Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training (SABOT) Job Aid
Ninth Coast Guard District
Job Aid
Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training (SABOT) Job Aid
Ninth Coast Guard District Mission Ethos
The Coast Guard’s service to the public is a serious responsibility. Personnel at every level must approach their duties with swiftness, vigor, passion and bottom-line accountability to the maritime communities that reside and operate within the inland seas that are the Great Lakes.
We are entrusted with missions and authorities that impact citizens directly and personally, often with life or death consequences. We owe every potential subject and next-of-kin, every member of the maritime community, the Great Lakes region, and indeed nation, our best effort: from communications watch to aircraft, boat and cutter crews, to command center controllers, marine safety inspectors, pollution investigators, command cadre and support personnel -- our actions make the difference. Every Coast Guard family member owns a piece of mission success.
Ninth Coast Guard District personnel should treat every potential victim as one of our own family members and every potential safety and security threat as serious. Let genuine care and compassion for our citizens and shipmates guide us in every aspect of mission execution. Exercise operational curiosity and initiative. If it’s happening on the water in the Great Lakes, we should ‘own’ some part of it within the scope of our authorities. Prepare, prevent, and respond accordingly.
Demanding operating tempo and missions viewed as ‘routine’ may tempt us to go through the motions or take shortcuts – but that philosophy is unacceptable. A true Coast Guard professional prosecutes every case, every sortie, every boarding, every inspection, and every mission activity with zeal until the subject is located and rescued, threat is fully investigated, compliance is assured, risk is mitigated, or all reasonable doubt is eliminated.
We revere and dedicate ourselves to an unfailing preparedness to prevent and respond. Take good care of our shipmates by continually managing operational risk. And when in doubt: respond earlier rather than later; do more rather than less; search longer rather than shorter.
Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training (SABOT) Job Aid
This Job Aid is designed to enhance overall Auxiliary operational proficiency by providing Auxiliary boat crews, boat crew mentors and qualification examiners (QE) an easy to follow step-by-step guide for the execution of all tasks contained in the Coxswain - Currency Maintenance Check Ride, Enclosure (2), of the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual (ABCTM), COMDTINST M16794.51(series). The Job Aid does not change or take the place of Enclosures (1) or (2) of the ABCTM. Rather, it is to be used to supplement the check sheet and to provide a comprehensive assessment of the tasks being undertaken during training or during a check ride. The Job Aid provides an area for evaluation (SAT/UNSAT) and remarks for each task. The Job Aid should be used by operational members to assist them with training and for evaluating trainee performance. It should also assist boat crew members with understanding the standards required for each task.
CGD9- Auxiliary boat crews are strongly encouraged to incorporate the SABOT Job Aid as part of their overall training program and to adopt it as a mission execution standard. It is also recommended that boat crews use the Job Aid in conjunction with the CGD9 SABOT Curriculum Outline when preparing for and executing "ready for operations" drill/exercises at the beginning of and during each, boating season.
Please note:
the Job Aid is to be used for training and for evaluating check ride performance only. It is not to be submitted to DIRAUX as part of the crewmember or coxswain certification/currency maintenance package.
* Emphasizes readiness and standardization as an ongoing process.
* Regular use of these standardized procedures should strengthen the Order Issuing Authority’s confidence in the Auxiliary’s ability to execute Surface Operations missions and enhance active duty and Auxiliary interoperability.
* Improve boat crew safety and proficiency through the use of standardized procedures.
* Provide a uniform method of measuring unit readiness and compliance with program standards.
Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training (SABOT) Job Aid
(a) Boat Crew Seamanship Manual, COMDTINST M16114.5 (series)
(b) Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual, COMDTINST M16794.51 (series)
(c) Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Guide, Volume I: Crewmember, COMDTINST M16794.52 (series)
(d) Auxiliary Boat Crew Qualification Guide, Volume II: Coxswain, COMDTINST M16794.53 (series)
(e) USCG Addendum (CGADD) to the National Search and Rescue Supplement (NSS), COMDTINST M16130.2 (series)
(f) Navigation Rules, International-Inland, COMDTINST M16672.2 (series)
(g) Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual, COMDTINST M16798.3 (series)
Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training (SABOT) Job Aid
Section Terminal Performance Criteria
A Complete a Pre-Underway Check-Off For the Facility & Crew
B Boat Handling
C Man Overboard (MOB) Person in the Water (PIW) Recovery
D Anchoring
E Day/Night Navigation and piloting
F Locking Procedures
G Search Patterns
H Towing and Alongside Towing
I Marlinspike Seamanship and Line handling.
J Required form completion.Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training (SABOT) Job Aid
SECTION A – Complete a Pre-Underway Check-Off for the Facility & Crew Terminal Performance Objective
Conduct a pre-underway check of the facility and crew to confirm that all are within stated operational parameters to perform the assigned mission.
Given an Auxiliary Operational Facility and certified Auxiliary crew.
Prepare an Auxiliary operational facility and crew for a surface patrol mission. Verify that all required equipment is on board and in working order and that the crew is familiar with the equipment, its location, and how to operate all systems in accordance with references (c), (d) & (g).
Enabling Objective
Verify that orders have been obtained and are onboard
Auxiliary patrol signs are displayed along with the US and Auxiliary Patrol ensigns
Crew is briefed and familiar with the mission
Conducted a TCT review and did a risk management assessment (establish GAR score).
Assessed all crew members physical capabilities to perform mission and discussed the following:
a. Wearing of jewelry.
b. Communications
c. Job assignments and mission responsibilities
Verified that charts for operating area are on board and current
Verified that required navigation tools and publications are on board
Checked on the location and operating condition of all required equipment
Briefed crew on method of operating all equipment
Briefed crew on the operation of the vessel.
All are wearing required PPE properly
All are familiar with the operation of the required PPE