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Coast Guard Auxiliary Operational Excellence "E" Ribbon

The Operational Excellence Program will provide Coast Guard Auxiliary boat crews with a challenging opportunity to highlight their proficiency and skills through the completion of a series of evaluated scenarios. Boat crew members will receive a letter of successful completion, and Coxswains will be issued the Operational Excellence Program E-Decal. The Coast Guard Auxiliary Excellence "E" ribbon will be issued to those team members who earned the Operational Excellence Program E-Decal award. This operational recognition program is not mandatory, and does not replace qualifications or certification. It is intended to give Auxiliarists certified in the Boat Crew Program an incentive to train and increase proficiency by working together as a highly trained and coordinated crew and to encourage additional Auxiliarists to offer their boats as Facilities. The team’s FC, at a regularly scheduled Auxiliary meeting to promote recognition and achievement among all Auxiliarists, presents the award.