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Fri, 03 Apr 20  

 Operations Header

 Juneau CG SRB

Coast Guard boat cartoon image

Auxiliarist provide crucial operational support to the U.S. Coast Guard supporting a variety of mission area's. Whether it is patrolling Auke Bay or standing watch at Station Juneau. Flotilla 1-1 is very active in operations and always ready to provide support and assistance to boaters when needed. Auxiliarists are a part of Team Coast Guard and greatly expand the Coast Guard's mission capabilities. 

Surface Operations (Boat)Coast Auxiliary boat insignia

Surface operations support the U.S. Coast Guard on the water in a range of missions from search and rescue to environmental protection. Surface ops includes search and rescue, homeland security, marine environmental protection, aids to navigation, helping ensuring boating safety, and securing safety zones for on the water events. Patrols are often called upon to assist boaters in distress or in need of assistance. 

There are two levels of qualification for surface operations, boat crew and coxswain. Boat crew is the initial qualification, once qualified Auxiliarists may pursue coxswain. Surface operations is a high visibility mission for the Coast Guard Auxiliary and a crucial mission in support of the U.S. Coast Guard. 


Communications Watchstanding


When on the water the U.S. Coast Guard is always ready to respond to a distress call which is received by a watchstander. Watchstanders are the first line of response for the Coast Guard and constantly monitor marine radio traffic for distress calls as well as maintain communications with other Coast Guard and Auxiliary assets. 

Auxiliarists serve as watchstanders at Coast Guard stations across the country everyday providing a critical operational support function to the Coast Guard station. Watchstanders must have the ability to remain calm under stress and make quick informed decisions with extremely limited time. 


Interested in Operations?

Visit the Join the Auxiliary page to learn more on joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Members visit the Member Deck for operations PQS links. 


Coast Guard Helicopter

Coast Guard Auxiliary logo