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 the first page is what you want them to comment on

the second page is the comment area

the third page is auto reply page



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I am a drop down: I have a Sailboat
I have a Power Boat
I have a Sailboat
I have a Power Boat

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Thank you for your interest in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary!
An Auxiliarist will contact you based on the information you entered.


A few links you may find useful:

  • Boat Safely: Simple tips for safer boating.

  • Boating Links: State (WA, OR, ID, MT) and other organizations with boating - related information.

  • Why Join?: Reasons why people join the Coast Guard Auxiliary.


The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is dedicated to reducing loss of life, injuries, and property damage that occur on U.S. waterways by improving the knowledge, skills, and abilities of recreational boaters. The Auxiliary supports this Coast Guard Mission through public education, conducting vessel safety inspections, and directly supporting the Coast Guard in marine safety missions. We are America's Volunteer Lifesavers.