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May 21-27, 2022


Wear-It Infographic

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National Safe Boating Week is an annual National media event symbolically launching the recreational boating season. weekend as National Safe Boating Week. 

Recognizing the need to promote safe boating practices, Congress requests the president to proclaim (annually) the seven-day period prior to Memorial Day  It not only starts the traditional boating season, but also introduces a year-long media campaign to give boaters more safety information about their activity.

Presidential Proclamation

Nebraska Governor’s Proclamation

Our Flotilla along with Auxiliary units across the country organize activities, such as:

  • Boating safety booths
  • Vessel Safety Check blitzes
  • Public affairs activities
  • Demonstrations

These efforts are aimed at the recreational boating public with the goal of increasing awareness of safe boating practices.


Wear Your Life Jacket To Work Day

Wear Your Life Jacket to Work Day is May 15, 2020.  Wear your life jacket, snap a picture while at work and share on social media with the hashtags #lifejacket2work and #safeboating.

Hosted by the National Safe Boating Council, this annual event is a fun, educational way to heighten life jacket awareness and highlight the various styles just prior to the official launch of the Safe Boating Campaign.

Below are campaign materials you can use to promote your company’s support for wearing life jackets when boating, fishing, or jet skiing: