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How You Can Best Serve To Support The Coast Guard Missions

Our members help the active Coast Guard serve the recreational boating public in all missions except for law enforcement and military actions. We donate our time and expertise to support the operations of the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as to improve safety and educational levels for recreational boaters.

In the auxiliary, members may serve in a Program or in Administration or both. Each flotilla member develops their areas of expertise based on their preferences and the expressed needs of Division and District leadership. If you have the time, interest and background, you can do more than one. In any case, all members must qualify in the particular discipline, pass the corresponding test, and be "qualified" to serve in that capacity.

If you are a boat owner, you may immediately upon joining offer your vessel as a "facility" to be used in operations. Contact the Flotilla Commander, Vice Flotilla Commander and the Flotilla Staff Officer for Operations.


Navigation Systems
Human resources
Marine Safety and Environment
Information systems
Public Education
Secretary of Records
Vessel Exams
Public Affairs
Member Training
Communications Services
Program Visitor

The Flotilla Vice Commander (VFC) manages the staff officers within four key categories:


Human Resources Member Training Secretary of Records Operations
Public Affairs
Finance Marine Safety & Environment
Diversity   Information Systems
Navigation Services
Publications   Materials Public Education
    Communications Services
Vessel Exams
Program Visitor


The current PROGRAM positions you can qualify for with Division 6 are:

  1. Boat Crew
  2. Vessel Examiners
  3. Public Education Aides
  4. TeleCommunications Specialists
  5. Public Affairs Specialists
  6. Interpreters
  7. Marine Dealers Program Visitors
  8. Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Specialists


1. Operations, Crew. We actively support CG Station Miami Beach, the most active station in the nation, with marine patrols, search and rescue, underway training exercises for their helicopter missions and boarding practices, as well as response to environmental pollution, vessel escort services, aids to navigation, and a myriad of other operational missions. Members interested in on-the-water based activities should join the Boat Crew Training program (BCT).

2. A good starting point for new members is to qualify as a Vessel Examiner. A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesy examination of your boat (Vessel) to verify the presence and condition of certain Safety Equipment required by State and the Federal regulations.

3. Another way to help while learning is to assist Public Education as an Aide, learning in greater detail all about boating safely and assisting with our popular classes.

4. Auxiliary communications consist of fixed land stations, land mobile stations and direction finder stations. Telecommunications Operators (TCOs) qualify to operate these.

5. The Public Affairs Specialist program combines formal and on the job training with structured mentoring to develop skilled public affairs specialists, support specialists, and program managers. New members interested in social media are particularly welcome.

6. The US Coast Guard Auxiliary Interpreter Corps is a component of the USCG Auxiliary International Affairs Department.They offer their linguistic skills to the US Coast Guard and other agencies of the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Defense.

7. The  Program Visitor (PV) program provides boating safety information to marine dealers and other places where people with an interest in boating congregate.  Auxiliarists visit specific dealers regularly to supply them with boating safety information and material.  

8. The Marine Environmental Protection program develops and enforces regulations to avert the introduction of invasive species into the maritime environment, stop unauthorized ocean dumping, and prevent oil and chemical spills. This program is complemented by the Marine Safety program’s pollution prevention activities.

Speak about these eight qualifications with your flotilla leadership (FC & VFC), FSO-HR officer, and your mentor to select your path. Then coordinate with your mentor and the FSO-MT officer, to set your Personal Development Plan.


The current ADMINISTRATION positions you can qualify for at DIVISION 6 are TEN. In addition to studying for each category, you can become an apprentice to our Flotilla Staff Officers (FSO) or to our Division Staff Officers (SO), assisting them with their administrative duties, learning and helping as needed and qualify in:

  1. Member Training
  2. Finance
  3. Human Resources
  4. Information Systems
  5. Secretary of Records
  6. Communicaitons Services
  7. Public Affairs
  8. Publications
  9. Materials
  10. Diverstiy


1. Member Training organizes, coordinates and communicates all member training, ensuring opportunities are afforded to all members as interested.

2. Finance administers the budget and expenses of our flotilla, controlling our bank account and ensuring fiscal responsibility.

3. Human resources support all aspects of recruitment and retention of our members, and is a subject matter expert in all things HR.

4. Information Systems specialist enters into Auxdata all member's reported activities, is a subject matter expert in all things IS

5. Secretary of Records keeps the official minutes and send out notice of meetings and agendas. Becomes proficient in our by-laws and rules.

6. Materials administers the flotilla's equipment and supplies, safekeeping, tracking inventory, ordering and distributing as needed. Obtains supplies from District and National as needed.

7. Communications Services administers group communications within the CGAUX units.

8. Diversity promotes inclusion of all members in all missions.

9. Public Affairs is the public face of the CGAUX and deals with media and disseminate public information.

10. Publications deals with digital and print publications and communications tools.

Training programs are available by contacting your FSO-MT or your SO-MT.


Hortensia E. Sampedro

Division 6 Member Training Staff Officer (SO-MT)