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Year 2018
Richard Robichaud, Peter Poulin, Fred Richards, Noel March, Billy Thornton, Lorelle Courtois, Susan Polan, John Esser, Sue Wickson, Frank Connelly, John Byrne, Maroudia Byrne.
Call To Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Flotilla Commander’s comment’s.
• VFW Legion Hall to be used for now, they are very accommodating. We will need to pay for use of hall since we cannot make donations.
• Flotilla 2-4 moving over to us.
• Boat shows still have open spots, please pick a slot and lets shine .
Division 2 member training day will be April 28, 2018 and will be open to other divisions.
Staff Officer Reports.
Ken Caprio FSO-M gave info on who to contact for disposal of flares. Info of materials to hand out in tri- fold and possibly a bowl of “life savers” for boat shows.We have lots of kayaking info which is very good for hand outs.
• Peter Poulin said anytime we do any thing in regards to paddle craft safety to please keep track of hours as it is required to be reported to Gold side. Give Sue Wickson your hours and she will keep track of them.
Noel March FSO-PAO. Discussion about Boat Show
• Parking, we have been asked to park at Applicators Supply and take a shuttle.
• Walking the Working Waterfront, June 9, 2018. Flare demo, recruitment etc.
• Division Aux R.B.S trailer looks great. Shelves will be installed.
• Toeing class limited to 8 people, It will be U.S. Government vehicle.
• Meeting next week we are having meeting with gold side about VE and boat safety.
Lorelle Courtois FSO HR
• Peter Poulin shared info on an app to video chat for those “hard to get everyone together” meetings, more to come on app.
• BQ-II training more info to come.
Susan Polans FSO CM
• INTRO TO MARINE SAFTEY AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION 2 day course April 14-15 OR 21-22. This is a great course and will be held at 2 Monument Sq. Parking shouldn’t be too bad as it’s a weekend.
Maroudia Byrne FSO FN
• Financial report looks good.
• We will now do quarterly reporting of budget to actual expense.
• We will continue to use Quickbooks.
Everett Henry FSO PE
• Talked about boating skills and sailing skills for April class.
• Web site up to date
• Need to think about simplified forms
Fred Richards FSO PB
• Meeting Notices going out and received well.
• Articles should be submitted to Fred as soon as possible.
Brad Thompson FSO OP
• Operator workshop March 17, 2018
General topics
• Gold Side hot topic is uniforms, we need to be squared away. Think about slide show.
• Boat shoes only when on boats.
• Gulf of Maine Research Institute we will have a speaker at March Flotilla meeting.
• There will be a Wellness Day in Scarborough
Audit Report.
• Up to date
• Klink funds to kept in Klink and will be deposited every 6 mos.
Budget for 2018
Reviewed by each officer present and adjustments made as needed.
Respectively submitted
Süe Wickson FSO SR
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29 JANUARY, 2018
Discussion on Change of Watch, many awards given and a big thank you for everyones hard work of Flotilla 2-1!
Discussion to increase need of PADDLE SPORTS.
Discussion about Change of Watch, lots of business done.
Many awards given.
Information on roll out planing on Division Training Day April
28, 2018 at South Portland USCG Base. This will be an all day
education event. Provides multiple course . Operation work-
shop will be mandatory.
Discussion on Core Trainings and courses to offer in April
set up and take down, snack crew.
Training and would involve Government Vehicle Training.
Vessel Exam Workshop. Looking for new people for Gate
Watch Crew.
Discussion on Recreational Boating and Coastie . Coastie
will need to go on Government Trailer, vehicle and will need 2
spotters. Dennis Morelli will be asked to teach Coastie training.
Discussion on up coming member trainings.
SEA SCHOOL, will have prerequisite and pre-work.
Online link ICS 300 and ICS 200
(12-6) PETER POULIN FVC and RICHARD ROBICHAUD FSO IT Suggestion/ discussion to make a calendar for up coming member trainings possible color coded with link to see what training was about.
Member Training Committee is to get ready for new member training in February. Discussion about involving other Flotillas in this training.
SUSAN POLANS FSO MS. Planing for spring INTRO to MARINE SAFETY and POLLUTION CLASS (on line exam). Discussion of development of this class, may need its own date.
TCO Communication training needed. This is a lifetime certification. Consider for positle member training day.
BRAD THOMPSON FSO OP. Boat Crew Qualification Program
(BCQP) 3 possible candidates. Government shutdown impacted the class for 1 night.
Classes to be scheduled for Feb/March Operations workshop, One hour TCT Refresher, 4 hour TCT Course, PPE Inspection, First Aid/CPR course and refresher.
PETER POULIN FVC states: Flotill will now change to online banking. A Web based accounting system will be evaluated to provide oversight by the FC and VFC.
2018 Special Ops Auxpad Programs.
• This is a proposed tactical Special Ops program to address
Flotilla’s paddlecraft safety activeities.
• Any members that engage in on the water activities on behalf
of the flotilla must be ACA (American Canoe Assoc.)
certified. We need to explore how to handle ACA member-
ship dues.
• Goal is to be 4-6 members on this years special ops team.
• Want to encourage ACA memeership leading to ACA
Instructor credentials
• Possible event sponsor Maine Island Trail Association.
• Volunteers to all events must be under orders.
• Talk to Boat Shows etc, Public Education events.
• Push recruitment effort to local colleges to attract younger
• prospects who are active paddle craft users.
• Opportunity for Gold Side/Silver Side work.
Meeting Notices , Need info articles etc. which are due the first 2 weeks of the month.
SWOT, next meeting SWOT exercises
Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats, Goals.
More info to come via email.
Everett Henry FSO PE FSO CS Gave a detailed presentation on
how to move around website.
(12-8) Meeting Adjourned
Year 2017
Date: 27 November, 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Winter Dress Blue, ODU
Attendance: FC John Byrne, FVC Peter Poulin, IPFC- John Hume, FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois, FSO-PE Everett Henry, FSO-IS Richard Robichaud, FSO-NS Billy Thornton, FSO-VE Frank Connelly, FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO-MA Ken Caprio, FSO-PA Noel March
11-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
VFC Peter Poulin led the pledge
11-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence
11-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments.
Coastie District Coordinator we need someone in charge of Coastie and someone to coordinate the RBS Trailer.
11-4 Division Report
John Hume explained that Coastie and the trailer are owned by the Coast Guard. they are responsible if something happens. It was suggested to find someone within our Flotilla to be the Coordinator for our sector. The trailer will likely be required to be hauled by government trucks. We will likely need two Coast Guard Active duty to come along. The Coast Guard will also be responsible for all maintenance. Both programs need to be heavily promoted.
Suggestion was made to combine the Flotilla Change of Watch with the Division Change of Watch. The member cost to attend was discussed. It will be open to all Flotilla members. All Staff Officers are asked to attend. Suggestion to have Catherine Worthley play the Bag Pipes was discussed but not action to be taken at this time.
If Found stickers for 2018 were discussed 1000 each quarter likely needed for LL Bean. FSO-MA will be responsible for this in 2018.
11-5 Staff Officer Reports
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud Nothing to report time is going in.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio Nothing to report. He informed FSO-VE that all VE information is on line and there are no books for him to use in his Vessel Examiners class.
FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois Working with the new members on uniforms and directing them where they need to be for training, finding out where they would like to volunteer for.
FSO-VE Frank Connelly He would like to have his Vessel Examiners class in March or April it was suggested it should be earlier. He will come up with his dates for the calendar when the next Staff meeting is held on Dec 18th.
FSO-NS Billy Thornton - Nothing going on. Will be meeting with the ANT team to discuss boat loans for operations for next season. There will be a Navs System Workshop offered to any interested member. He is considering a couple people that could be an assistant to him. He suggested that the Coast Guard Liaison Miente Bruce should be at our Staff Meetings.
FSO-OP Brad Thompson getting a letter together to send out about his Operations Class starting in January he would like to do things differently and have 3 classes to be immediately followed by check offs. Same with next three classes.
FSO-PE Everett Henry let everyone know that Richard Robichaud will be filling in for him while he is away. The dates for the next 6 Month calendar will be finalized and the website finished when he returns from vacation.
FSO-PA Noel March No report things are quiet Alan Atkins is motivated to do more next year with WGME. FSO-PA is looking forward to going to the Leadership Academy
11-6 Discussion Items
- Holiday Party Update:
John Byrne and Peter Poulin met with Easy Day. They will need a final count by November 28th. Lorelle we will be setting up the strawberry shortcake desert.
- Planning for Change of Watch:
Will be finalized at the Staff meeting on December 18th We need to support all Staff Officers.
- 2018 Strategic Planning:
Will be discussed at the Staff meeting on December 18th
- Coastie issues:
John Hume explained up above
VE training update:
Ken Caprio explained up above.
If Found Stickers for 2018:
We will receive more for the New Year.
