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Images of Over The Bow Publications
Linda Lakin Image
D1SR District Staff Officer for
Publications Department

Linda B. Lakin, DSO-PB

Publications Department Team

Over The Bow Article Submission Button 

Publications Content Submissions 

We want to hear from you- send us your stories and photos, for future editions.

Over The Bow is a digital magazine that publishes articles of interest by Auxiliary members and the U.S. Coast Guard.  Please submit your articles so we can recognize how your Flotilla and/or Division is engaged in current activities and missions supporting Team Coast Guard and Recreational Boating Safety within the First District Southern Region. Your articles may be viewed by other Districts within the US Coast Guard Auxiliary in the US and Internationally, and by the boating public.

  • Locate your local Assistant District Staff Officer for Publications (ADSO-PB)

  • Attach your article in MS Word Format and/or Photo(s) to the Article Submission Form. All submissions will be reviewed by DSO-PB Linda Lakin and ADSO-PB Jason Farrow and your local ADSO-PB.

  • All photos of Auxiliarists must adhere to proper uniform protocol

  • All photographs need to be attached as JPG or PNG format and include the name of photographer

  • Please follow guidelines and obtain parental waivers for any photos of children under 18 years old

  • IMPORTANT: Parental Release Form ANSC 7020 in order to be published. 

All content is subject to editing and editor's discretion to publish.

Over the Bow Image