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Elements of a Meaningful Auxiliary Monthly/Quarterly Report

  • States person submitting, position title, and time frame for report content at the very beginning 
  • Reflects the 4 C’s 
    • Clear
    • Concise 
    • Coherent 
    • Correct
  • Is a one-page document with one- or two-sentence bullets 
  • Tells overview of what, where, who, when, and how 
  • Has been proofread 
  • Reflects the current time frame on what has been (not planned) accomplished  
  • Relates to the D7 Strategic Plan, progress toward goals, and our missions 
  • Does not just re-state what is shown in AUXDATA and AUXINFO 
  •  Contains new programs 
  • Contains successful missions, projects, and events (best practices)
  • Contains improvements in efficiency, execution, documentation, procedure, mission results, technology, etc.
  •  Contains major time and resources activities, high priority efforts and contributions


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