- Santa Visit:
Billy Thornton shared a Santa Visit idea. He explained how it worked and who put it together. Auxiliary members might be involved in for future visits. He was going to look into it.
- Training Status of New Members:
Mandated Training on new members will be monitored each month. FSO-MT Eric Dexter and FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois were asked to report.
- Coast Guard Auxiliary Volunteer EMA Liaisons (AVEL) program:
Arn Heggers has sent information on the program. This may fall under the Marine Safety program. VFC will consult with FSO-MT establish training resources for this program and watch stander communications.
11-7 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:
Retirements and Nonpayment of dues were discussed.
Get well Card will be sent out to Susan Wickson having hand surgery.
Ken Caprio said Sharen is doing better and she thanks everyone.
We need to reach out to Catherine Corey. A transfer member is interested in serving as FSO-Diversity.
FSO-CM there is a transfer member interested in filling that Staff Position.
AUXINFO 65 have completed their member training out of 112
11-8 Adjourn 21:00
Date: 30 October, 2017 Meeting Rescheduled to November 6th
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Tropical Blue, ODU
Attendance: FC John Byrne, FVC Peter Poulin, FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois, FSO-VE Frank Connelly, FSO-MA Ken Caprio, FSO-MS Susan Polans FSO-MT Eric Dexter, FSO-NS Billy Thornton, FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO- IS Richard Robichaud, FSO-FN David Porrazzo
10-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
VFC Peter Poulin called the Pledge
10-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence
10-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments.
10-4 Division Report
Big emphasis on Paddle Craft Safety.
Three People going to LDA in December John Hume, Noel March, Jack Esser. They will be Under Orders. The classes will be held at the Coast Guard Academy.
10-5 Staff Officer Reports
FSO-VE Frank Connolly – Total exams reported so far this season 53. Would like to offer a Vessel Exam Class, Back to Basics Class possibly held next spring. Wants to do a paper qualification exam at the end of the class. It will be an Open book exam. Wants to get a count so he will have the proper amount of paperwork.
FSO-MA-Ken Caprio - Ordering more coloring books. Advised that if anyone needs to order anything to get in touch with him using his wife`s email because his is currently down. VFC has drafted an assistant job profile for Materials suggesting that the assistant be in charge of keeping the closet organized. Asked about the Thanksgiving gift cards. Postage was discussed Government stamps in small denomination are still authorized for use.
FSO-MS Susan Polans working with John Lopez at Flotilla 28. He is still working towards earning his Trident Device. He is taking the Facility course and wants to come to the Cruise ship terminal to get one of his PQS out of the way. The woman doing the testing will accept a letter that explains everything that he did while there. Chief Naker will assign someone from the Coast Guard to be represented for this situation. Ferry riding will continue John Lopez will also be doing the rides to get his Marine Safety hours. Ferry and Tug Boat Security is also part of the requirements.
FSO-MT Eric Dexter has been working on the assistant positions with the VFC. 6 will be ready and be announced soon. He has dramatically streamlined the national Auxiliary Mentoring Program Auxiliary to make it more practical and effective for our flotilla. Mentors will be assigned 6 to 8 new members at a time. The objective will be to get new members to complete their Mandated training and be engaged in service as soon as possible. Mentors will also assiste with uniform acquisition and time reporting.
FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois - explained interests new members have and discussed various member status and implications on service activities. Took 3 People to get their uniforms at the exchange. Chaplain program was discussed with one of the new members. Nicholas Blanchard`s check and will be returned with a letter explaining reason for non-enrollment.
FSO-NS Billy Thornton Navs are over for the year looking forward to next year with more OPFAC’s.
FSO-OP Brad Thompson – Making sure that all reports are sent in for all crew members and letting them know where they stand on their required hours. Everything going well - no one should be in REYR. Boat Qualification Program will be staring in 1st week in January. He will send out the Program details to the new members. Lorelle gave the membership Training computer and projector to Brad.
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud - Discussed Winn Pillsbury non-reimbursement orders. It was decided that funds in the budget could be reassigned to reimburse him for use of his facility during the Eagle visit. Reminded everyone to get their time in and not to wait until the end of the year. Form 7029I is working well.
FSO-FN David Porrazzo Concerned about money going out and not enough coming back. Working with Lorelle and John to get the Dues set up and collected from the new Members.
10-6 Discussion Items
- Planning for Election and Program
John Hume will preside over the election of Flotilla officers at the next meeting. All staff officers will provide a summary of the year in review for their area of responsibility at the next flotilla meeting.
- Planning for Holiday Party
Peter and John have met with the people at Easy Day Bowling and have a plan for the party. It will be a buffet featuring Prime Rib, Baked Haddock and Chicken Parmigiana, potato, rice and salad option. We will bring our own dessert it will be strawberry short cake. Rolls, butter and beverages and music are included. The member price is $25.00 per person. Money saved on the picnic and the awards banquet will help fund this event and keep the price down for members. Special invited guest will be paid for by the Flotilla. It was discussed as to who should be invited. Poinsettias will be awarded in a lottery.
- Distribution of additional Officer assistant position drafts
Officer Assistant- Program Visitor still needs approval, Secretary, Vessel Examiner, Public Affairs and Member Training have been approved. We have 6 ready to offer to the new members. There is some interest among incoming new members in these positions.
- Expressing appreciation to the Maine Military Museum
Discussed what we could do to Thank him maybe a Plaque with an engraving. Maybe something with a little more Value
- Distribution of Flare Disposal business cards
500 to start to be passed out to VE’s and at boat shows. All ideas to spread the word are good and will be considered next spring. Would like posters to pass out with cards.
Gift Cards for the Enlisted side for Thanksgiving
The budget is $240.00 With 8 Gift cards at $30.00 each. Ken Caprio will follow up and submit to the Chief of the Station.
10-7 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition
Kens wife wants to thank everyone for the cards and flowers and let people know her recovery is coming along fine
Card for Frank Curran Knee surgery.
10-8 Adjourn 21:003
Date: 25 September, 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Tropical Blue, ODU
Attendance: VC John Byrne, FVC Peter Poulin, IPFC John Hume, FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois, FSO-IS Richard Robichaud, FSO-MA Ken Caprio, FSO-MS Susan Polans, FSO- NS Billy Thornton, FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO-PE Everett Henry, FSO-VE Frank Connelly,
9-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
FVC Peter Poulin Called the Pledge
9-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence:
Introductions-Richard Henry, Sharon Henry
FC John Byrne Swore Richard in as he is leaving for Tuscon Arizona.
Regrets- David Porrazzo
9-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments.
FC John Byrne Boating season is coming to an end. He thanked everyone for their dedication, trust, confidence and hard work for the Flotilla and the boating public.
9-4 Division Report:
IPFC John Hume District reported that Capt. Byron Moe was reelected as District Commander.
John Hume is running against Richard Jones to be the Division Commander.
The Division meeting will be in Boothbay Harbor. Elections will be in October in the Rusty Scupper.
9-5 Staff Officer Reports:
FSO-VE Frank Connelly - did 4 kayaks. Will send in paper work.
FSO-NS Billy Thornton - Went to Harpswell Sound to complete 100% of PATON inspections for the season. Distance to Harpswell Sound is of concern and would probably be better served by using a smaller facility.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio - Gmail is down, all going well, call him if needed. Making some progress in cleaning out the supply closet. Senior Chief Naker says Coastie and Fire display might be relocated to make more room in the closet. A solar panel might be added to the RBS trailer to maintain temps during cold spells. We need to be careful because of the electronics in Coastie.
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud – Emphasized the need for all members to report their time by December 31 so it can be sent up the chain in time.
FSO-MS Susan Polans - Container Inspections are on hold because of staffing issues. Went to Portsmouth NH to conduct a UPV Program for 6 people who are working on their certifications. PQS will happen in October.
FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois - New Member Training went well. New power point Presentation was great. Originally 25 people had responded out of 51 but we ended up with 9 people. Getting people through gate was an issue when the new members were entering but it might have been because of COLORS. This was discussed and new members attending will be advised of what to do.
FSO-PE Everett Henry - 18 registrations for BS&S and 11 for CAN. Website doing well MYCGAUX is a pain. Members generally prefer using our site for information.
FSO- Brad Thompson – Reported that someone pretended to be a Facility and be on patrol as Coast Guard Auxiliary at a recent event. It was suggested to keep a look out for it. Sunday 30th September will be last patrol. People need to understand that 12 hours are needed to prevent REYR status. Nest year looking good. Have a couple of new Facilities and crew have the proper training to do patrol. Rebecca Carlsen and Anne Manning are working together to get things done a lot quicker and that is very much apprecated.
9-7 Discussion Items
- Navy League follow up:
It is not clear how we can assist The Navy League. Suggestions were made for ways they could support the USCG base.
