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Overview: Auxiliary Core Training (AUXCT) prepares United States Coast Guard Auxiliarists to effectively serve as members of a volunteer organization that is in frequent contact with the American public and which augments and supports the US Coast Guard. This training provides a basic understanding of critical human relations policies, personal safety and organizational security topics, and the National Incident Management System.

Completion of AUXCT requirements places Auxiliarists on the same footing as other members of the Coast Guard workforce and allows seamless integration with their active duty, reserve and civilian employee counterparts. It also ensures that all members of the Coast Guard workforce stand ready to provide Service to Nation, fulfill our commitment to Duty to People, and reflects our Commitment to Excellence. To be considered ready to serve and in good standing with one of our nation's premiere volunteer organizations, members must conform to these training requirements. All Auxiliarists are strongly encouraged to embrace these training requirements and assist their Auxiliary shipmates to successfully complete them whenever needed.