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 2019 Division 9 Reporting Applications for Flotilla Commanders, 

Flotilla Staff Officers and Division Staff Officers 

As was announced during the Division 9 meeting on 5 DEC 2015, the Division will be using a reporting application which is designed to facilitate the reporting of information being requested at various levels of the organization. 

A. The SECTOR St Petersburg Commander’s report is due on a bi-weekly basis. This report is the responsibility of every Flotilla Commander, or designate, to supply the information on the bi-weekly basis for the VCDR via the email listed below. 

B. The timeframe for the report from the FC, or their designate; not to be later than (NLT) Monday morning by 0900. The report is to be submitted using the “Flotilla Commander Bi-Weekly Activities Report.” 

C. When submitting the FSO or SO monthly report, one does not need to select a date from the “week ending” calendar drop down. However, at the bottom right of the report page, you are to use the “submit date” calendar drop down. 

D. It is suggested, that the Flotilla Commander ask for activity information from their FSOs. The SOs at the end of each month will need to have their respective FSO’s activities anyway. This process will then be very helpful for the FSOs and the SOs to complete their own monthly reports. 

E. All of the report formats are to be downloaded from the selections below on the Division 9 website. The reporting forms are not intended to be used in a web browser. 

 The FC report is titled – “Flotilla Commander Bi-Weekly Activities Report 

 The FSO report is titled – “Flotilla Staff Bi-Weekly & Monthly Activities Report 

 The SO report is titled – “Division Staff Monthly Activities Report 

F. The reporting schedule shown in the instruction information (download from the selections below) “Reporting Schedule – NOTE” is intended to reflect the flow of the required reports. 

 FCs bi-weekly reports to the VCDR due by Monday 0900. 

 The VCDR bi-weekly report to the DCDR due by 1200 on Monday. 

 FSOs bi-weekly to the FCs (suggested) and due by the 5th of the month to their respective SOs. 

 SO monthly reports to the VCDR due not later than the 10th of the following month 

 VCDR monthly report to the DCDR due not later than the 15th of the following month. 

 Download a copy of the appropriate reporting application and save it as your master report form. 

 Do not submit a report from your phone, in a Word document, or typed in an email. The reports will not get to the correct file storage for processing up the chain. 

 Do not forget to put your name on the report – bottom left of the form. 

G. When saving your form for submission, please use the following as an example of the file “save as” format to use. This is true for all reports submitted. The format for the file “save as” date is based on the reporting period date. 

 EXAMPLE: The 1st FC bi-weekly report “save as” format in January 2016 would look like the following –160109FLT97FC. 

In this example 16 is the year, 01 is the month and 09 is the reporting date. Then followed by the flotilla number FLT97 in this case the acronym for the reporting position FC. Yes, there is no flotilla 97. 

H. If the report is being saved as an FSO report or an SO report, all remains the same until the acronym. 

 FSO report file “save as” format would end with the appropriate acronym – CM, CS, PE, NS, PV, etc. 

 EXAMPLE: 160109FLT97HR 

 SO reports would end with the acronym SOCM, SOCS, SOPE, etc. 


I. When an individual holds multiple staff positions insert “MULTI” in lieu of the single position acronym. 

 Example: 160109FLT97MULTI 

J. Once the report from the FC or from the SO is ready to submit, all reports are to be sent to the VCDR so they can be compiled for the DCDR . 

 When the report is completed, please send the original pdf file; not a scanned or printed copy. If you need help with the “save as” formatting just ask. 

 FSO reports for bi-weekly would go to their FC (suggested), and the FSO monthly report would go directly to their appropriate SO’s email address. 

 Avoid the narrative and just number or bullet the items which are submitted. 

K. Currently the fillable pdfs will not process on a tablet or from a smart phone. They need to be completed on a computer. 

 NOTE: If you are using the newest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader DC you will need to select “Enable All Features” in the upper right corner of the pdf to use the fillable document. This is an Abode Acrobat Reader DC protection feature/function. 

 Download the forms and save them on your computer. The reports are not 

“e-Forms” that are completed on line. 

 Do Not use these forms in the “CHROME” browser, as the Adobe plugin contained in that browser is not compatible with some of the report functions. 

L. These applications have been tested over the last year plus, and it has been determined it does simplify the reporting process. The only thing difficult; getting them in on time. 

M. Those positions which are exempt from these report forms are DV, FN, and SR as they have their own specific formats. It is however suggested that the same “save as” format be used, along with using the reporting email address on monthly reports. 

N. There are some report examples at the end of the instructions pdf. 

O. These instructions can also be downloaded from the Division 9 website 



Division 9 Reporting Applications Guideline


FC-VFC_Bi-Wk Report

FSO-Mthly&Bi-Wk Report

These Reporting Instructions can be downloaded from the link below.

Reporting Instructions