- Recommended Uniform for new members:
ODU is now being recommended as the first uniform instead of Tropical Blue because there are more activities that can be engaged in for new members with that uniform. It was suggested that everyone wear the same uniform at the Flotilla Meetings. It was noted that anyone teaching to the public must wear Tropical Blue. Emphasize to new members the need to acquire their initial uniforms as soon as possible. Continue to advise them about sources of used uniforms.
- Update on availability of Scupper: Still unclear when it will be closed and for how long.
- Update on Holiday Party
- Distribution of initial Officer assistant position drafts
- Discussion about availability of used uniforms
- Expressing appreciation to the Maine Military Museum
9-6 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition
9-7 Adjourn
Date: 28 August, 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Tropical Blue, ODU
Attendance: 12-FC John Byrne, VFC Peter Poulin, IPF John Hume, FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois, FSO-MA Ken Caprio, FSO-PA Noel March, FSO-MS Susan Poulin, FSO-VE Frank Connelly, FSO- Richard Robichaud, FSO-NS Billy Thornton, FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO-FN David Porrazzo,
8-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
VFC Peter Poulin
8-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence
Paul Standridge sent his regrets. Program visitations going well.
8-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments.
Things running normal for the year. The New Member Training will be starting with all new PowerPoint slides redesigned by Dennis Morelli. All staff members are invited to participate in the New Member Classes. Mentioned Hurricane Harvey and the Coast Guard being recognition on their efforts with over 2000 rescue missions.
8-4 Division Report
John Hume discussed deployment opportunities for Auxiliarists and the qualifications needed for consideration. Division elections will be in October.
8-5 Staff Officer Reports:
FSO-VE Frank Connelly Vessel Examinations wrapping up a good summer.
FSO-FN David Porrazzo discussed finances and indicated he will be on track soon. People still owe on their dues. Disenrollment’s will be forthcoming. He will send out a final notice for December 31st.
FSO-PA Noel March - Eagle event - Over 4000 people attended Saturday and about the same on Sunday. Wanted to use that venue for recruitment for both the enlisted side and Auxiliary. Light house day was the next mission.
FSO-OP Brad Thompson - Operations going normally. Wants to keep volunteers engaged and reporting so they do not go into REYR. Looking forward to working with John Esser.
FSO-MS Susan Polans - Took two members on the Mail boat to qualify them as ferry riders they will be added to the program. She offered this opportunity to the staff members. Went to York to do a UPV class and went well. 6 people will be qualified.
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud - was able to fix the problem with people being able to send their reports. There has been no evidence of extra effort to report time.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio - Orders are flowing fine with lots of requests for IF FOUND stickers from the website. He explained how he responds. Requests are coming in from Central Maine to New Hampshire. Materials closet needs to be addressed and organized it should be managed. Would like some more File Cabinets to reorganize. This would be good for an assistant.
FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois discussed the boxes that are used for Boat shows suggested at the end to count what literature was left and to make sure the box is updated so it would be ready for the next time it is used. We need someone to be in charge. Busy getting information out for the New Member Class invited Staff members to come talk with potential New Members at the Maine Military Museum. Discussed gate watch standing as it relates to New Member class.
FSO-NS Billy Thornton – Wrapping up his season.
FSO-PE- Everett Henry Public Education Boating Skills and Seaman Ship starts soon. Talked about a possible shut down. He needs at least 10 paying people to run a class. Registrations for classes must be done online.
8-7 Discussion Items
- Update on Flare Disposal
Working with Casco Bay Keeper to put out information that the Fire Marshal has agreed to pick up flairs to incinerate from individual boaters. Marinas and other interested parties will be notified.
- October Speaker announcement:
Captain Jim of Marine Salvage and Nautical Antiquities will be the speaker for October.
- Update on email communication issues – Everett:
Discussed how the Flotilla E-mail works, also Auxdata website. Change of information for the staff needs to go through District. Explained how Everbridge worked and that District needed to turn off the number of notifications that go out.
- Update on availability of Scupper:
- Planning for Lighthouse day:
September 9th we need to contact the Enlisted side to coordinate efforts. Dennis Morelli was suggested to be in charge of event.
- Nominating committee:
John Byrne appointed Brad Thompson, Ken Caprio, Richard Robichaud to serve as the nominating committee. A notice will be sent to all members offering the option to run for elected office.
- Holiday Party:
Discussed using another venue because the Scupper may be under construction. Also discussed menu for the event and who should be invited from the Enlisted side.
- Officer assistant positions and job descriptions:
Noel assistant was discussed. Need to set up the assistant position to get people involved and put the positions in front of new members. We need to develop these positions a soon as we can. No one is ruled out.
1-6 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:
It was suggested that Staff officer reports just report activity to cut down on the reading.
1-7 Adjourn: 21:00
Date: 31 July 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Tropical Blue, ODU
Attendance: (14) VC John Byrne, FSO-HR Lorelle Courtois, FSO-CS Everett Henry, FSO-PV Paul Standridge, FSO-MA Ken Caprio, FSO-NS Billy Thornton, FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO-MS Susan Polans, FSO-PA Noel March, FSO-VE Frank Connelly, FSO-IS Richard Robichaud FSO-FN Gerald Moore, David Porrazzo, Debra Bilodeau
1-7 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
FC John Byrne/ FSO-VE Frank Connelly
2-7 Introductions and Regrets for Absence:
David Porrazzo will be new FSO-FN. VFC Peter Poulin on vacation
3-7 Flotilla Commander’s Comments.
Thanked Gerald Moore for his participation in the past few years as FSO-FN.
Thanked Debra Bilodeau for coming to audit the books.
David Porrazzo was sworn in.
Dues were discussed and what steps will be taken for individuals.
Discussed how a transfer happens.
Thanked everyone for their efforts on WGME Day. It was suggested that we add the TV Video to our website and show it at a Monthly Flotilla Meeting.
Eric Dexter will update us on mandated training at a later meeting.
Walter Hansen in charge of Used Uniforms. The ODU is being considered as the first uniform a new member should get to increase the chances of getting involved in activities.
Wanted to know if everyone was receiving messages from Everbridge.
Members of the New Member Training and Mentoring committee are John Byrne, Peter Poulin, Lorelle Courtois, Dennis Morelli, Eric Dexter. We are updating the program, making sure new members follow through with the requirements, get them active as soon as possible. The introductory night for the New Members Training will be held at the Maine Military museum in South Portland. We are looking for quality people.
4-7 Division Report:
No report
5-7 Staff Officer Reports:
FSO-HR Lorelle T Courtois,
Preparing for New Member Class. Moving the Recruitment table from the South Portland Peoples United Bank To the branch in Biddeford / Saco. Working with new members when they have questions.
FSO-CS Everett Henry,
Website up to date. Working with Flotilla 28 helping them with their website. Updating all laptops, discussed how to update your own with the new windows 10 program. SMCC is allowing us to use their computer room to do our mandated training session set for September 30th. Public Education starts September 6th and 12th discussed how you can find the classes on the SMTC website.
FSO-PV Paul Standridge,
Discussed his need for more volunteers. The job is not a hard one. Requested some more if found stickers.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio,
Requests are getting filled on all materials. If found sticker request coming through the new web-site feature are being filled.
FSO-NS Billy Thornton,
PATONs are 78% done. Small boat waiting on OPVAC status.
FSO-OP Brad Thompson,
Discussed visit of the Coast Guard Cutter Eagle. Still waiting on visit information still no point of contact. Mentioned the Casco Bay preservation program. Rebecca Carlson is in charge of putting OPFAC`s through.
FSO-MS Susan Polans,
She took two people from Flotilla 28 on the Mail Boat run to get them qualified for marine safety viewing. Working with a member get their trident qualification. Explained that you need a driving course to drive a USCG government vehicle.
FSO-PA Noel March,
Discussed the Eagle plans and finalized some important things. He wanted to have brochures for recruitment.
FSO-VE Frank Connelly,
Decent year so far. One of the marinas was looking for Boats to be checked.
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud,
Most people are using the new 7029I to report their time. He has found out that if you are AP status your time goes in as a trainee you need to have a BQ course do receive your full hours. He would like for everyone to put in their time regardless of their status.
6-7 Discussion Items
- Planning for Eagle visit:
Everything is being put together. There will be two different shifts and we still need watch standers. Uniform of the day will be ODU. There will be VIPs riding in on the Eagle. Jacob Lawrence will be available to take photographs.
- Issues in dealing with REYR members:
It doesn’t matter what position you hold each program has certain hours that the individual needs to fulfill to clear REYR status. It is the responsibility of each member to put in their time. Ann Manning is going to support Flotilla 21 with future REYR issues.
- Debrief on WGME day:
FSO-PA Noel March discussed the whole program from start to finish and that we will do it again next year.
