Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Thank you for considering to join the USCG Auxiliary and embody the volunteer spirit of the United States.

For many new members, being a member of the Auxiliary satisfies that innate desire to be part of “something bigger than yourself”.  For that, Team Coast Guard is grateful you decided that WE were an organization worthy of your desire to help promote the Recreational Boating Safety message in your local community.

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  The jobs listed below are volunteer, non-salaried position in the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. As a volunteer position, there are no required minimum hours that you need to perform.  Each Auxiliarist is expected to provide as much or as little time as they can make available to perform their position tasks and participate in US Coast Guard Auxiliary functions.  The Auxiliary will provide training to person filling this requirement.

Please click on the desired link below. 

Public Affairs Assistant 

Vessel Examiners 

Boat Crew and Coxswains 

Aid To Navigation Verifiers 

Program Visitor                    

Sea Scouts 

Become a Member Today!


For more information on what it takes to be a member of the CG Auxiliary, please our Flotilla Staff Officer on requirements and expectations.

Flotilla Staff Officer Human Resources (FSO-HR)

Alex Collier
Mobile: (617) 320-2705