took the minutes for the Staff Meeting.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report        

February 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports

Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of 2/28/17 = $12,420.00

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended D-TRAIN in Newport Rhode Island took classes to further my education for Human Resources. I am the Chair for the public boat safety classes at SMCC. I will be volunteering at the Boat Builders Show in Portland Me.

Performance versus Goals:
I am looking to further my education in Human Resources. I have reached out to prospective new members. I have ordered (Join the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary) pamphlets and posters to use for recruitment.

Update of Major Program:
I am ADSO-HR for Don Almeida and will be meeting in March with our team to discuss a plan for recruitment. Don has already come up with some ideas that will be discussed at that time.

The new recruitment plan is not fully up and running, so all need to be patient. There are many questions that need to be addressed. The questions will be discussed at our meeting in march further information will be brought forward as we proceed.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I would like everyone to understand this new program and help by being a recruiter

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended 3 Boat Crew Classes and taught the Marlinspike Seamanship Class. Had a two hour Conference call for Commercial Fishing Vessels with National. Went to a First Aid and CPR recertification class. Attended the Monthly Flotilla Meeting. Had Everett Henry take off Two of Three 7029 forms from our Website and keep only the 7029I form there. Suggested that all members use this form and requested that everyone turn in their time every month by any form that they like or are used to.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

We now have three 7029 forms that our members can chose to use. I plan to delete two of them so that we only have one to use. Will get input from our members on which form they want to keep.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
To get more members to put in their time.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

No Report Submitted.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended flotilla ans staff officer meetings. Resumed weekly watch at SNNE following back surgery. As for Nav Systems: 1. in preparation for the upcoming season, weekly WebEx Aids Verification training sessions have begun for new and returning AVs. 2. There will be a need for "traveling" Aids Verifiers, perhaps with facility, to assist Div 1 and Div 2 - Portsmouth Hbr in accomplishing this year's AVs in those areas.

Performance versus Goals:
1st District Northern 2016 PATON report for SNNE, not counting bridges and re-checking aids with discrepancies, Div 1 (ANT SW Hbr) verified 89 of 283 aids (32%); Div 2 (ANT SPtld) verified 107 of 255 aids (42%). Our goal for 2017 is to be equally successful.

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Major accomplishments and Events:
14 February, Dick Robichaud conducted BCQP Chapter 7 “Marlinspike Seamanship”. 20 February, Attended monthly flotilla meeting. 21 February, Presented BCQP Chapter 2 “AUX Operational Missions/Patrols”. 25 February, Steve Shane presented a First Aid/CPR Refresher class. 27 February, Attended monthly flotilla staff meeting. 28 February, PFC John Hume presented BCQP Chapter 11 “Communications” and FC John Byrne presented BCQP Chapter 18 “Firefighting”.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
Soon to be announced; Mandatory Operations Workshop, One-hour TCT Refressher, Lifesaving loop practice.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Staffing & publicizing the following events: Portland Boat Show - Saturday March 4th 9:30am USCG Base Open House - Saturday May 20th All Day Maine Boatbuilders Show - Friday March 24th 10:00am - 6:00pm Saturday March 25th 10:00 - 6:00pm Sunday March 26th 10:00am - 4:00 Scarborough Middle School -Thursday May 25th 9:00am WGME Vessel Safety Day - Saturday June 10th All Day

Performance versus Goals:
No report.

Update of Major Program:
WGME Vessel Safety Day June 10th in Portland will be a widely publicized event for the Casco Bay Flotilla, with live and recorded televised broadcasts that date. DiMillos Marina will be the primary venue,

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Publications (FSO-PB)
Alessandra Turati

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
LL Bean is calling for several hundred "if found" stickers. They are switching their displays from Snow equipment to boating equipment at this time.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I took the Minutes for the Flotilla Meeting. I also took the minutes for the Staff Meeting.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report 

January 2017 Consolidated Flotilla Staff Officers Reports

Communications Services (FSO-CS)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
Starting middle of December the Flotilla's Website Software was moved from Microsoft's FrontPage to Microsoft's Expression Web 4 clearing much space that was being absorbed to run the site. A new page with Photo Albums is under construction and will be added to the members menus once that is completed.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Diversity (FSO-DV)
Catherine Corey

No Report Submitted

Finance (FSO-FN)
Gerard F. Moore

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Cash Balance as of 1/31/17 = $12,831.34

Human Resources (FSO-HR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
I finished my Qualification to become AUXFSS, I have taken on a new position as FSO- HR, assistant to FC-FSO-HR John Byrne, ADSO-HR, assistant to ADSO-HR Donald Almeida For Sector Northern New England.