7-7 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:
VFC Peter Poulin wanted all to know that before he left, Lt Bourbeau told him that Flotilla 2-1 was one of the best Auxiliary flotillas he has worked with. VFC communicated with an author who wrote a guide on Paddle Craft Safety and gave her some IF Found Stickers. Dan Abbott is doing well and will be back at the college teaching at some point in the future. He was invited to the picnic. 75 people confirmed and 65 people came to the picnic. It was a success.
Karen White has declined joining the Auxiliary, Lorelle was thanked for doing a great job on the picnic.
8-7 Adjourn 21:00
Meeting: June Flotilla Staff Meeting
Date: 26 June 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Tropical Blue, ODU
• Peter Poulin, VFC
• Lorelle T Courtois, ADSO-HR FSO-HR
• Gerard Moore, FSO-FN
• Bill Thornton, FSO-NS
• Richard Robichaud FSO-IS
• Ken Caprio, FSO-MA
• Everett Henry, FSO-PE FSO-CS
• Eric Dexter, FSO-MT
• Frank Connelly, FSO-VE
• Paul Standridge, FSO-PV
• Karen White, Staff Officer Assistant to the Secretary
6-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
• FVC Peter Poulin
6-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence:
• John Byrne FC, Noel March FSO-PA, Brad Thompson FSO-OP, will not be able to attend. Susan Poulans FSO-MS is still not well.
• Lorelle T Courtois FSO-HR introduced Karen White as her assistant for FSO-SR Secretary.
6-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comment:
• VFC Peter Poulin gave the report for FC John Byrne.
• Reviewed past goals we have been working on over last 6 months.
• Wanted us to continue looking for Staff Officer Assistants.
• Has been working on Paddle Craft safety contacted Maine Island Trails Assoc. There are some ideas to incorporate us into some of their programs and News Letter. MITA suggested that we host an event through the Meetup social website. The idea would be to have safety training and paddlecraft safety exams and then have some flotilla members go paddling with the public.
• Have developed a New Member Training Committee that is reviewing the new member orientation program and materials, mentoring and member development. Another meeting will be held before the New Member Training in September.
• WGME Day was a Success and we are planning on doing again next year.
• The FC and VFC are concerned with the level of inactivity of some members. Personal contacts will be conducted by the FC and VFC at least annually to better understand how member situations change and what the Auxiliary can do to increase attendance and participation in events.
6-4 Division Report:
• No Report
6-5 Staff Officer Reports:
Frank Connelly FSO-VE:
• Off to a strong start with 43 Vessel Exams on WGME day.
• Performed 8 to 10 exams at Sunset Marina and 1 at Portland Yacht. Spring Point will be rescheduled due to rain.
Ken Caprio FSO-MA:
• People are ordering materials and everything is going fine.
• Planning to get 2 more cabinets for storage of materials in closet.
• Will be working to clean closet of items no longer in use. It was suggested to keep one of the projection screens.
• He Brought Bags for Clynk. There is $50.00 in the fund.
• There have been no requests for IF Found Stickers on line. They can be ordered at any time through the Auxiliary’s web site.
Richard Robichaud FSO-IS:
• People are reporting their time.
• He sent out a request to consolidate forms used to the 7029i. It was pointed out that monthly reporting is still preferred.
• An assistant position for him is difficult due to the qualifications needed to do the job which require C School and proper clearance.
Paul Standridge FSO-PV:
• Currently has three volunteers and needs more. All locations have been visited.
• A new Paddleboard shop opened in Brunswick and he has been by to introduce himself and give them some if found stickers.
• He requested more IF Found stickers for LLBean. VFC will send the request to Senior Chief Naker.
Eric Dexter, FSO-MT:
• Developed a New Member Opportunities Brochure. Trying to break things down so people can get information on areas of service easily and know level of commitment is required for different qualifications
• Developed list of needs that exist for the Auxiliary and for Gold side to guide new members to activity that will be of immediate value and personally fulfilling.
• Met the new member class and encouraged them to pursue some form of engagement as soon as possible.
• Developed 6 month plan.
• Working with the team to improve New Member Class.
• He pointed out that there is specific training available to become an effective new member mentor and that the mentoring program is also under review and likely to be revised.
• It is preferred that Staff Officers not serve as Mentors if possible due to their other responsibilities. However for now, until other volunteers step up, staff officers will continue to help with mentoring.
Everett Henry FSO-CS FSO-PE:
• Public Education Classes are ending but registration is opening for the classes that will start back up in the fall.
• SMCC is developing a registration form for Vessel Safety checks to be submitted on line or by mail, it will be class specific.
• AUXDATA is up to date but he expressed concern that Auxiliarists are not reporting their work activities timely.
Gerry Moore FSO-FN:
• Submitted an updated Mid Year Financial Report. Member dues are slow to come in with only 26 received so far. The deadline to avoid a late fee is June 30. Class revenue is ahead of the amount budgeted.
• Current Cash balance is $13,683.00. We are running $5000.00 behind last year’s balance at the this time. However he is waiting for SMCC to send a check due to us for classes this spring.
• The New Members Class helped build the revenue.
• He was concerned that his assistant was not in attendance.
Lorelle T Courtois FSO-HR:
• Is responding to all new member inquiries.
• Received 35 inquiries for membership from WGME day.
• Concern was expressed about the number of new member prospects and the need to maintain quality in the orientation process in order to generate productive new members. There was also discussion about restricting the use of Fast Tracking.
• The next New Member Training will be in September at the Maine Military Museum.
Billy Thornton, FSO-NS:
• Navigations Paton’s are done in this area. He still needs to get up to New Meadows at some point. He has not seen anything fixed yet at South Port Marina.
• Systems are coming along.
• Looking to schedule with operations and get on the water.
6-6 Discussion Items:
6 Month Planning Calendar:
• Planning took place and events were listed on the board. Everett has dates of each event on the calendar and on MYCGAUX.
• The August Awards Meeting will be held at the Maine Military Museum on August 14th.
Debrief on WGME Day:
• Rescheduled to the next Staff Meeting
Planning for Staff Officers Assistants:
• Reminder that we are looking for each staff member to find someone to shadow their positions to fill in when needed.
• Planning for New Member Mentors:
o The Committee will be getting together soon to discuss.
• Update on Committee reviewing New Member Orientation:
o There will be a meeting before the September New Member Training.
• Planning for summer picnic:
o An all hands will be put out by Wednesday.
o Maria is in charge of the goody bags. All is going well.
o Whoever is volunteering needs to be at Fort Williams by 3:00.
o Include retired and enlisted side to the invitations.
6-7 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:
• Frank and Sue went to see Marshal. They brought an award to share with him and commented on how active he is at 90.
• Lorelle shared a story about two awards that were given to Frank Furbush in 1954.
• Everett needs two microphones for the college.
• John Hume is going to be holding a radio telephone class microphones are needed so he can demonstrate the equipment.
• The Memorial Services for Paul M. Smith -Valley will be on Sunday July 9th at 14:00 (2:00) held at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church at 114 Main Street in Kennebunk, Maine.
• The Service will include an Auxiliary Service. The uniform is Bravo with Combination Cover or appropriate civilian attire.
6-8 Adjourn: 21:00
Respectfully submitted,
Lorelle T Courtois, FSO-SR
Karen White, Staff Officer Assistant to the Secretary
Date: 22 May 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Tropical Blue, ODU
John Byrne, FC
Lorelle T Courtois, ADSO-HR FSO-HR
Gerard Moore, FSO-FN
Brad Thompson, FSO-OP
Bill Thornton, FSO-NS
Richard Robichaud FSO-IS
Ken Caprio FSO-MA
Everett Henry, FSO-PE FSO-CS
Eric Dexter, FSO-MT
Frank Connelly, FSO-VE
5-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
FC John Byrne
5-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence:
VFC Peter Poulin is sick, FSO-MS Sue Polans was in the hospital, it was suggested to email not call. FSO-PA Noel March, and IPFC John Hume, had other commitments, Gerry Moore left his report and went home sick.
5-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comment:
D-Train next year will be handled by each Flotilla Commander. Peter Boardman has retired. Consequently, everything sent in to be processed will take longer. His work load has been split between two people. Paul Smith Valley is deceased and his service will be July 9th at 1400 at the 1st Parish Unitarian Universalist Church 114 Main Street in Kennebunk. Uniform will be Tropical Blue with combination cap or appropriate civilian attire. It will be a church and Auxiliary service.
5-4 Division Report:
No report FC John Byrne let everyone know that he resigned from SO-HR and is no longer a District Staff Officer. He will have more time to devote to being the Flotilla Commander.
5-5 Staff Officer Reports:
Eric Dexter, FSO-MT:
He has been studying and will be taking his SS&S test. He will attend the last New Member Class and promote the different areas of service that new members can pursue. He would like Mandated Training to begin after the New Member Training class finishes and to try to do Mandated Training as a group. Mandated Training will be offered as a follow up class to new members in the future. Mandated Training will be attempted to be complete for new members within 60 days. They will be assigned mentors to help them with any questions about uniforms and offered direction on service opportunities.
