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New Member Training
New Member Being Sworn in by Flotilla Commander
Once your application is final and the Flotilla Commander receives your enrollment confirmation, you will be sworn in as a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Prior to that, once your application has been received by the District Director of the Auxiliary (DIRAUX) and reviewed, you will enter Application Pending (AP) status. Once you receive a Member number, you can begin to complete your fundamental training that provides a baseline of knowledge.
To move out of AP status and become Basic Qualified, you need to accomplish the tasks below within your first year:
- Complete CORE training modules (6)
- Compete the Basic Qualification II (BQII) Course (7 modules)
- Complete a Safe Boating Class. (I you have taken one prior to joining, you need to provide a copy of the certificate. If not, the Flotilla Commander will arrange for you to attend a one-day About Boating Safely course as soon as possible)
While not required to move from AP to become Basic Qualified (BQ), it is recommended that new members complete the FEMA Incident Command System courses ICS 100 and ICS 700 sometime before the end of their first year since they are required for elected roles, and some appointed roles, as well as certain qualifications. They are available on the FEMA web site at the following links Incident Management and Preparedness Training site. You need to log in to view site. Go to "Page One" in the IM&P section of the site on left hand column. Because these are non-Coast Guard courses you'll need to forward a scan of the passing score Email to Rose DeGabriele, FSO-IS who will make sure this information is entered into AUXDATA.
If at anytime you need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the FSO-Member Training, Dennis DeGabriele