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In the USCG Auxiliary, we do not have "Ranks"... we have "Offices".  

        There are two different type of Officer positions:

  • "Appointed" officers - Appointed at the leisure of the chain-of-command, and denoted by a RED "A" on their insignia.
  • "Elected" officers - Elected by the membership to their office, and denoted by a blue "A" on their insignia

Flotilla Level 

 Flotilla Staff Officer (FSO)
 FSO FSO's are appointed by the Flotilla Commander and are usually the first offices held by new members.  FSO's work for the Flotilla Commander and Vice Flotilla Commander, and coordinate with the Division Staff Officer, to lead their mission area on the flotilla level.
 Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC)
 VFC VFC's act as the "Chief Of Staff" on the flotilla level.  Like the Flotilla Commander, they are elected by the members of a flotilla.  The VFC supports the agenda of the Flotilla Commander, and focuses on working with FSO's to accomplish mission objectives.
 Flotilla Commander (FC)

FC's are the leaders of local flotillas and are the highest elected Auxiliary leader within a flotilla.  They are elected by the members of a flotilla.  In addition to establishing the annual agenda for the flotilla and leading meetings, the FC represents the flotilla at the Division Level.


Division Level  (Division 7 - Narragansett Bay)

 Division Staff Officer (SO)
 SO SO's are appointed by the Division Commander and are usually held by experienced auxiliarists.  SO's work for the Division Commander and Vice Division Commander, and coordinate with the FSO's to organize and support mission efforts across multiple flotillas.
 Vice Division Commander (VDCR)
 VCDR VCDR's act as the "Chief Of Staff" on the Division level.  They are elected by the Flotilla Commanders in a Division.  The VCDR supports the agenda of the Division Commander, and focuses on working with SO's to accomplish mission objectives across the district.
 Division Commander (DCDR)
 DCDR DCDR's are the leaders of Divisions within Coast Guard Districts.  The highest elected Auxiliary leader within a division.  Elected by the Flotilla Commanders in a Division.  In addition to establishing the annual agenda for the Division and leading meetings, the DCDR represents the Division at the District Level, and interfaces with the local Director of the Auxiliary (DIRAUX) on the "Gold Side".

District Level  (1st District - Northern Region, 013)

 Assistant District Staff Officer (ADSO)
 ADSO Assist with the management of district departments under the direction and guidance of the District Staff Officer; appointed by the District Commodore with concurrence of District Chief Of Staff. DSO's report to the District Chief Of Staff (through a District Directorate Chief, where applicable).
 District Staff Officer (DSO)
 DSO Manage the district's departments and programs; appointed by the District Commodore and approved by DIRAUX (Director of Auxiliary).
 District Directorate Chief (DDC)
 DDC Some districts appoint DDCs based on the three major areas of Auxiliary activity (i.e., Prevention, Response, and Logistics). They are appointed by the District Commodore and approved by DIRAUX (Director of Auxiliary.
 District Captain (DCAPT)

Elected by all Division Commanders and usually supervise a group of divisions in a district. They may also have programmatic responsibilities.

 District Chief of Staff (DCOS)
 DCOS (formerly District Vice Commodore [VCO]) – The district's Chief of Staff and Assistant to the District Commodore. Elected by the Division Commanders in the district.
 District Commodore (DCO)
 DCO  Leads the District and interfaces with DIRAUX (an active-duty Coast Guard officer responsible for coordinating Auxiliary activities in his or her district.)

 For more information on the organizational structure, see Chapter 4 of the AUXMAN.