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A Brief History of Flotilla 66

Once upon a time in Palm Springs, California, there was a shrinking USCG Auxiliary unit, 114-15-08. The members were retiring or crossing the bar, leaving a skeleton crew on board. Seeking new members, the decision was made in 2007 to transfer the flotilla to Orange County from Riverside County. The Palm Springs unit landed in Yorba Linda, the City of Gracious Living.

The new unit began with the minimum number of members, including Francisco Floriani, Ted Kelly, Roy Lay, Don Napolitano, Ben Strauss, Estelle Straus, Alyce Wynn and Wally Wynn.

The 22 new Auxiliarists

My husband Ramon and I joined 15-08 in February 2008, one year shy of being charter members. Suddenly that year, the flotilla grew by 22 members.

Most of us had read a newspaper article by Auxiliarist Jim Scarborough about the USCG Auxiliary. The photo accompanying the article showed a uniformed Mr. Scarborough on his Auxiliary facility and I was prompted immediately to call the telephone number provided.

I volunteered on the spot.

My husband followed, saying that if he didn’t, he would never see me again.

When the 22 were sworn in by the Captain of the Port of San Pedro, we made Coast Guard history: The largest group of Auxiliary recruits at one time was a first in the history of the United States.

Auxiliary life was easy in those days. The port captain, the fingerprint expert, and the photographer came to Yorba Linda from San Pedro to assist us with enrollment. The Boating Safety Class was taught personally by Francisco Floriani.

We had a fully stocked materials center to purchase our uniforms in the neighboring city of Anaheim. No Zoom classes, no Core Training, no BQII, no ADII, no officer competency requirements, no required workshops.

In 2010, the USCG decided to align all units with active-duty Coast Guard designations. Division 15 became Division 6 and our unit was officially renamed 114-06-06.

Yes, the Auxiliary has changed, but change is inevitable. What has not changed is the camaraderie in our fellowship. Nor have been compromised our core values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. Semper Paratus.

Some of the Members of 15-08 sworn in
by Capt. Miller in 2008
FC Kirk Scarborough VFC Roy Lay
FSO-AN Ben Straus FSO-OP Larry Ledoux
FSO-CM Wally Wynn FSO-PA Terry Rouch
FSO-CS Ramon Evans FSO-PB Ramon Evans
FSO-FN Frank Martin FSO-PE Gene Tavris
FSO-IS Victor Flynn FSO-PS Anne Evans
FSO-MA John Sammons FSO-PV Kevin Cruz
FSO-MS Frank Boice FSO-SR Anne Evans
FSO-MT Francisco Floriani FSO-VE Robert Hazboun
IPFC Wally Wynn

Catalina Island VE and UPV Mission 2019

Two Harbors

The USCG Auxiliary D11sr Division 6 Vessel Examiners and Uninspected Passenger Vessel Outreach Team, organized by Flotilla 66 FSO-VE Frank Boice, have completed the annual Recreational (VSC) and Commercial (UPV) vessel exams at many youth camps, Boy Scout Camps and major harbors. This mission required multiple trips to Santa Catalina Island on an annual basis beginning in 2012, and continuing in 2019. Note that due to the Covid-19 CGAUX Stand Down, no Catalina VE or UPV missions were completed in 2020-2021.

Transportation for these trips in the past has been provided by Auxiliarist Carm Gullo's Facility the Lotus, Auxiliarist Don Napolitano's Facility the Aqua Amore, Auxiliarist Steve Baca's vessel, Auxiliarist Rodney Wilson vessel, Steve Sherman's Facility the Fisherman, and the USCGC Narwhal and the USCGC Blacktip.

Narwahl Tender Boarding Narwahl VE Exam

Flotilla 6-6 has averaged over 500 Vessel Exams(VSC) and 10 Uninspected Passenger Vessel(UPV) exams completed each year at Catalina.

Narwahl Crew and Aux

We appreciated the assistance of the Commanding Officers and Crews of the USCGC Narwhal and USCG Blacktip who facilitated accomplishing some of our mission in 2013 and 2014. The obvious exceedingly high morale, and the absolute professionalism they all continuously demonstrated, were a delight to be around. Many of our Team members had never had a previous opportunity to observe any military vessel close up, and they were all impressed.The May 2019 plan were USCG Auxiliary vessel examination operations at the Campus By The Sea Youth Camp, Gallagher Cove, Santa Catalina Island and at three commercial boat rental operators in Avalon Harbor, Santa Catalina Island. Over 200 vessel exams were completed. A uxiliarist Steve Baca provided transportation for this trip.

The overnighter trip, May 3-4, 2019, plans were USCG Auxiliary vessel examination operations at the BSA Camp, Emerald Bay; Guided Discoveries Camp at Toyon Bay; and Joes’s Rent a Boat Rentals, Avalon Harbor. About 500 vessel exams and 3 UPV Exams were completed. Very professional transportation for this trip was provided by USCG Auxiliary Facility ANAM CARA.

ANAM CARA vessel Crew Daniel Gonzales, William Shakespeare and COXN Michael Bozarth.