Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Sign up for your passwords

After you are sworn in and receive your member number, you should set up your MEMBER ZONE PASSWORD,  set up your AUXOFFICER profile and download the app for FORM 7029.

Member Zone Password  Sign up for Password

Have the following information ready, and click the "Sign up for Password" link below:

  • Your Auxiliary "employee ID" (7-digit Member Number)
  • Your primary email address, as entered in AuxData.

You must have immediate access to your primary email account to receive a validation letter to which you must respond within 15 minutes. If you don't receive the validation email immediately, ask a shipmate who already has access to AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer to check your email address for you. If it is wrong in AuxOfficer, then it is wrong in AuxData, and both must be correct to issue you a Member Zone password.

Remember: this will be your new universal Member Zone password for Auxiliary national – and most local – applications.

AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer Profile   Sign up for AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer

Use the search section to find yourself. You can use your last name or member number.Then open the Member Detail and update all the information on it.

Save! Save! Save!

Reporting Forms  Form 7029

Once you have your Profile set up, download the 7029 form to your smartphone, tablet and computers.   

Each FSO or activity leader will enter the time served for the activity in which you participated. However, your time spent traveling to the activity, time spent studying, time spent preparing, basically time not reported on the activity form for patrolling, teaching, doing vessel exams, etc. needs to be reported by you on Form 7029.

Hint: do these in the order suggested. Bookmark the pages for your future use. Also, on any data entry on USCGAux sites, SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! your work often and frequently!

Hortensia E. Sampedro

Division 6 Member Training Staff Officer (SO-MT)