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Navigation course

The Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Boat U.S. Foundation have released a new state-of-the-art online interactive course known as Modern Marine Navigation.

This comprehensive course provides the recreational boater with a navigation training program approved by the Coast Guard Navigation Center in a completely online format. To learn more about the course, and to enroll, go to or to receive a 10% discount on this course, be sure to enter promotional code: 0140503

Whether you want to improve your navigational skills on your local waters, or you’re longing to cruise in foreign and exotic locations, Modern Marine Navigation will help you on your way to become a better boater conveniently, in your own home. With this course you will learn the basics of plotting, reading charts, identifying ATONs and using them to find your way on the water as well as an introduction to electronic navigation all presented online where you can study at your own pace. This is the only navigation course to be completely vetted by the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center.