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 Members of Division 12 conduct a patrol.

               A picture of Division 12 on patrol.                        Members of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary's Division 12 are pictured just off of the Lewes Yacht Club during a patrol conducted on June 1, 2024.  At the helm is Coxswain Jim Stelene of Flotilla 12-02.  Crewmembers pictured are Mike Maguire (left), Immediate Past Flotilla Commander of Flotilla 12-09; and Roy Zimmerman, Division 12 Commander.   


Here are a few photos of CGAux Flotilla 12-09 in action.
Many more photos are available on Shutterfly which you can view free 

2020 Lewes Polar Bear Plunge
2 February, 2020


Photos and text by Donna Doyle, FSO-PB.


Members from Division 12 joined together to provide support to the 3,733 plungers at Reboboth Beach.

a pic of the polar bear plunge 

 12-09 Members: L. McCullough, D. Doyle, R. Zimmerman, M. McGuire, A. Liszewski, 

Members at the Polar Bear Plunge FC giving safety rules for the day at the Polar Bear Plunge