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 Images of activities and events from our Lower Manhattan Flotilla and the John Jay College Detachment members

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Sector NY Holiday Event

Coast Guard New York celebrating a holiday breakfast at Sector New York with the support of AuxCA (Culinary Assistant Team) 

USCG Holiday Event 2022 - AuxCA Bill Jefferson

AuxCA Bill Jefferson - Photo by Gary Chapman, ADSO-CA

 USCG Holiday Event 2022 - CS and AuxCA Team

Front: Captain Merchant, Rear Left to Right: AuxCA Bill Jefferson, CS Joseph, Chief CS Joseph Antonaccio, AuxCA Gary Chapman, AuxCA Ed Wiederkehr, AuxCA Anne-Marie Nista - Photo by Captain Zeita Merchant (Captain of the Port of NY USCG SECNY)

 USCG Holiday Event - CA Team with Santa and Mrs Clause

Left to Right: AuxCA Bill Jefferson, AuxCA Gary Chapman, Mrs. Clause, Santa Clause, AuxCA Ed Wiederkher, AuxCA Anne-Marie Nista - Photo by CS Joseph

AuxCA Coast Guard Day 2021

 Coast Guard Day 2021 - Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Specialist Team

photo by Aux Bert Ongkeo

 Flotilla Meeting | February 2020
Photo by Auxiliarist Allen Peda 

John Jay College Celebratory Signing of a Memorandum of Agreement with the United States Coast Guard

(Capt Tama, Bill, Prof Susan, Anthony, Rear Admiral Tiongson & President Mason) Photo by Auxiliarist Bill Jefferson 


NY Boat Show 2020
By Auxiliarist Jacob Katz

Holiday Party - December 2019

Photo by Auxiliarist Jacob Katz



Election Day - November 2019

Photography by USCG Aux Jacob Katz 



Members of 05-03 (Lower Manhattan 2016) - Photo by Auxiliarist B. A. Van Sise 




USCG Auxiliary 2012 - Food Service Team