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Materials Staff Officer (SO-MA)


1. In accordance with the applicable provisions of the U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Manual, COMDTINST M16790.1 (Series), I hereby appoint you as the Division Materials Staff Officer for the calendar year.

2. Your duties and responsibilities, consistent with the provisions of the Auxiliary Manual, are as follows:

a. Exercise staff responsibility and supervision over the procurement of materials including stationery, forms and publications for distribution to the Division Elected and Staff Officers and keep the Division Board informed of all developments in this area.

b. Maintain close liaison with the District and Flotilla Materials Staff Officers.

c. Coordinate and cooperate with all Division Staff officers in order to keep them supplied with the items necessary for the performance of their duties.


d. Maintain and disseminate, as required, listings of supplies, sources and information on procurement.

e. Immediate supervisory responsibility for your office is vested in the VCP. Cooperate with the VCP in every way to ensure that the Division maintains an adequate supply of materials for proper operation.


f. Upon expiration of your term of office, or when so directed by me, transfer all property and records of the office to your successor.

g. Additional duties of your office include, but are not limited to, the attached.



Attend all meetings of the Division. Give the Vice Captain prior notice when such attendance is not possible. Whenever possible, attend District Board Meetings held in your area.

Be prepared to assist the Flotillas with any workshops, seminars and training sessions called, particularly those for the training of elected and staff officers.

Take positive steps to ensure that your counterpart staff officers at Flotilla level are well trained. Conduct whatever workshops and/or training program(s) may be necessary to ensure that District policy is followed in your program.

Provide leadership and guidance to all FSOs MA.

Initiate and maintain contact with the DSO MA.

Be alert for any reports on problems with supplies from the National Store and National Supply Center that affect your area of responsibility. Take appropriate action to resolve the problems. Keep the DSO MA, VCP and DCP advised of your actions in this area.

As a Division Staff Officer, you are a direct representative of the Division Captain, and as such, you are directed to visit and communicate with the various Flotillas as may be required to assist them. As a courtesy, prior coordination of any visits to the units will be made with the applicable FCs.

Prepare regular mailings to the Flotilla Material Staff Officers. The frequency of such mailing will be that required to pass down all information received from the DSO MA.