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The SO-PB is the editor of the division newsletter and flotilla newsletters and will maintain close liaison with the District Staff Officer of Publications to ensure a prompt flow of suitable articles and information of interest to the readership within the Flotilla, Division and District. This officer will develop and maintain a library file of photographs of division activities, will encourage flotilla and division members to contribute articles of interest for inclusion in the newsletter. This individual has the duty of assisting in the preparation, Director's clearance and publication of unit publications and will promptly submit articles for publication. He or she will cooperate and coordinate with the SO-PA in obtaining action photos of flotillas or division member activities for publication, will report monthly to the VDCDR on activities and progress in this area, and will maintain a file of all unit newsletters published and/or articles submitted to other publications. The SO-PB will mail Flotilla and Division newsletters to all Flotilla members, retired members, Director of the Auxiliary, DCO, VCO, RCO, DSO-PBB, ADSO-PB, DCP, VCP, SO-PB and all FCs in the Division. 
A copy of the newsletter must also be mailed to: Coast Guard Auxiliary Collection, J.Y. Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, SC 27858-4353.

Publications Information 

National Public Affairs Website 

Publications Officer Tools 

Navigator Archives 

NavigatorExpress Archives 

USCG PA Stylebook (2009) 

PB Officers Guide