Brad Thompson, FSO-OP:
There are currently eight certified crew members. There will be two patrols this June for the Coast Guard. More Auxiliary boat crew members are needed. Several members are still R.Y.E.R. and it is not clear why? He would like information on deficiencies so he can work with boat crew to correct. It was suggested that the crew information be sent to Ann Manning for help in getting this resolved quickly. There will be an oil containment boom drill on June 7th. The Coast Guard needs a boat to carry the safety officer and someone from the Atlantic strike team. Facilities will be on exhibit at the Walking the Working Waterfront event on June 10th. There is a shortage of Facilities to meet all of the requested missions. The 4 Hour TCT was taught by Ted Chatham there were 9 people in the class.
Billy Thornton, FSO-NS:
Nav systems are coming along. Looking to schedule with operations and get on the water.
Ken Caprio, FSO-MA:
Name tags are being ordered and are usually received quickly. 400 Coloring books are being ordered for the WGME Day. Clynk is going well.
Richard Robichaud, FSO-IS:
People are putting in their time. Members are not clear that they can report more than one month at a time on the 7029I form.
Frank Connelly,FSO-VE:
Reported dates for Vessel Exams at local marinas to Everett so he could add them to the calendar. The 1st VE day will be Saturday May 27th. More Vessel Examiners are needed.
Lorelle T Courtois, FSO-HR:
New Member Class is going well and everyone is still on board. Looking forward to the next class. Depending on the interest after WGME Day. The next class will be in the fall.
Everett Henry, FSO-PE:
PE is going well BS&S is done SS&S will be testing and finishing this week. He needs everyone to look at the calendar page to make sure it is up to date. The June Staff meeting will be the 6 month scheduling meeting and all should come prepared. He would like to start classes at SMCC the 1st week after Labor Day so it will not conflict with Thanksgiving.
5-7 Discussion Items:
- Final preps on WGME day:
Media Day was on May 19th and was used to prepare for Walking The Working Water Front day. National Public Radio (FM90.1) will have a program talking about Paddle Craft Safety. On June 10th all stations must be maned. The Auxiliary Flotilla 2-1 will be showcased performing different missions throughout the year on WGME.
- Flare Legislation Veto:
The Governor vetoed the bill. He called it an unfunded mandate. It will be going back to the House and Senate for a possible over-ride. Representatives who were contacted agreed there is a need for this bill. The Casco Bay Keeper is also promoting safe Flare Disposal and the proposed legislation.
- Planning for Staff Officer Assistants:
Reminder that we are looking for each staff member to find someone to shadow their positions to fill in when needed.
- Planning for Scarborough Middle School Wellness Day:
Participants have been selected; material and props were discussed as what was needed. This will occur on May 25th.
- Follow up on Summer Picnic:
There is an outline of what needs to be done, food, materials, where it is held and how to reserve the area at Fort Williams. Whoever takes over needs to get a committee together to help on that day. Lorelle Courtois volunteered to be in charge. The event will be held July 10th 1400 until 1900. Casual attire.
5-6 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition
5-7 Adjourn: 20:00
Respectfully submitted,
Lorelle T Courtois, FSO-SR
Date: 24 April 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Winter Dress Blue, Tropical Blue, ODU, Civilian Attire
Attendance: FC John Byrne, FVC Peter Poulin, IPFC John Hume, FSO-CS FSO-PE Everett II Henry, FSO-FN Gerry Moore, FSO-HR FSO-SR Lorelle T Courtois, FSO-MR Ken Caprio, FSO-MS Susan Polans, FSO-MT Eric Dexter, FSO-NS Billy Thornton, FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO-PA Noel March, FSO-IS Richard Robichaud, FSO-VE Frank Connelly, (15)
4-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
Peter Poulin VFC
4-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence
David Porrazzo will be shadowing Gerald Moore to take over FSO-FN.
4-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments: John Byrne FC,
Thank you to all who participated and helped at Saturday’s D-Train. The attendance was high, and the instructors were happy. Division 2 Member Training Day will happen every April with each Flotilla Commander responsible for their Members’ attendance. Mark your calendars.
4-4 Division Report: John Hume IPFC,
Complimented John Byrne FC on another Division 2 Member Training done very well. The Division is there to help the Flotillas do their job. They need to be reminded, some things are being worked on to make things run smoothly for future Trainings. There is a meeting with the Enlisted side with each Flotilla Commander, John Hume, also some representatives from Sector. They will be discussing Boating and Paddle Safety. Admiral Poulins and Capt Boroudy were the directives for this meeting. There is a lot of work to do we need to get the word out. The LLBean Event is being handled by the Enlisted side they will be looking for our help.
Officer Reports:
Frank Connelly FSO-VE,
Has 4 dates lined up and waiting on 2 more for Vessel exams. The VE Training Workshop will happen on May 6th from 0930 to 1100 in the Station Classroom. The FSO-MT Eric Dexter will be included in all planning.
Noel March FSO-PA,
June 10th Public Relations day for the Auxiliary is being highly publicized by WGME including Vessel Safety chekcs at Dimillo`s Marina. The USCG Auxiliary is prominently featured and the message includes who we are and what we do for the Boating Public. This event will substitute for the open house it will be at the Moorings from 0900 to 1500. Different venues will be showcased, interviews will be conducted, recruitment to join the Auxiliary, all of this will be broadcast live. The enlisted side will have some vessels that the public can tour. There will be boats available from Operations to show people how important the Auxiliary is to the Coast Guard. Paddle Craft will be there. Damage control, pollution control, in water demonstrations, Coastie, Education for children, RBS Trailer (if available), and Auxiliary Recruitment display table. Flare demonstration will be limited to hand held flares.
Eric Dexter FSO-MT,
Has developed a to do list. His goal is to pull together new members and existing members that are not engaged in service into positions that they are interested in. He is helping people that are having technical problems with the online training. Will be reaching out to individuals to help them achieve their goals.
Susan Polans FSO-MS,
Meeting with Chief Porter to finalize the UPV Power Point to then give to other Stations involved with the program. The program is being implemented to increase awareness of the need for Uninspected Passenger Vessels to comply with safety requirements. Went to Cabelas to do a presentation on the UPV program for the Maine Charter Boats Assn. and it was well received. . Went with Noel March to a pre-kindergarten class in Scarbough. Presented a program on Marine Safety to 32 students. One of the children`s mother is enlisted at the base.
Gerry Moore FSO-FN,
Things are quiet, $12072.00 in the bank. Will be billing SMCC, and sending out dues notices. That will bring the amount up.
Everett Henry II FSO-PE FSO-CS,
Public Education has new course that started in April and it is going well. We have 31 attending. Government shutdown was mentioned. He is still working on web sites to get everything up to date. Directed Staff members to go to MYCGAUX to sign up for the national forum for your elected or appointed office. You will get a weekly digest on what`s happening from Information Services. He will be sending instructions on how to shut down emails that are not wanted.
Billy Thornton FSO-NS,
ANT team is going to talk with So Port Marina on their discrepancies. We are still waiting for the boats to go in the water. We have 4 qualified to do inspections. Portsmouth still looking for crew and coxswains. If there is a boat that can be trailered, looking to schedule something with them. Saco Bay, Division 1 needs help.
Brad Thompson FSO-OP,
Had the Mandatory AUX Workshop, 1hour TCT Refresher, PPE, PLB. Will need another one before June 1st. A suggestion to work with other Flotillas. He will follow up. There will be a 4 hour TCT offered with Ted Chatham teaching the class. Boats are going in and are being worked on. We have 3 boats for this year.
Richard Robichaud FSO-IS,
He has a new email address. Thanked everyone who is using the new 7029I form. Explained again how it is used. He wants it sent monthly. It was suggested to put reporting statisctics in our Monthly Newsletter or MCGAUX.
Ken Caprio FSO-MA,
All going well all orders are being sent with no problems.
Lorelle T Courtois FSO-HR FSO-SR,
Has a New Member Class with 9 attending. Let Noel March know there might be someone in the class that might shadow him to possibly serve as an assistant. Someone interested in Marine Safety. Wants to set up the New members with the Mandated Training as soon as they get their EMPLID Number. Have them take the Class at SMCC in September keep them engaged. Will be sending all of the New Member Info to Eric Dexter FSO-MT for follow up.
4-5 Discussion Items:
- Review of Chain of Leadership:
Peter Poulin VFC reviewed chain of leadership and parallel staffing concepts with all officers and requested that these principles be followed. Communication in the proper manner is very important to Flotilla leadership.
- Planning for Staff Officers Assistants:
VFC Peter Poulin reminded officers of the need to be on the lookout for officer assistants. We need to have depth in our organization. He would like each person to write up something on what an assistant`s role would be and the job’s they would need to do within that position. It is also an effective way to engage the new and existing members into more active roles. Many ideas were brought forward as to how this can be implemented. A template will be sent out.
