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Auxiliary-Sea Scout Youth Development (AUXSCOUT) Program
How to Guide for Taking Youth Protection Training
REQUIRED of Auxiliarists working with Sea Scouts
Please visit for full information. or the AuxScout Youtube channel
from the Executive Summary of the Auxiliary – Sea Scout Youth Development (AUXSCOUT) Program, CG-BSX dated 18 Oct 19:
Sea Scouts is a youth program within the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) that is supported by the Coast Guard pursuant to provisions of the Coast Guard External Affairs Manual, COMDTINST M5700.13.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary...shared with the Sea Scouts a strong mutual respect and appreciation for the benefits gained from leadership education and development programs among youth who possess maritime interests. Both organizations had a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) in place since 2009 which allowed their units to partner on a variety of projects including shore-side RBS activities on a case-by-case basis. The Auxiliary and the Sea Scouts identified significantly beneficial prospects of enhancing their partnership including improved Sea Scout training, opportunities, enriched Coast Guard and Auxiliary recruiting, and better overall promotion of RBS. This led to MOA revision in 2018 and cleared the way for AUXSCOUT program development and implementation. ...
AUXSCOUT SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) HIGHLIGHTS:
a. Change in Minimum Auxiliary Enrollment Age. Until now, the minimum Auxiliary enrollment age was 17yoa. The Auxiliary may now enroll Sea Scouts as young as 14yoa.
b. General Enrollment and Guest Status. Sea Scouts and adult leaders are not required to enroll in the Auxiliary, but they are encouraged to do so. ... Sea Scouts and adult leaders who engage in Auxiliary activities pursuant to the AUXSCOUT SOP but who are not enrolled as Auxiliarists shall be recognized and treated as guests in the conduct of such activities.
c. Background Checks. All Sea Scout youth and adults shall undergo the same entry-level background check as that undergone by all other Auxiliary enrollees if they enroll in the Auxiliary. ...
d. Sea Scout Ship Chartering. Like the Auxiliary flotilla, the basic Sea Scout organizational unit is the Sea Scout Ship. Auxiliary flotillas and divisions are authorized to charter a Sea Scout Ship. Auxiliary units have never been authorized to charter other organization’s units until now. By the same token, this is simply organizational recognition that the flotilla and ship have established a formal relationship in the AUXSCOUT program, ...
e. Training, Youth Interaction, and Auxiliary ID Cards.- Like all other Auxiliary enrollees, Sea Scouts who enroll in the Auxiliary may only be issued an Auxiliary ID card upon receipt of a favorable background check and completion of their Auxiliary Core Training requirements.
- Sea Scout youths under 17yoa and enrolled in the Auxiliary may not board or move about a CG facility by themselves. At a minimum, they shall be accompanied by another Auxiliarist who is at least 17yoa, a parent, a legal guardian, or another person authorized by the facility’s command. ...
- Any Auxiliarist who has the potential to interact on a regular basis with Sea Scouts who are under 18yoa (e.g., Auxiliary boat crew; flotilla commanders) must complete BSA Youth Protection Training.
- Two-deep leadership shall always be applied by Auxiliarists when interacting with Sea Scouts who are under 18yoa.
- At least one Auxiliary or Sea Scout leader with current BSA Safe Swim Defense training is required for the conduct of swimming related activities associated with Auxiliary programs, and at least one Auxiliary member participating in a mission involving an Auxiliary surface facility shall have successfully completed BSA Safety Afloat and CPR training prior to commencing the mission.
- Sea Scouts who are under 17yoa and enroll in the Auxiliary may train in any Auxiliary competency. They may qualify in any Auxiliary competency except coxswain, Personal Watercraft Operator, paddlecraft operator, aircraft commander, first pilot, or co-pilot. Although they may qualify in the other competencies, they are not authorized to perform those activities in a lead or independent capacity.
- Sea Scouts who are under 17yoa and enroll in the Auxiliary are not authorized to be nominated for, be elected to, or hold elected office. They are also limited in the types of appointed staff offices they may hold.
- Auxiliary mission leaders shall ensure that all Sea Scout youth and Sea Scout leaders who are enrolled in the Auxiliary are fully outfitted in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for mission performance.
For more information contact our Flotilla Staff Officer - SeaScout: Raquel Ramirez at email