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Congratulation on your election to Flotilla Commander. I am looking forward to working with you in this new year.

You will be sending your monthly reports to the Dis. 4 Vice Commander Scott Gram. Your reports will be displayed at the Division monthly meeting as a Power Point Slide. For this reason your reports should be no more than one page. Example:

FLOTILLA COMMANDER REPORT:  Jan 2019                                                      053-04-00

            Your Name, FC                                                                 Your ViceName, VFC

  • Flotilla 04-00 held its first meeting of the year with its new FC,  and new VFC, presiding.
  • 15 members at meeting 3 Guest No Votes taken
  • Flotilla 04-00 remains stable and financially sound with sufficient revenues to support all its activities for the foreseeable future.
  • Flotilla staff officers were sworn in at the meeting. Most roles remained filled by the prior year's FSOs .
  • Committee reports and staff reports were presented along with the flotilla's annual financial report.
  • There was discussion about the upcoming DTRAIN and the Philadelphia Boat Show.
  •  FC and VFC met to discuss goals for the coming year. In addition, the Flotilla is working to update their member list and current information on each member.


  • Frequent reminders on MT requirements and assistance being offered.


  • The flotilla will be teaching the ABS boating course this spring.


This report is just a suggested format, you can add what you want. Other information about your Flotilla will be received from your Staff Officers reports. You will be able to add info at the meeting. This I hope will help to speed up the meeting and allowance us to discuss other pertinent information.