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Public Affairs Staff Officer Division 4


Rafael R. Shabetai, AUXPA3

The Division Staff Officer of Public Affairs will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all Auxiliary public affairs and public information matters within the division and keep members informed of all developments in this area. This officer will work in cooperation with the District Staff Officer of Public Affairs (DSO-PA) and will establish effective working relationships with members of the print media and broadcast media to facilitate coverage of Flotilla activities and missions. This officer will coordinate and cooperate with the SO-PE, SO-VE, and SO-PB in promoting, advertising, and communicating to the media the activities of these areas and in promoting the best possible public image of the Auxiliary in the flotilla, division or district. The SO-PA will also originate articles for Flotilla, Division, District and National newsletters and publications, will develop and direct an organized program of activities to obtain Auxiliary publicity, and will assist other officers with the preparation and distribution of advertising and promotional material on Public Education courses, Vessel Safety Checks, and (AIM) and (RAP) activities of the Career Counselor officer. Additionally, the SO-PA will cooperate with the SO-PB in obtaining action photos of Flotilla activity for publication and for entering Auxiliary photo contests. This individual will maintain close liaison with the DSO-PA to ensure an effective and coordinated program within the division and will assist or take part in planning and conducting seminars, workshops, forums, and panel discussions.



Public Affairs Information 

National Public Affairs Directorate 

PA Specialist Information 

PA Officer Tools 

Auxiliary Information 

Current Recreational Boating Safety Statistics 

Social Media for Division 4,Coastal Region 

Social Media for Coast Guard Auxiliary District 8 Coastal Region 

Social Media for Coast Guard Auxiliary 