- Focus on Time Reporting:
Continue to remind everyone about need to report time monthly.
- Awards Committee:
Everything is all set and the committee has been formed
- Planning for Scarborough Middle School Wellness Day:
Ken Caprio had an email that he gave a copy to Peter Poulin and John Byrne as to what they would like to happen on May 25th. It was suggested to do a 30 minute time slot on Water safety, life jackets and to do it in the class room. Ken, Sue, and possibly Carl Israel will do the presentation.
- Follow up of Summer Picnic:
The picnic will stay the same with hamburgers and dogs. Ken has stepped down. Ken has an event outline ready for his successor. The park facility has been reserved for July 10. Things need to be put into motion by June. Lorelle Courtois has volunteered to be in charge.
1-6 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:
Remember to stop at the gate and make sure it closes before you drive off. When you hear the colors stop driving until it is over. When you are walking stop, and put you hand over your heart and face the flag.
1-7 Adjourn 21:00
Respectfully Submitted,
Lorelle T Courtois, FSO-SR
Meeting: March Flotilla Staff Meeting
Date: 27 March 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
Uniform: Winter Dress Blue, Tropical Blue, ODU, Civilian Attire
Attendance: FC-John Byrne, FSO-CS, FSO-PE Everett Henry, FSO-FN Gerald Moore,
FSO-MS Sue Polans, FSO-MT Eric Dexter, FSO-NS Billy Thornton
12 FSO-OP Brad Thompson, FSO-PA Noel March, FSO-SR Lorelle Courtois,
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud, FSO-VE Frank Connelly, IPFC John Hume
3-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance:
FC-John Byrne called to order.
IPFC- John Hume led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence:
FC John Byrne,
Peter Poulin on vacation, Ken Caprio on vacation, Paul Standridge sends his regrets, Alexandra resigned from her staff position because of work, she will still will be involved in boat crew, David Porrazzo will be assisting the FSO-FN.
3-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments:
FC John Byrne,
Dennis wants to modify and change the New Member Course. We need to get them started right away, show them what areas that are being offered and get them headed in the right direction. Lorelle is doing well in her new position as FSO-HR she will put her own touch and personality. We are still looking for someone to fill the FSO-SR position. The main goal is recruitment, development, and retention. John praised Peters abilities. He received a 7035 from Anne Boissevain she has put in her resignation, New Member Class starting April 13th we need staff to help and we need to get the new members involved. Gerry wants an email when a 7035 is sent up he wants to reflect it on the books. The Mentor Program will be reformulated it will be our own for Flotilla 21, Everyone needs to be accountable, be more like a big brother big sister. There will be a list to follow within the mentoring position. Reminded everyone about the speakers for April and May and future make it more exciting.
3-4 Division Report:
IPFS John Hume,
New Member Training Day John Byrne is putting together Division is not involved. Open House will be at the Division level. Capt Barody is really interested in these programs for safety. John shared how to do an open house at Division it was accepted. They implemented the program last year on the base. We need a date and place for the Open House. It was suggested to do it when the Enlisted Side does the Walking The Working Water Front Sat June 10th. We will be doing our WGME Day on the same day. We should do our open house on the same day. We need to consider National Safe Boating week, this is a major focus, John joined the sector`s safety Committee.
FC-John Byrne:
Gave us an update from FVC Peter Poulin about the Flair Disposal Program, the Bill LD252 is being recommended as ought to pass. There is still a risk that the Governor could veto the bill. John wanted everyone to think about how hard Peter worked on this program.
Staff Reports:
FSO-PE Everett Henry:
Public Education: 44 people are taking the boat safety course. Everett upgraded the officer report form. He passed out instructions to be used with different browers. Will be on vacation until 12th of April. Wants MYCGAUX, material sent before the 4th. Wanted to remind people that they need to be aware that the form times out.
FSO-MT Eric Dexter:
Reported on an action plan for 2017. He is looking for some feedback as it relates to member training. He wants to provide clear direction to new members with well-defined training paths. He will put out an all hands for the Division New Member day on April 22nd.
ADSO-HR FSO-HR FSO-SR Lorelle T Courtois:
Enjoyed working the Maine Boat Builders show and generated potential for several new members. Help to recruit people who want to take the next boat safety class at the college. Reached out to get the instructors set up for the New Member Class.
FSO-NS Billy Thornton:
Nav system activities are starting up. Other flotillas may be in need of assistance with PATON verification this season. Arrangements have been started with Portsmouth with offer to assist with coxswain and AV crew. Saco Bay has reached out as well. Intent for Casco Bay is to complete verifications and rechecks as early as possible. The "harbormaster ride along" program may allow for some AV activity to be done with harbormaster. I will be talking with ANT S.Portland about dealing with owner of Sourth Port Marina and the chronic discrepancies of his PATONs; CG can get compliance with potential for fines.
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud:
Finished Fishing Vessel School but still needs to do more. Having problems with Division on reporting time. There have been some computer problems. Difficulty communicating with Division. Reports are not being recognized. A discussion followed about proper chain of leadership. Time reporting is going well. Preparing a list for Peter to keep track by the 15th of the preceding month. We need to do time reports monthly. Commercial fishing Vessel inspections most dangerous in the world. Enlisted side needs help, they are offering school and need more people to involved.
FSO-MS Susan Polans:
Attended the CFB Academy and working with Chief Porter on a power point presentation. The Auxiliary will work with the Gold Side when fishing vessels return and are found to not have appropriate decals. The will be referred to the Auxiliary for a UPV exam. The Container Inspections Class had 8 to10 students but only 4 passed the exam. Sue was one of them. She explained the process and it was very interesting. Very difficult qualification. 92 pages long.
FSO-OP Brad Thompson:
Wanted to know how to connect to new members? They are put into Aux Directory and My CGAUX is always updated. You can setup notifications on your personal page to report when new members are added. One hour TCT will be offered Sat the 15th at the Coast Guard Base in the scupper at 900. Happy that staff meetings are staying within the room and it goes out in our MYCGAUX. It was suggested to let people know what AUXOP is as there might be some interest.
FSO-PA Noel March:
Looking forward to the WGME Day. Have had meetings with key people, both WGME Day and Portland’s Walk the Water Front are on June 10th. Would like to add the Coast Guard Open House to the event on that day. Dimillo`s Marine is on board with WGME Day and they want Vessel exams to be conducted on that day. John Hume will make some calls. Noel worked with Susan Polans to put together a program for young students.
FSO-VE Frank Connelly:
No boats in the water, looking forward to his meeting with John Curoso. He would like to elect Peter Poulin to be our spokesperson during WGME Day on April 10th. If Not Noel March would be second choice. The concern is safety, publicity would be a choice. He shared statistics on fatalities. There were many responses to his request. It`s all about safety.
FSO-FN Gerry Moore:
12,237.00 that’s what’s in the bank. Still looking for reimbursement from district.
3-5 Discussion Items:
- District “Everyone is a Recruiter” campaign update:
John and Lorelle and many key important people could not make the 1st Strategy meeting in Massachusetts. The meeting was held just the same but should have been rescheduled. Our Flotilla excels in everything that was discussed in the minutes. We are already doing much of what was suggested and confirmed that we are doing everything right. We are the only ones having a New Member Class and Staff meetings. Joe Gordon indicated that an Auxiliarist in uniform is under orders and is protected. You need to be issued orders from the Coast Guard then you are assigned to duty, if the coast guard assigned to duty the manual rules.
- Planning for CG open House:
Decided to have it on the same day as Walk The Working Water Front. WGME Day, June the 10th.
- Planning for Summer Picnic:
Location has been reserved still do hot dogs and hamburgers keep it the way it is.
- May speaker will be Marshall Hewitt from the AUX Air Program
3-6 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:
Dan Abbott`s nephew reported that Dan attended a play written by his wife Monica and that he appeared well.
3-7 Adjourn: 21:00
Respectively submitted:
Lorelle T Courtois FSO-SR
Meeting: February Flotilla Staff Meeting
Date: 27 February 2017Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
In Attendance:
Commander – John Byrne
Vice Commander – Peter Poulin
Secretary – Lorelle Courtois
Finance – Gerard Moore
Public Education – Everett L. Henry II
Human Resources – Lorelle Courtois
Public Affairs – Noel C. March
Membership Training – Eric C. Dexter
Immediate Past Commander – John Hume
Vessel Examination – Francis Connelly
Program Visitor – Paul Standridge
Navigation Systems – Billy G. Thornton
Marine Safety – Susan J Polans
Operations – L. Brad Thompson
Communications Services – Everett L. Henry II
Materials – Kenneth A. Caprio
Diversity-Catherine M. Corey
Information Services – Richard Robichaud
Publications – Alessandra S. Turati
2-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance – Meeting start time: 19:00
VC, Peter Poulin:
2-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence
Announced reasons for absence: FSO-IS Richard Robichaud sends his regrets. He had a commitment with his granddaughter. VC- Peter Poulin reminded Staff Officers look for assistants to their positions to provide continuity and depth in the organization. The Mentoring
Program is being reviewed to make sure all new members are being directed to the right areas so they can move forward quickly and be involved sooner.
