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Welcome aboard to your new position on staff
Records from your Position
As you begin your new job on the Staff, you should receive the historical files from your predecessor in that position. If you have not received those files, please request them. Likewise, when you leave the Staff, you must provide all your electronic and hard copy files to your successor. Be sure to “cc” the person to whom you report on your request for records.
If you have not been given a position description for your job, request a copy of it from the person to whom you report to.
When I was serving in the Air Force it was called a “Continuity Folder”. Inside the manila folder or binder with plastic protector sheets were:
- Job description printed out or a link to download it
- Contact List of peers or other important phone numbers or email addresses
- Receipts from purchases (i.e. Godaddy accounts Search Engine Visibility, etc.)
- Anything else that might be relevant