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Division Information Systems Officer (SO-IS)


a. Exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the collection, recording, and forwarding of Division data, keeping the Division Board informed of all developments in this area.

b. Initiate and maintain close liaison with the District and Flotilla Information Systems Staff Officers in order to ensure proper credit is received for the members’ and flotilla’s activities.

c. Coordinate and cooperate with other Division Staff Officers so that they are kept advised of the progress in each of their program areas of responsibility.

d. Maintain such records as may be required to effectively discharge your responsibilities.

e. Periodically write articles for your unit newsletter to ensure widest distribution of information relating to your office.

f. Immediate supervisory responsibility for your office is vested in the VCP. Cooperate with the VCP in every way to ensure that the Division’s activities are effectively and accurately recorded.

g. Upon expiration of your term of office or when so directed by the Division Captain, transfer all property and records of the office to your successor.



a. Attend all Division meetings and provide a written report to the Board on progress and activities in the Division’s Information System. Give the VCP notice when attendance is not possible.

b. Be alert for any reports on problems with supplies from the National Supply Center that affect your area of responsibility. Bring these matters to the attention of the VCP and/or DCP.

c. Assist Flotillas by providing any workshops, seminars and other training sessions when requested, particularly those for the IS and AUXDATA/AUXINFO training of elected and appointed officers.

d. Take positive steps to ensure that the FSOs-IS are well trained. Conduct whatever workshops and training programs that may be necessary to ensure that District policy is followed in your program.

e. As a Division Staff Officer, you are a direct representative of the Division Captain. As such, you are directed to visit and communicate with the various flotillas as may be required to assist them. As a courtesy, prior coordination of any visits to the units will be made with the appropriate FC.

f. Prepare regular mailings or communications to the FSOs-IS in your division to pass along all information received from the DSO-IS. An introductory mailing should be sent prior to the start of the year with any directions, procedures and reminders that may be necessary to start the FSOs-IS off in the right direction. The purpose of these mailings is to ensure that communication between Division and Flotilla level is maintained. When appropriate, copies should be provided to the Division Board and Staff.

g. Review the appropriate AUXDATA/AUXINFO reports on a regular basis to track the input of the Division’s activities. When a weakness is observed within a flotilla, correspond with the appropriate staff officer. Request advice on the nature of the problem and offer assistance.

When appropriate, prepare correspondence for the DCP to use in requesting information from the Flotilla Commanders on the perceived problem.

h. Collect, review, and ensure correctness of all data input forms from FSOs-IS for entry. Note: In order to properly perform AUXDATA data entry functions, you must achieve a satisfactory level of proficiency that can be achieved in one of two ways. You are strongly encouraged to attend the AUX-10 C-School offered through the Coast Guard as the primary means of receiving such training (this is a pre-requisite for DSO-IS appointments.) However, if attendance cannot be achieved in a timely manner (i.e. – within two months of appointment,) then you must complete your District-approved training program to the satisfaction of your DSO-IS who may then recommend you for a password for data entry. If you are subsequently able to attend the AUX-10 school, then you may still apply for AUX-10 training.

i. Provide timely feedback to FSOs-IS on specific information concerning member-initiated errors.

j. Train the other SOs on how to download and interpret their respective reports through either AUXDATA or AUXINFO.

k. Monitor the status of all members qualified in a program that requires periodic activity to retain certification; especially Operations, Instructor, Vessel Examiner and RBS Visitor. Keep the responsible Division Staff Officer for that area informed of member status, by flotilla, to minimize the lapse of certifications. Notification of failure to attend mandatory workshops should be given at least one month before the deadline and by September 1 for annual requirements.

l. Provide to the DCP, VCP and applicable DSO(s) when appropriate, copies of all correspondence from you.