2-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments: FC-John Byrne has been sick so he had no comments other than to mention that the Division is suggesting that we increase our interaction with the other flotillas.
2-4 Division Report: IPFC-John Hume indicated that the Division Commander Richard Jones has requested increased Auxiliary involvement in upcoming programs. New brochures on Paddle Craft are available and will be passed out by our Program Visitors. The disenrollments are finally done correctly. We are looking forward to the Eagle to visit again in August. No decision has yet been made on who will coordinate volunteers for that event.
2-5 January Minutes: We do not vote to approve minutes of prior meetings. They will be taken, reviewed, sent out to staff for review then sent to Everett to be published on the Flotilla web site to keep members informed.2-6 Staff Officer Reports:
FSO-FN-Gerry Moore: We have ? in the checking account. Dues owed to the flotilla for disenrollment is ? . A request for reimbursement has been sent. He is not getting timely responses to his request and was reassured that it would be looked into. A question was asked about how class revenues were doing this year? He needs to still get a head count from Everett but things look good. A pot luck is being considered for the holiday party this year.
FSO-PV- Paul Standridge: The season has not started yet. He has a small group of volunteers and a couple of them are away and one other is sick. They will be starting visits next month. He asked about availability of IF FOUND STICKERS for LL Bean and was assured we would get an adequate supply.
ADSO-HR-FSO-HR-Lorelle Courtois: Lorelle has been speaking to Don Almeida about the new recruiting program and there are some concerns about how we are going to proceed. The discussion will be covered at length after the Staff reports.
FSO-OP-Brad Thompson: We need the one hour TCT. The Division is going to hold a four hour TCT. The Operations Workshop is mandatory this year. The one hour TCT and the Operations workshop will be held on same Saturday at SMCC. He is on top of the patrol hours and he feels we will be the 1st to report. The inspection of PPE still needs to be addressed. There was a concern that some people may not yet be in compliance with the required inspections.
FSO-MS-Susan Polans: Susan has sent information down to Mark Wilson DSO-MS for FSO-NS-Billy Thorton, FSO-IS Richard Robichaud and Stuart Gelder regarding their Marine Safety Training Ribbon. They will get the ribbon and one star. They all need three more PQS to receive the Trident. She would like more people involved in this program as it is highly respected from the enlisted side. She is going for her oral boards for Container Inspector. Not an easy qualification, FSO-NS Billy Thorton, FSO-IS Richard Robichaud and FSO-MS Susan Polans will be taking the Commercial Fishing Class. She has been pushing for this program for last 5 years, the 1st class will be held from March 20 to March 23, 2017. This class consists of job shadowing and on the job training. She has been asked to offer kayak and paddle board safety training to crew on the Ocracoke. Everett has given her some names to contact. It was brought up that Instructor training for Paddle Craft Instructors will be available on member training day on April 22, 2017 to train up to 25 or more people as Paddle Craft Instructors.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio: Everything is going well. Ordered materials are being delivered quickly, within three or four days. He wants everyone to be proactive.
FSO-VE Frank Connelly: There are no boats in the water right now. He would like to hold a VE refresher training workshop before the season kicks off. A national VE update has not yet been announced. It was suggested that he closely coordinate with FSO-PA Noel March in working with WGME’s planned broadcast of an Auxiliary day on June 10. Discussion ensued of how to do more with LLBean on paddlecraft safety training and how to interface with millennials and others who own paddlecraft. This subject will be further studied.
FSO-PA Noel March: Announced five events that he has put on MYCGAUX and is calling on members to staff these events. He recommends that uniforms of the day be consistent for events to promote a professional appearance.
FSO-PE Everett Henry: The Boat Safety classes are large. He has had two requests from local schools to do an education class but we do not have enough staff. Classes are advertised on the National website and through SMCC’s website. Comments were made that SMCC’s website is not as user friendly as it could be and that our courses are fairly difficult to find information on. It was brought up that some email All Hands messages are not being received by members that have email hosted on Everett is working to try to fix the problem. Everett reported that members are responding to the request to use mycgaux and signing up for the raffle designed to get more members to use the site.
FSO-NS Billy Thorton: Nav systems Sector Northern New England did well last year. He is hoping to get on water early this year to minimize conflicts with other boat crew operations. He needs to follow up with Portsmouth and Division 1 regarding personnel and facility needs for the Sail Boston event scheduled on June 17-22, 2017. Aid verifier training on webex is held on Tuesday nights.
FSO-MT Eric Dexter: Member Training, Went to D-TRAIN and attended several workshops. He wants to incorporate the ideas learned into his plan for member training. He is cataloging and organizing all of the various opportunities that are available and may be relevant to our members. He wants to match the needs of the station and the sector to the interests of our members. There are several specialty programs that support the Gold side that many members may not know about. There are regional and national opportunities as well. He plans to reach out to Flotilla members in the future.
2-7 Discussion Items
- D1NR PPE Policy:
There was discussion about District’s new policy on taking over responsibility for accounting for all issued equipment. They want to work closer with the OPS program to be sure everyone is qualified before equipment is issued. There have been problems reported in tracking equipment and in recovering equipment when members are disenrolled.
- RBS Trailer:
A trailer specifically designed for Auxiliary Recreational Boating Safety events will be assigned to the sector. Captain Baroody has offered a parking space as long as all the Flotillas take responsibility for maintaining the trailer. It will display RBS graphics and be filled with equipment. It will have government tags so there will be no registration cost. It will be shared by the Flotillas and used at Boat Shows and other public events. Division will handle scheduling. When we haul the trailer we will be under orders and be covered by insurance. Vehicles used to haul the trailer must be rated for 3500 lbs. This will be a sector asset there will be a custodian. There are logistical concerns.
- District “Everyone is a Recruiter” campaign:
Division wants to work with Don Almaida on this program. He has appointed three ADSO`s to go out and recruit openly at nontraditional locations such as Hannaford, Starbucks, Panera Bread, local Pizza shops, ect.. He wants pamphlet holders to be purchased and there was discussion about how the expenses for this program are to be funded. There was also discussion about some of the recommendations that were made about the recruiting activities that might occur out of uniform
and further guidance is being sought on this issue. A meeting is scheduled for March 18 to further
refine the effort and explain planned activities.
- John P. Engel Funeral:
FC-Peter Poulin: Introduced the event reminder at the bottom of the Agenda and announced the upcoming funeral. The date for the funeral is listed. Uniform of the day is service dress blue with combination cap or proper civilian attire.
- Radio Watch standers are needed for Sail Boston event on June 17-22, 2017.
Division will likely send some. Boat Crew and Coxwains and facilities are needed. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact IPFC John Hume.
- Maine Military Museum visit:
Members can bring guests to the March Flotilla meeting that will be held at the Maine Military Museum located in South Portland. A quorum is required at this meeting to approve the budget for this year. It was suggested that we have ballots on hand to give to members for their vote on the budget.
2-8 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition:It was suggested to reach out to Dan Abbott. FC John Byrne said he would.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio suggested that the flotilla support new members with some kind of gift to encourage participation and fellowship. Various ideas were discussed contingent on available funds and may be explored in the future. IPFC John Hume wanted all to know they are doing a Great Job!
2-9 Adjournment time:
Meeting: January Flotilla Staff Meeting
Date: 30 January 2017
Time: 1900
Location: Station South Portland Classroom
In Attendance:
Commander-John Byrne,
Vice Commander-Peter Poulin
Secretary-Lorelle Courtois
Finance-Gerard Moore
Diversity-Catherine M. Corey
Public Education-Everett L. Henry II
Communications Services-Everett L. Henry II
Human Resources-Lorelle Courtois
Public Affairs-Noel C. March
Membership Training-Eric C. Dexter
Materials-Kenneth A. Caprio
Vessel Examination-Francis Connelly
Program Visitor-Paul Standridge
Navigation Systems-Billy G. Thornton
Marine Safety-Susan J. Polans
Operations-L. Brad Thompson
Information Services-Richard Robichaud
Immediate Past Commander-John Hume yes
1-1 Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance – Meeting start time: 19:00
VC, Peter Poulin:
1-2 Introductions and Regrets for Absence:
Announced reasons for absence:
VC, Peter Poulin:
FSO-NS, Billy Thornton had back surgery he is doing well.
FSO-MS, Susan Polans is sick and sends her regrets.
FSO-Frank Connelly is sick and sends his regrets.
Reported illnesses among members:
James Boselli had knee surgery.
Jack Maxim is doing better.
Get Well Cards have been sent.
