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Help Video - Job Aide

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At the request of CMD Jolley, Commanding Officer of MSU, we are seeking your support during this PCS (Permanent Change of Station) season to assist with front desk duties.

The duties are straightforward, and we are developing a Standard Operating Guideline (SOG) for Auxiliary personnel who can help. Current responsibilities include:

  • Staffing the front desk
  • Answering and transferring phone calls
  • Operating the door via the buzzer system
  • Monitoring the security cameras

 You are allowed to bring your personal computer or other devices to work on while at the front desk. This is an excellent time to complete training or other tasks.

To participate, you must be at least IQ status and have your AUXCT up to date.

The front desk hours are Monday through Friday, from 0730 to 1500. This is a great opportunity to work closely with MSU and learn more about their operations on the Gold Side.

 CMD Jolley's vision is for us to support each other in our different missions, which he calls a "WIN-WIN."

 If you're interested in helping out, please let me know. We are also organizing a calendar to coordinate coverage. We understand that many of you have full-time jobs, but any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

This is a valuable opportunity to collaborate with the Gold Side and gain new insights.