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 This section of our website will focus on the members of Division 15 in action.  All members are welcome to submit photos for consideration for inclusion.  All photos must be consistent with USCG and USCG Auxiliary standards and policies.  

 Please submit any photos as a JPG of no more than 300 KB size.  Provide photo details and who took the photo.   (If you have problems resizing photo, we can probably resize it for you.) All photos become the property of the USCG.  Submit to the Division Communication Services Officer.



 Boats at the dock before night mission

 Boats at the dock before night mission on Lake Champlain, Burlington, VT.



USCG Station Burlington, VT practices ice rescue drills on Lake Champlain next to the station.


 USCG member on ice performing a practice rescue of other member in water

USCG members on raft preparing to enter water 


USCG members gearing up for ice rescue training