Mike Perry on the enlisted side had shoulder surgery, a card will be sent in care of the
VC, Peter Poulin:
Discussed there would be a new template to do the minutes at monthly meetings. Once the minutes are completed and reviewed, they will be sent out to the staff to add or delete information. FSO-PE Everett Henry suggested that he could put the final minutes on the New Members Page. The Staff Officers were asked if it was alright for FSO-SR Lorelle Courtois to record the meetings to further accuracy on the minutes, it was approved with the understanding that the recording would be erased after the minutes were approved. The final minutes would be voted on as true and final minutes for that meeting.
1-3 Flotilla Commander’s Comments:
Major topics:
FC-John Byrne:
Thank you all for being at the Staff Meeting, The Division Change of Watch’s are over. Thank you for attending ours. He and Peter are looking forward to a great year. He is very happy with the new members on the Staff and with their enthusiasm and dedication. He thanked Lorelle Courtois for taking on the FSO-HR position. She will continue as FSO-SR until a replacement is found. He prefers Staff Officers to hold a single position.
1-4 Division Report:
Major topics:
FC-John Byrne:
Flotilla 21 is reported to be in the 50% bracket for New England for Mandated training and that’s the National average. Pending dis-enrollments should result in an increased percentage of compliance. Stephen Shane asked if we were following consistent policy on CPR training. Someone wanted to take the CPR course he teaches but they had not taken Mandated Training. He was informed that they could take the course. Mandated training is required if you are Boat Crew, Vessel Examiner, or IT. CPR is not a requirement. Auxiliarists can take any course on line and get credit for a course they take. However they must complete Mandated Training for the course to be added to AUXDATA. FSO-OP Brad Thompson brought up that people are REYR because of the CPR course. FSO-IS Richard Robichaud added that he spoke to Ann Manning about people going REYR. Mandated Training is the key to anything and everything to be able to be involved with any Flotilla mission.
1-5 Discussion Items
- MYCGAUX update – Everett Henry presented updated training and discussed the new monthly officer report format.
FC-John Byrne: Shared that Captain Baroody was looking for more Auxiliary members to volunteer for Gate Watch and Communications Watch Stander. Contact FSO-MA Ken Caprio for P.Q.S. requirements. The Auxiliary is looking for instructors and inspectors as part of a big push on Paddle Craft safety(AUXPAD). An effort will be made to recruit young millennials as trainers.
A Member Training Day is scheduled on April 22nd and will include training for Paddle Craft / Kayaking insturctors. The Maine Island Trail Association has requested 4000 If Found stickers and is looking to collaborate with the Auxiliary in safety training. Friends of Casco Bay may also be a source of younger members to help with staffing AUXPAD volunteers.
All members of the boat crew need to test their EPIRBS once a month. Chief Hessler is monitoring testing as indicated on form AF538. All testing must be done before boating season. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is used at the station. (This is a family of standard web feed formats used to publish frequently recurring updated information: Blog entries, News Headlines, Audio, Video.) Completed forms need to be sent to Sr. Chief Naker.
Things to look forward to: D-train, Tall Ships Day Boston June 17th -22nd, The Eagle returns to Portland August 4-7, Maines Fishermen’s Forum March 2 -4th in Rockland, Navy week and an air show this summer
FSO-MA Ken Caprio reminded everyone that the Federal Real ID Act now requires USCG ID cards, PSI letters and passports to get on base.
IPC-John Hume thanked everyone who helped with the special Mandated Training event. He was confident that we will continue to make progress on getting our members to complete Mandated Training.
Flare disposal legislation with bipartisan sponsorship is being submitted in the current legislative session.
FSO-MA Ken Caprio: Requests that all officers be proactive in submitting orders for materials. The supply center will send brochures to officers’ homes. He has gone through the supply closet and rearranged it.
FSO-PA Noel March: Expressed his desire to help all staff officers and respond to any needs and interests that relate to Public Affairs or recruitment. Allen Atkins has arranged for the news director from WGME to do an ongoing series on USCG Auxiliary activities. Noel wants to attend Public Affairs C-School soon.
FSO-FN Gerry Moore: Reported that the cash balance is $12,800. He recommended modifying the 2017 budget to allow a $170 purchase of Quick Books for the new Finance Officer. That would bring our projected deficit to $250.00. This will be presented at the budget approval meeting. There were no objections. A suggestion was made by FSO-IS Richard Robichaud for Gerry to check with FSO-NS Billy Thornton who works for USM. Their book store may be able to purchase Quick Books at a discount.
FSO-IS Richard Robichaud wanted to know if everyone received his e-mail to Staff Officers on how to report their time in AUXDATA. The memo covered the appropriate codes and forms to use to report Staff Officer time.
FSO-SR Lorelle Courtois wants to invite AUXCS Carolyn MCclure and her husband to teach the cooking class. She learned at D-Train that Capt Baroody would supply those orders.
FSO-MT Eric Dexter wants all Staff Officers to let him know how he can respond to their needs. Are there things he should be doing to coordinate training with specific Staff Officer needs? He wants to focus on any training topics that need more attention and reach out to existing and new members to get them involved in some kind of training. He is compiling information on the many opportunities offered, including Regional, National and Specialty training programs. He wants to keep track of new members so that he can connect them with training opportunities that align with their interests. FSO-CS Everett Henry pointed out that anyone can teach a course as long as a qualified instructor is in the room. New instructors can become qualified by completing an on-line course and then meeting with Everett Henry for the final qualification requirements. FSO-PA Noel March agreed there is confusion about opportunities and programs. He suggested a focus group, separate from a staff meeting, to focus on finding ways to improve communication and the process for new members to find their way in the Auxiliary.
FSO-PV Paul Standridge: FSO-MS Susan Polans has stepped down as PV so active members are down to 3. VFC- Peter Poulin suggested that PV will be needed to distribute information on the flare disposal program if it becomes law.
FSO-PE Everett Henry: Reports BS&S has 12 people SS&S has 10. The ACN course has 7 students. It`s up to Brad Manter if he is going to teach that class. IPC -John Hume asked about the policy on allowing the enlisted side to participate in this course. There is an apprentice on the Shackle that would like to take this course. It would be ok because there is no cost to the auxiliary members. STA.SO.PTLD - AL BM1 Robert Guerin is no longer our liaison. BM2 Meinte Bruce is replacing him and an e-mail will be sent out with the new contact information.
FSO-OP Brad Thompson: Brad is getting an error message when he tries to submit his officer report. It was recommended that we do our reports in Word and save them and then can cut and paste them into the web form to prevent loss of data. The 4 hour TCT will be offered in May. Division will be looking to operations for help for Sail Boston.
New Flotilla Photo web page – Everett Henry gave a tutorial on the use of and presented the new flotilla photo site. The site was updated on January 11 and can now be used by a variety of devices. Discussion ensued about ways to get more members to use the web portal and a special presentation will be given at the next flotilla meeting. Everett reports that our web-site can now easiy accommodate a large number of photos. Photo albums have been setup to document Flotilla 21 history over the years. Everett requests that anyone submit photos that can fill in gaps in missing years. The Flickr photo web-site has been discontinued. Everett was also recognized for being awarded the National IT approval logo for his outstanding web-site work.
- Review of new staff officer report template – Peter Poulin reviews new report format
New Monthly Repo:
This was not discussed.
- All Hands emails – Peter Poulin reviews proper use of All Hands email communications:
Officers are asked to use discretion when sending All Hands emails and to be sure to format the address correctly. Emails should be addressed to yourself with the group address placed in the blind copy address. The FVC will assist anyone who may have questions about how to send an all hands email. A Staff Officer should submit an All Hands email to the FC and/or the VFC for review if he/she is unsure about content or presentation. The FC and VFC want to maintain a professional approach to All Hands emails.
- Operational Planning Process – Brad Thomson discussed the upcoming operational planning process. The spreadsheet is the key for each Flotilla and needs to be completed, reviewed by the cognizant USCG Station CO/OinC, and then returned to the SNNE AUXLO prior to ANY Patrol Orders being approved. The exception to this would be an urgent request from a Station for AUX support on a case by case basis. The goal is to have all 2017 Flotilla Patrol Schedules received no later than 31 March 2017
- Review of Auxiliary Activity Codes – Richard Robichaud discussed the use of activity codes on reports and the consolidation of the 7029 reporting templates:
He would like to get everyone to use the 7029I form. It’s a PDF that can be saved to desk top. It has directions and is easy to use. There is a need to get more members to report their time on a timely basis. This will be discussed at the flotilla meeting
- Officer Succession Plan-Peter Poulin introduced ideas to build depth in staff:
All officers need to be doing succession planning and be thinking about who they can mentor as possible replacements/assistants. He requested that Staff Officers consider coming with some kind of plan over the next 3 months.
1-6 Good of the Auxiliary and Recognition
The focus of the February flotilla meeting will be MYCGAUX. Speakers will be announced for upcoming meetings soon.
1-7 Adjournment time: 21:00