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"Bog Pusher" Boaters Take Action

Wed, 14 Aug 24   Posted by: Gregory Forsythe

Early this summer, a 200-ton peat bog sprouting mature, 40-foot pine trees was blocking a waterway in the Lake Chippewa Flowage in northern Wisconsin. The bog — inaccurately known as an island — was lodged near a bridge, effectively splitting the 15,300 acre lake in two. If the bog remains in place, boats can’t cross from one side of the bridge to the other. It had to be moved.

Enter the “bog pushers.” A group of community members comes together nearly every year to move these navigational hazards.

Read the full story here:


Nonresident Alabama Boater Safety Certification

Fri, 21 Jun 24   Posted by: Gregory Forsythe

On October 1, 2024, Alabama law will change for out-of-state residents operating watercraft in Alabama. Currently, upon entering the state, out-of-state boaters have a 45-day grace period to operate watercraft legally. This grace period allows non-residents to operate vessels without any requirement for license or certification. 

Later this year, the law will change due to recent action by the Alabama Legislature and Governor Kay Ivey.  The new law establishes the Nonresident Alabama Boater Safety Certification for out-of-state residents. Non-residents will be required to obtain this certification in advance, in order to operate watercraft legally within Alabama. The 45-day grace period that has existed will be eliminated. This change is intended to enhance safety on Alabama waterways, and to bring residents of other states in line with requirements already imposed on Alabama residents.   

According to law enforcement sources, about 25% of watercraft accidents have involved nonresident operators. 

The United States Coast Guard routinely offers safe boating instruction courses, and recommends that anyone operating watercraft be properly trained and certified. 


Tue, 14 May 24   Posted by: Gregory Forsythe

Flotilla 24-5, as part of USCG Auxiliary Division 24, was recently awarded the NACO Three Star Award for Excellence in Diversity by National Commodore Gus Formato. This annual award is intended to recognize Flotillas and Divisions for distinction in managing and valuing diversity. Units competing for the award must complete a minimum of four action items in each goal category to be considered for the award.

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary strives to create and maintain a diverse membership.  Our mission success and core values require us to ensure that our work environment enhances the potential and contribution of all members by encouraging inclusion, equity, and respect. 

These efforts support the Coast Guard's goal to be distinguished as the "Service of Choice" within the federal government for recruiting, retaining, and sustaining a ready, diverse, and highly skilled workforce.

Congratulations to all Flotilla 24-5 members, and members of our sister flotillas for this recognition from the National Commodore.


Labor Day weekend at Ditto Landing