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NOTE - You need to Log In to AuxData II to use these reports!

.Boat Crew Basic/Unit 09202 This report shows the Competency status for AUXCT and Crewmember competencies. It lists each competency task type with expiry date. The report includes records for members in the unit with the Boat Crew Crewmember competency type. Expiry dates for the task types for both competencies are listed. 

.Boat Coxswain Basic/Unit 09202 This report shows the Competency status for AUXCT and Coxswain competencies. It lists each competency task type with expiry date. The report includes records for members in the unit with the Boat Crew Coxswain competency type. Expiry dates for the task types for both competencies are listed.

.Boat Crew Basic/Unit 09202

TMR Activity Surface PWC reportw/underway duration in private folder