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Minutes of Meeting.18 May 2015.MSU PittsburghStart19:30
Call to order19:30
Pledge of Allegiance followed by Coast
Guard Auxiliary Prayer
Introduction ofguests
Coast Guard Liaison OfficersReports
Kole Chavalia,
Going to need two boats for Regatta. Coast Guard Days went well.
Approval of Minutes from meeting 27 April 015
Division Commander Receives Flotilla
Flotilla 7-2Anthony WatersFCReport submitted and attached.
Flotilla 7-3Mark DraskovichFCReport submitted and attached
Flotilla 7-8Ed KramerFCReport submitted and attached.
Flotilla 7-9Nyoka MolohanFCReport submitted and attached.
Staff Officers Reports:
Communications:Don StrawReport
submitted and attached.
Communication Services :Elaine CornellAll reports received posted on
web site
Diversity:open positionNo
Fellowship:Stephanie ManosReport submitted
and attached.
Finance:Brian PietrandreaReport submitted and attached
Human Resources:Norman ArbesReport submitted and
Information Services:Anthony
WatersReport submitted
and attached.
Lay Leader :Tim PohmerNo
Marine Safety:Ed KramerReport
submitted and attached.
Materials:Jeff SceincidiverNo report
Member Training :David LynchReport submitted
and attached.
Navigation Services:Jayce
submitted and attached.
Operations:John FrankoReport submitted and attached.
Public Affairs: Norm ArbesReport
submitted and attached.
Publications:Norman ArbesReport
submitted and attached.
Public Education: open positionNo report.
Program Visitor:Mark
DraskovichReport submitted and attached.
Vessel Examiners: Robert BrandensteinReport submitted and
Secretary-Records:Ed KramerReport
submitted and attached.
NOTE:Staff officer reports that
were submitted can be viewedeach month of Division web site.
Old Business:Fall D-trainSept 24-27, we will need volunteers very soon
to get underway on planning and need input on what class’s we want to see on
Sat. Please get a list together on who you are approaching for donated
gifts.Each Flotilla to donate a gift
basket. Boat crew training will get back underway in June. We will keep meeting
here until we hear differently from the Osage crew. Commander Weaver retirement
will be July 20.
New Business:Pittsburgh regatta
coming up, we have two boats and will need crew from June 3 thru the 5th.
Please flotillas and Div fill out form 7017 and get it to Diraux. Motion made
by Anthony Waters and 2nd by Mark Draskovich for Bob Davis to spend
up to $100 for a desk coin display for
Commander Weaver retirement gift.
Adjournment,next meeting23 June2015 Location TBDMinutes of Meeting.18 May 2015.MSU PittsburghStart19:30
Call to order19:30
Pledge of Allegiance followed by Coast
Guard Auxiliary Prayer
Introduction ofguests
Coast Guard Liaison OfficersReports 
Kole Chavalia,
Going to need two boats for Regatta. Coast Guard Days went well.
Approval of Minutes from meeting 27 April 015
Division Commander Receives Flotilla
Flotilla 7-2Anthony WatersFCReport submitted and attached.
Flotilla 7-3Mark DraskovichFCReport submitted and attached
Flotilla 7-8Ed KramerFCReport submitted and attached.
Flotilla 7-9Nyoka MolohanFCReport submitted and attached.
Staff Officers Reports:
Communications:Don StrawReport
submitted and attached.
Communication Services :Elaine CornellAll reports received posted on
web site
Diversity:open positionNo
Fellowship:Stephanie ManosReport submitted
and attached.
Finance:Brian PietrandreaReport submitted and attached
Human Resources:Norman ArbesReport submitted and
Information Services:Anthony
WatersReport submitted
and attached.
Lay Leader :Tim PohmerNo
Marine Safety:Ed KramerReport
submitted and attached.
Materials:Jeff SceincidiverNo report
Member Training :David LynchReport submitted
and attached.
Navigation Services:Jayce
submitted and attached.
Operations:John FrankoReport submitted and attached.
Public Affairs: Norm ArbesReport
submitted and attached.
Publications:Norman ArbesReport
submitted and attached.
Public Education: open positionNo report.
Program Visitor:Mark
DraskovichReport submitted and attached.
Vessel Examiners: Robert BrandensteinReport submitted and
Secretary-Records:Ed KramerReport
submitted and attached.
NOTE:Staff officer reports that
were submitted can be viewedeach month of Division web site.
Old Business:Fall D-trainSept 24-27, we will need volunteers very soon
to get underway on planning and need input on what class’s we want to see on
Sat. Please get a list together on who you are approaching for donated
gifts.Each Flotilla to donate a gift
basket. Boat crew training will get back underway in June. We will keep meeting
here until we hear differently from the Osage crew. Commander Weaver retirement
will be July 20.
New Business:Pittsburgh regatta
coming up, we have two boats and will need crew from June 3 thru the 5th.
Please flotillas and Div fill out form 7017 and get it to Diraux. Motion made
by Anthony Waters and 2nd by Mark Draskovich for Bob Davis to spend
up to $100 for a desk coin display for
Commander Weaver retirement gift. 
Adjournment,next meeting23 June2015 Location TBD