Performance versus Goals:
I will be helping to increase membership. I will be an aid at SMCC in the Boat safety courses, I will be volunteering at the Boat shows, I will be available for future events.

Update of Major Program:
I will be an aid at Southern Maine Community College beginning February 1st.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
I am going to D-Train in February to further my education to better serve in the areas I have chosen.
New member Training, Recruiting and Retaining Members, Mentoring, Reporting and Retrieval.

Information Services (FSO-IS)
Richard A. Robichaud

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended 4 Boat Crew classes and taught one. Attended the change of watch for both Flotilla and Division' Met with Chris Porter for a UPV meeting to plan for the spring. Joined the Conference call for CVF with National.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

We now have three 7029 forms that our members can chose to use. I plan to delete two of them so that we only have one to use. Will get input from our members on which form they want to keep.

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
To get more members to put in their time.

Materials (FSO-MA)
Kenneth A. Caprio

Major accomplishments and Events:
The NEW COASTIE has arrived and is fully operational for 2017---be proactive if you want to use COASTIE...THINK AHEAD!! DO NOT WAIT until the last minute to request COASTIE !!

Performance versus Goals:
IMMEDIATE Goal is to get rid of OBSOLETE EQUIPMENT & free up some storage space...Need SUGGESTIONS on what to do with OLD equipment--recycle or dumpster ?

Update of Major Program:
No Report

Be Proactive & THINK AHEAD on your what you need for PV & VE activities !

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Marine Safety (FSO-MS)
Susan J. Polans

No Report Submitted.

Member Training (FSO-MT)
Eric C. Dexter

Major accomplishments and Events:
Accepted position as member training FSO. Contacted SO, made introduction, received some guidance on resources and responsibilities. Spoke extensively with FC Byrne and to a lesser extent VFC Poulin to discuss local goals for this position. Signed up for some programs to explore Member Training opportunities. Took a deep dive into online resources, both to understand Member training opportunities and also to learn what's available to all members and where to find it. Spoke to many of our flotillas FSOs who have had a share in handling the various responsibilities of this position, while this position vacant. Will make arrangements to meet or speak with any and all interested at this months staff meeting.

Performance versus Goals:
I am looking forward to working with membership and command this year, and in the membership training capacity. Goals in the very early part of this year include getting up to speed quickly and bringing useful information regarding new training opportunities, existing training opportunities and continuing education opportunities. While communicating available opportunities is an important step, I will also work to understand the training opportunities new and existing members want to take advantage of. And finally, I will work to make sure that those opportunities come to members in an interesting, and sequential way, with the hope of keeping all members engaged and moving forward in the missions they wish to pursue.

Update of Major Program:
Signed up and will attend D-Train in Providence. Ultimate goals are training related for my own development, but primarily to see many of the training opportunities we have, first hand. Course selection made with this latter priority in mind.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Navigation Systems (FSO-NS)
Billy G. Thornton

Major accomplishments and Events:
Attended flotilla's Change of Watch. Assisted in a classroom session for those doing mandated training, sat in on one boat crew training class, and completed one watch day at SNNE. Sat in on webinar-based national planning session for Nav Systems and Aid Verification.

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Operations (FSO-OP)
L. Bradford Thompson

Attempted to submit report but received error.

Public Affairs (FSO-PA)
Noel C. March

Major accomplishments and Events:
Accepted position as Public Affairs FSO. Received guidance from Ted Chatham ADSO-PA SNNE as welcome and introduction. Also received guidance regarding basic courses I should take as well as information on the May C-Train class for Public Affairs at New London, CT. These opportunities are being pursued. VFC Poulin participated in a TV interview with Portland News station WGME regarding boating safety. Aux Member Alan Atkins is leading a meeting on February 6th to discuss a possible local TV series on USCG Auxiliary with WGME. More info to follow after further development if this idea.

Performance versus Goals:
Organizational Goals to be developed for 2017.

Update of Major Program:
Produced marketing poster for BS&S and Advanced Nav courses for Spring 2017, direct-mailed same to 11 marine-related businesses on Portland area. Added on-line publicity for these Public Education courses to the website.

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
Greater emphasis on Aux Recruitment will be added by the Public Affairs efforts in 2017.

Publications (FSO-PB)
Alessandra Turati

No Report Submitted

Public Education (FSO-PE)
Everett L. Henry II

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Program Visitation (FSO-PV)
Paul A. Standridge

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Secretary & Records (FSO-SR)
Lorelle Courtois

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report

Vessel Examination (FSO-VE)
Francis W. Connelly

Major accomplishments and Events:
No Report

Performance versus Goals:
No Report

Update of Major Program:
No Report

No Report

For the Good of the Auxiliary:
No Report