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The Marine Safety Trident

The Auxiliary Marine Safety insignia was created pursuant to establishment  of the Coast Guard Marine Safety insignia. It recognizes the culmination of  Auxiliary training and qualification in a Coast Guard needs-based program.  This means that the types of program disciplines that Auxiliarists may pursue will hinge upon the needs of the cognizant Sector command (e.g., an Auxiliarist should not expect to pursue completion of the Assistant Facility Inspector Personal Qualification Standard (PQS) if the Sector command does  not have a need for Auxiliarists to be so qualified). Auxiliarists are not authorized to qualify in marine safety program disciplines that would earn the Coast Guard Marine Safety insignia. Auxiliarists who may have already earned the Coast Guard Marine Safety insignia may continue to wear such insignia, but they are not authorized to exercise, in a lead capacity, the authorities that are commensurate with it.

Auxiliarists must have the approval of the cognizant Sector command in order to commence program qualifications and work toward the Auxiliary Marine Safety insignia. The Sector command, working through the Auxiliary Sector Coordinator (ASC) and appropriate Auxiliary Unit Coordinators (AUCs), shall keep local Auxiliary units apprised of its Marine Safety program needs so as to properly guide Auxiliarists who desire to participate in marine safety programs and work towards the Auxiliary Marine Safety insignia.

The Auxiliary Marine Safety insignia is similar in appearance to the Coast Guard Marine Safety insignia with an additional blue Coast Guard Auxiliary shield with crossed anchors in the center of the device centered above the trident. 

Auxiliarists who successfully complete the following tasks are entitled to wear the Auxiliary Marine Safety insignia (there is no time limit in which these tasks must be completed):

  1. Introduction to Marine Safety and Environmental Protection (IMSEP) course.  If IMSEP was completed prior to 01 Oct 2010, Initial Indoctrination to Marine Safety (IIMS)  must also be completed.  (IIMS was an active duty course which has since been discontinued.  If IIMS has not been completed and IMSEP was earned prior to 01 Oct 2010, the new version of IMSEP must be completed)

  2. Good Mate Course

  3. Incident Command System (ICS) courses 100/ 200/ 700/ 800

  4. ICS course 210 (Coast Guard taught) or ISC 300 (FEMA taught)

  5. At least four Auxiliary marine safety program PQS

  6. Perform at least 96 hours of program activity per year for at least five years (these years do not have to be consecutive)

 Marine Safety (Trident) Device Application

The Trident Program Report 

Image of Poseidon Drawing