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The Division Staff Officer of Public Education will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the Auxiliary's public education program, on the division level, including the scheduling, organization and conduct of boating safety courses and activities. This officer will maintain a close relationship with the District Staff Officer of Public Education (DSO-PE) in order to implement the public education programs established for nation-wide, district-wide, and division-wide use. The SO-PE will coordinate and cooperate with the SO-MT on training instructors, the SO-PA in publicizing and promoting all boating safety and Auxiliary public education courses to the media, with the SO-HR in promoting Auxiliary membership to students in the classes, and the SO-MT in organizing workshops, training of instructors, and in instructor improvement workshops. This individual will forward to the DSO-PE such methods, training aids, course materials, and other educational tools developed within the division that may have district-wide application. He or she will report directly to the VDCDR on all progress, development and PE activities, will supervise PE class assistants, keep updated with Auxiliary course content, instructional requirements and course updates, and ensure that all forms relating to this AOR are correctly completed and forwarded. The SO-PE will also coordinate and cooperate with the SO-FN so that a sufficient supply of text books for each course taught are in stock with the SO-MT. Lastly, the SO-PE has the duty of maintaining an up-to-date inventory and custody list of all Coast Guard and Flotilla-owned real property used in conjunction with the public education program (e.g. video tape players, slide projectors, and other audio-visual aids, video tapes, discs, slides, etc.).
Public Education Information