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On 29 November 2023, a Meritorious Team Commendation was presented by Coast Guard Sector Northern New England (SNNE) to USCG personnel at Station Rockland and to Auxiliary members who provided support to the Station during its open house event and the 2023 Maine Lobster Festival. Pictured left to right are SNNE Commander CAPT Amy Florentino, Saco Bay FC Richard Jones, Penobscot Bay VFC Colin Samuels, and Saco Bay FSO Michael Curry.

On 24 June 2023, Flotilla members conducted Vessel Safety Checks (VSCs) at USCG Station Rockland and the Rockland public boat landing at Snow Marine Park. Pictured left to right are VFC Colin Samuels, IPFC Darrell Gilman, FSO-MA Paul Ljunggren, and FC David Turner.

Joint Exercise with USCG Station Rockland

On a crisp, clear October day, Flotilla 1-5 members participated in an on-the-water joint training exercise with Coast Guard Station Rockland. Pictured is a 47' patrol boat from Station Rockland.

Darrell Gilman, F15 Flotilla Commander, receiving te Operational Service Award. 

Darrell Gilman (right), past Flotilla Commander, received the Operational Service Award from Duane Minton (left), past District 1 Commander.