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First Uniforms for New Members

The first two uniforms that most new Auxiliarists obtain is the Tropical Blue Uniform (commonly referred to as "Trops") and the Operational Dress Uniform (commonly referred to as "ODUs"). It is recommended that all new members first speak with the Flotilla Commander or Member Training Staff Officer as to what uniform(s) they should acquire based on the duties and certifications that they wish to obtain and practice.


Tropical Blue

Tropical Blue Uniform

Commonly referred to as "Trops" within the Auxiliary, the Tropical Blue uniform is considered the standard uniform for day-to-day wear. The Tropical Blue uniform is appropriate for flotilla meetings, training courses, Auxiliary functions, and certain public affairs events, unless otherwise specified.


Operational Dress Uniform

ODU - Operational Dress Uniform

    Another uniform that is commonly worn is the Operational Dress Uniform (ODU). The ODU is worn for working missions and outdoor use such as boat crew missions and patrols, vessel safety checks, culinary service, and can be prescribed for various public events as well.

    The ODU uniform insignia consist of both sew-on and metal devices worn on uniforms.  As the ODU shirt and the sew-on name tapes shrink at different rates when initially washed, we recommend washing the ODU shirt and the sew-on name tape and Auxiliary tape prior to sewing the tapes onto the uniform.