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Auxiliarists From Woods Hole Flotilla Check Private Aid to Navigation
The Auxiliary assists the Coast Guard by verifying the positions of Private Aids TO Navigation (PATONS). These include all buoys and day marks maintained by harbormasters, aquaculture companies, marinas, yacht clubs and beach associations. PATONS mark beaches, navigational channels, rocks, regulatory needs and aquaculture sites.
Members can become qualified as an Aids Verifier, which includes training on accessing the Coast Guard data on PATONS in our area, such as their location, characteristic, owner, and duration of time being active. On-the-water activity involves verifying which PATONS are “watching properly” and noting those that have sustained some diminishing effect, such as weathering, damage, improper location or are missing altogether. Once approved as an Aids Verifier an Auxiliarist communicates this information to the Coast Guard.
The Woods Hole Flotilla is responsible for PATONs in the harbors, bays and ponds open to Buzzards Bay, Vineyard and Nantucket sounds. Auxiliary shallow draft boats and local knowledge make this an efficient operation with benefits to the boating public and to the Coast Guard. This work assists the USCG Aids to Navigation Team (ANT) based in Woods Hole, by relieving them of many seasonal aids in shallow waters, allowing them to spend their time focused on the Federal Aids to Navigation (ATONs) which they manage and maintain.
To learn more, go to Join the Auxiliary