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Boaters Local Knowledge Marco Island Area - Updated for 2025

This first of a kind course provides practical information on how to navigate various waterways in and around Marco Island. Aerial and on-water photos are used and allow attendees to actually see the areas they will be taking their boats through. This course is recommended for new, novice, and intermediate boaters, or boaters who are new to this area. Top Spot Chart #N204 is required for use during the class.

2025 Winter Course Dates

Cost: $70 

Location [Map] Day Date Time
Flotilla Station       Monday
 20 Jan 25
  5 PM 
Flotilla Station      
 17 Feb 25   5 PM 
Flotilla Station  
 18 Mar 25
  5 PM 

Course starts at 5 PM
One day class (3hrs)

To sign up for a course or to receive additional information on costs for any of our programs, please contact:

Frank Ciriello
(239)-384-7416 or
[email protected]

Please provide the name and date of the class you would like to attend. You will be contacted and course registration information will be sent to you.